Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2581: Appoint an apprentice

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"It's what you asked. Don't blame me for anything." Mu Binglan frowned and took a step back. Wu Xiuluo didn't speak and still stood easily.

Mu Binglan bent her knees slightly, lowered her waist, and stared at Wu Xiuluo tightly. Suddenly she moved, padding, punching, and very simple movements.

But just like Cun Jin, punching punches through the cushion step, the impact force of the fist instantly doubled.

This is the difference between martial arts and ordinary people in boxing. Ordinary people use arm strength, but the strength of martial arts comes from both feet and the earth.

The strength is transmitted through the legs, the big spine, and penetrates to the arm, plus the kinetic energy of the forward acceleration, the power of this punch is hit.

Mu Binglan's fist was directed at Wu Xiuluo's shoulder. Obviously she still kept her hand. In a real fight, this punch would hit the throat, eyes, or bridge of the nose. This kind of vital point was hit, and the combat effectiveness was directly lost.

Therefore, in the ring of sporting events, special forces are unlikely to beat boxers, but if they fight in life and death, boxers will die!

Although Mu Binglan didn't strike the point, the power of the punch could not be carried by ordinary people, but Wu Xiuluo still didn't move, letting his fist strike.

Mu Binglan frowned slightly, subconsciously withdrawing some strength, and then boxed on Wu Xiuluo's shoulder, she only needed to repel Wu Xiuluo without hurting her.

But she found that her power, like a mud bull, entered the sea, disappeared when she hit Wu Xiuluo, and Wu Xiluo didn't move, let alone was repelled.

"You ..." Mu Binglan was stunned. This was not to relieve the force. If it was to relieve the force, there would be a small movement to release the power of the fist.

It was n’t even kung fu practice. People who practiced kung fu exercised their muscles as hard as iron, but her fist touched flexible muscles.

"How?" Lin Tian pointed to Wu Xiuluo and said to Mu Binglan.

Mu Binglan settled his mind and said, "Unfathomable."

"Do you want to practice?" Lin Tian asked again.

Mu Binglan hesitated a little, wondering: "I don't understand, why did she suddenly teach me kung fu?"

"Some things, you will understand later." Lin Tian did not specify her identity, and in her current state, she couldn't understand it, let alone believe it.

"I learn." Mu Binglan is not an indecisive person, and simply agreed: "Are we going to go through the process of apprenticeship?"

"Teach you, but I can't accept you as an apprentice." Wu Xiuluo said very solemnly.

Mu Binglan looked at Lin Tian again and wondered a little bit. Since ancient times, Kung Fu has not passed on from inside to outside. Even the apprentices have different levels of teaching. Only the disciples can learn the most profound exercises.

Like this kind of non-entertainer, no teacher who teaches, teaches kung fu, at most it is pointing one or two, and will not teach. But looking at Wu Xiuluo's solemn business, it doesn't seem to be a matter of pointing one or two, but rather to teach each other.

Lin Tian thought for a moment, and came to understand it, and explained on his behalf: "There are some things that are not easy to say, and you are regarded as a teacher."

"Acting on behalf of the teacher?" Mu Binglan whispered, no longer entangled, but solemnly saluted: "Well see sister."

"Well." Wu Xiuluo nodded and said seriously: "From today, every night at ten o'clock, every morning at five o'clock, you come to me, I will officially teach you kung fu."

"Sister Xie, what about us now?" Mu Binglan was already eager to try.

Wu Xiuluo just took out one thing and handed it to her: "This is the recipe for the practice. Usually, when you are free, you meditate on the practice. The main focus is on practice, living, sitting and lying. Chai, it ’s all truth to the heart. "

Mu Binglan took both hands and solemnly said: "I will keep in mind the teachings of Sister Sister, do what she does, and keep working hard."

"Now you go back to class first. If the classmate asks, you can tell me the truth and practice with me." Wu Xiuluo urged.

Mu Binglan paid a tribute, then looked at Lin Tian and Xiao Manxuan again, nodded, turned around, and read the notes while walking.

"There are only three left. I have only seen one side of the Yanmo Messenger. I can't help it if I want to find it." Lin Tian said softly.

"Look at the chance." Wu Xiuluo seemed calm, but Lin Tian knew that she also wanted to find the other three messengers as soon as possible.

It's just that the other three didn't have any news. It was really not easy to find.

"Then shall we go back to Tianfu next, or will we take classes at school?" Xiao Manxuan asked, Gu Huatian's matter came to an end, and the other messengers had no information. It seemed that there was no major issue for the time being.

"We are still in the state of social practice. If we want to come back to class, we have to apply to the students to end the practice. Let's go back to the dorm first." Lin Tian thought for a while and said.

Separately from Wu Xiuluo, Lin Tian and Xiao Manxuan returned to the apartment building dormitory, went round and round, and returned here. Although it is just a small suite, it gives a feeling of tranquility.

Back at the door, Lin Tian was about to open the door with the key, his heart suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Manxuan was a little strange.

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Someone in the house."

"Who?" Xiao Manxuan stunned, and then looked alert: "Who is so bold to dare to occupy our nest, I let Xiaozi deal with them."

"Okay, you let Xiaozi take a look." Lin Tian smiled.

Xiao Manxuan felt Lin Tian smiled strangely. At this time, the door opened with a creak, and it was said that someone opened it accurately.

Seeing the person who opened the door, Xiao Manxuan was overjoyed, and then threw up: "Sister ..."

"Miss, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you." Lin Tian smiled and smiled. The person who opened the door was Miss. He also made a hug.

However, the female executive evaded and gave Lin Tian a white eye ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ was very dissatisfied: "I know it is us and let Xiaozi deal with it. How do you want to deal with it?"

"Uh, Xiaozi likes to bite clothes. I don't know if he can bite Wujin Inner Armor ..." Lin Tian said hehe.

Missy suddenly made a big red face, angry and annoyed: "You're so angry with me all my life."

"Cough, are you going to let Xiaozi deal with me this way?" Another woman came over and stared at Lin Tian with a smile.

"Aunt Wang laughed, Aunt Wang was beautiful and generous, her temperament was dusty, how dare I." The other woman was Wang Wanxi, Lin Tian said with a cheek, this "compliment" exchanged the two women's unanimous eyes.

"Sister, Aunt Wang, how do you know we will come back to the dormitory?" Xiao Manxuan was very curious.

"We know that you returned to Tianfu, but when you went to Tianfu, four foreign women told me that you returned to school, so come and wait in advance." When talking about the four foreign women, Wang Wanxi glanced at Lin Tian. , Full of meaning.

Missy also looked at Lin Tian and said, "Where did you go during this time, just like the world disappeared."