Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 282: Complaint letter

Thanks to this director Gao's management work for so many years, he can't even understand this point. The principal's seriousness towards his subordinates is a way of controlling the subordinates, not because of other things.

It stands to reason that the principal should hold such an attitude of not advocating or opposing this kind of matter, otherwise he would not be able to explain to the Xiao family. Now he is looking for a conversation. Could anyone make a small report? Lin Tian couldn't figure out what the reason was, and he also hoped that the director could not reveal anything. Anyway, the soldiers came to block the water and cover the soil.

Came to the principal's office again, and Director Gao knocked on the door and left. Lin Tian and Xiao Manxuan walked into the office. Principal Yan was still sitting behind his desk, reading the documents.

"Mr. Lin, Ms. Xiao, you are here, you don't have to be constrained, you can sit at will." President Yan smiled kindly, but he later reacted, and he did everything.

These two are not simple characters. One is the money of the Xiao family, and the other is young, patient but good, almost scary.

In this conversation, President Yan saw Lin Tian's patience. It was not like he could learn it at this age, but the fact is that this teenager has no patience of his own. This is a trait of Chengda, and President Yan had to look at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled and sat down naturally, of course, he would not twist in front of the principal. Not to mention a headmaster, Lin Tian is the foreign president sitting in front of him. Lin Tian still wants to do what he wants.

Xiao Manxuan is also not afraid of things. She has seen many powerful people and even the principal!

Principal Yan did not show off tea art again this time, and quickly made two cups of tea and put them in front of Lin Tian.

"Mr. Lin, Ms. Xiao, I am not secretive either. I opened the door and said," I received a complaint letter this morning about your complaint letter. "President Yan made a good tea and went straight to the subject.

Sure enough, someone made a small report, and Lin Tian sneered at the corner of his mouth. It seemed that his enemies were quite a lot. Everyone was against him.

Lin Tian knows that his reputation in Xikou is high, even if he is a student's authority. Ordinary students will definitely not do small reports. If ordinary students do small reports, the principal can ignore them.

Since President Yan specifically called for a conversation, Lin Tian didn't know what he was doing.

"Principal Yan ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I don't know what is said in the complaint letter, what did we do wrong?" Lin Tian was not excited, just asked lightly.

"The content of the letter is a complaint that the two of you are in a high-profile relationship on campus, affecting the learning of other students and destroying the school discipline." President Yan took a look at Lin Tian and said briefly.

Covering a big hat, Lin Tian sneered again, Xiao Manxuan frowned.

Lin Tian looked at the principal calmly and said, "Have we ever been in love? How do we have a high profile? How does it affect the learning of other students? Did President Yan actually investigate?"

"This ..." Principal Yan was speechless for a while, and I didn't know what to say, he never investigated. In fact, he also wanted to make things big, so he talked to Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian hadn't waited for a lot of questions.

Principal Yan could only laugh bitterly in his heart. For other students, he was all in order in front of himself, and only he dared to ask back.

Lin Tianniu's temperament is like this. Why not admit what he hasn't done, and say that it affects the students' study, and it is a matter of nothingness. What the principal wants to do is his business. Anyway, Lin Tian has to make things clear first.