Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2814: disappeared

"Zombie Bodyguard (

"You are crazy!" Lin Tian yelled and pressed with one hand, a black hole appeared in front of him, and the Jingshi Dragon Ball slammed into the black hole. The golden flames swelled fiercely, but it was not swallowed.

Lin Tian turned slowly with a single palm, just like spinning the wheel of life and death, the black hole violently accelerated its rotation, and the black vortex seemed to penetrate another world.

The golden flame was violently pulled and was drawn into the vortex of the black hole. At the same time as it swallowed the golden flame, Lin Tian held his other hand in the void, the Heavenly Tribulation Sword appeared, and a purple flame was burning.

"Go!" Lin Tianping pushed, and the Heavenly Tribulation Sword flashed and appeared in front of Zhang Ruyan almost instantly.

"Sister Ruyan..." Zhang Lingyu was anxious, and she didn't know why it was like this.

Zhang Ruyan was not in a hurry, and smiled slightly. A light curtain suddenly appeared, and the Heavenly Tribulation Sword pierced the light curtain, making a harsh sound. The light curtain runes circulating, no matter how powerful the Heavenly Tribulation Sword is, it cannot break through.

"Ruyan, enough!" Lin Tian said coldly, and a black light appeared on top of Zhang Ru's cigarette.

The black light expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it became a huge black hole. In the black hole domain, double power exploded, and huge gravity was added to Zhang Ruyan. She felt heavy on her body, and she knelt down on one knee.

At the same time, the energy in her body, the energy of the enchantment, is constantly being pulled and swallowed by the black hole, and she feels the loss of mana.

"Lin Tian..." Zhang Lingyu was anxious again, she knew that Ruyan stirred Lin Tian's nerves.

"Stop, just joking with you, what are you doing so seriously." Zhang Ruyan suddenly said.

Lin Tian remained calm, still pressing down on the black hole domain, Zhang Ruyan said quickly: "Okay, okay, I take it back."

After that, she waved, and the Jingshi Dragon Ball flew back, and all the golden flames disappeared.

Lin Tian waved his hand, the black hole disappeared, and the Heavenly Tribulation Sword flew back. When everyone saw that the two stopped their hands, they were relieved.

"Elder Kong Qing, I'm sorry to disturb you, it's okay now." Lin Tian said calmly.

Yan Kongqing nodded and looked at Zhang Ruyan before leaving. Soon Lin Tian was left in front of the nave.

Zhang Lingyu hurriedly stepped forward and put away the Jingshi Dragon Ball, for fear that Ruyan might do something again.

"Sister Ruyan, you just..." Zhang Lingyu couldn't help asking after collecting the Purifying World Dragon Ball.

"I'm just trying the power of Jingshi Dragon Ball to see if I can kill Xu Feibai. Now it seems that killing him is more than enough." Zhang Lingyu didn't rush and didn't care about questioning.

Lin Tian frowned and said, "You may not know that Xu Feibai is dead."

"Dead?" Zhang Ruyan was stunned for a moment, and then showed a strange smile: "It's good to be dead. You will be at the mercy of others all your life. What's the point of being alive."

"Uh, it's not right to say that he died. Xu Feibai has completely lost himself, resurrected the minister, and has taken over his body. Therefore, he looks like Xu Feibai, but in fact he is the minister." Lin Tian hesitated for a while, or Tell her the truth.

Zhang Ruyan turned his head and stared at Lin Tian. After watching for a long time, he suddenly said, "Can you finish talking in one go? It seems that I shouldn't retain my strength just now and take you in one go."

"I shouldn't retain my strength and swallow your mana cleanly, lest you go crazy, and the enemy is irrespective of the enemy." Lin Tian confronted each other, seeing that he was about to fight again.

Zhang Lingyu, Xiao Manxuan, and several people looked at them, and said in one accord: "Can you two stop a little bit, you have nowhere to do it, you can also help Elder Ling Tie strike the iron."

"Alright, I will burn the generals together at that time." Zhang Ruyan said lightly, returning to his usual indifferent again.

"Lingyu, don't care about her, you should study the Jingshi Dragon Ball carefully and master its power. From the previous battle, I have some new discoveries. If you have time, you can ask Ruyan and she will tell you." Lin Tian He deliberately said the last sentence a little more heavily, so that Zhang Ruyan could not be idle.

Women will think wildly when they are idle, let alone a lunatic like Zhang Ruyan.

Zhang Ruyan left leisurely, as if nothing happened just now, the others had no choice but to share.

"Lin Tian, ​​have you beaten Sister Ruyan?" Xiao Manxuan asked in a low voice. She just saw Lin Tian used the black hole domain as soon as she came up.

"It should be possible. I have a hole card and she doesn't use the formation. However, the formation is suitable for arrangement beforehand. It is used temporarily in battle. Some powerful formations cannot be completed." Lin Tian analyzed very objectively. .

"That's okay, sometimes I can't see through Ruyan's mind." Xiao Manxuan breathed a sigh of relief. Although she usually gets along well, Zhang Ruyan has a bad temper.

Lin Tian chuckled and said: "It's actually very simple. Some things will always end, including me. If I lose control one day, she will take action against me and end me."

"Whoever dares to kill you, I will kill whoever, I don't care what you do." Xiao Manxuan said very confidently.

"Don't worry, I'm not that vulnerable..." Lin Tianzheng wanted to say something when the phone rang.

"Unfamiliar number?" Lin Tian took it out and looked at it, but it was an unfamiliar mobile phone number.

Recently, there are very few unfamiliar numbers calling in. UU reading www. Although uukanshu.com was puzzled, Lin Tian was still connected.

"Mr. Lin, hello, I am a subordinate of Sister Ziyan, the manager of the flagship store in Jinghua City, I have something to ask you." A woman's voice came from the phone.

Lin Tian and Xiao Manxuan looked at each other. The female manager was also there when they fell out with Ziyan at the flagship store last time.

"What's the matter?" Lin Tian asked.

"Can you... come to the flagship store? I don't know." The female manager stopped talking, seemingly confused.

"Good." Lin Tian agreed without hesitation.

After hanging up the phone and seeing Xiao Manxuan looking at herself with a smile, Lin Tian knew what she was thinking.

"Go, I support you, after all, you still call her senior sister." Xiao Manxuan gave an affirmative look.

Lin Tian glanced down, then turned and walked out.

Looking at Lin Tian's eyes when she was leaving, she looked down and her face flushed: "Asshole, rascal."

It turns out that the clothes that I draped on my body didn't know when it was loose, and the spring light couldn't cover it.

Lin Tian left Tianfu, drove at Jinghua City, and arrived at the flagship store and parked the car directly at the door.

Such arrogant behavior attracted the attention of many customers, but soon they discovered that the female manager came out to greet her in person.

This time, there was no provocation without eye-opening. Lin Tian and the female manager got on the elevator smoothly, and the female manager took him directly to Zi Yan's office.

"What's the matter?" Lin Tian frowned and asked.

"Sister Ziyan hasn't appeared for a month." The female manager looked solemn.

"Does she often come to the flagship store?" Lin Tian asked calmly.

"I often come during this time. Even if I didn't come, I used to call regularly to ask about the situation in the store. Sister Zi Yan told me that if she didn't contact the store for a month, let me find Mr. Lin." Female The manager solemnly said.