Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 2830: Life or death uncertain

  Chapter 2784 Life and death uncertain

   "Lin Tian, ​​come and see Ziyan..." Ling Zishan saw Lin Tian wake up and called again.

  Lin Tian turned his head and looked. The purple smoke that used to perform the secret technique was leaning against the rock wall at this time. His face was pale and scary, and his lips had faded. The whole person was weaker than the previous few days.

   What makes Lin Tian more disturbed is that the vitality of Zi Yan is very weak, like a candle in the wind, the lamp will die at any time.

   "Senior Sister..." Lin Tian didn't care that his head was still in confusion, and quickly took Zi Yan's hand.

  The tentacles were cold and shockingly cold. Lin Tian immediately turned on the super perspective and scanned Zi Yan's whole body. He was stunned. Zi Yan did not have any internal or external injuries, but his breath was weak and pitiful.

   "How could this be..." Lin Tian frowned.

  Zi Yan raised his eyes laboriously and smiled reluctantly: "Little Junior Brother, Senior Sister is just weak. It will be fine in a few days."

   "Weak? Your vitality is losing..." Lin Tian was confused in his mind, and suddenly surprised: "You... used Heaven's Judgment!"

  Zi Yan was silent for a while, then said: "Senior Sister lied to you again, do you hate Senior Sister?"

  The secret is broken! Lin Tian sat down, his face seemed to have been struck by five thunders. At the beginning, his grandfather was broken because of his secret secrets, and finally died when the lamp ran out. Now, Ziyan has embarked on the same end!

   "You promised me, you don't need to be broken by the secret..." Lin Tian felt that the edge was cutting in his heart, and he was heartbroken.

   "Senior Sister is a liar woman. It's not the first time I lied to you. Fortunately, I finally completed the task. I can go..." Zi Yan once again showed a charming smile, as if returning to the light.

  "I won't let you die!" Lin Tian picked up Zi Yan, shocked his feet, and a black hole appeared under his feet, and the three of them disappeared instantly.

   reappeared, already in the nave, Xiao Manxuan was waiting in the nave, seeing Lin Tian suddenly appearing, and weak purple smoke, hurried over.

   "Sister Ziyan..." Xiao Manxuan was worried.

   "Xuan Xuan, stay in the hall, don't let people come in and disturb." Lin Tian eagerly ordered, holding the purple smoke upstairs.

  "Little Junior Brother, ignore me, hurry up and digest today's information. Can you find the Pangu Tomb? This is the last chance." Zi Yan lay on the bed and reminded him anxiously.

   "I don't care what tomb it is. As long as the senior sister lives, I can't let you repeat the same mistakes as my grandfather!" Lin Tian didn't listen at all. With a palm, three spirit fruits appeared.

  The purple flame burned, and after a while, the spirit fruit turned into energy, and Lin Tian turned his hand on the abdomen of Ziyan, slowly inputting the energy.

   The energy dissipated and flowed to her limbs, corpses, and internal organs, supplemented by the spirit fruit energy, Zi Yan's expression improved a little, but what made Lin Tian's heart sinking was that Zi Yan's vitality did not improve at all.

"Little Junior Brother, I don't like seeing you frown. You are the kind of person who is still unrestrained in the face of death. Why are you so frowning now? What you have to do is find the Pangu Tomb. As for Senior Sister, it is not that easy to die. "Zi Yan smiled relaxedly.

   "I can face my own death, but I can't watch you die." Lin Tian said solemnly.

   "Trust Sister, I can't die." Zi Yan said very positively.

  Lin Tian shook his head: "Every time you say this, you are lying to me. If you use the secret of heaven to cut life, why did Grandpa..."

  "It's not the same. This time I use Jizhou Ding and Dimai to help me, and I can keep the first line of life." Ziyan is still very determined.

  "Well, in that case, you can stay in Tianfu with peace of mind until you recover." Lin Tian said beyond doubt.

   "Okay." Zi Yan said pitifully.

  Lin Tian checked her again before leaving the room. When closing the door, he seemed to hear a soft sigh.

   "Lin Tian, ​​how is Sister Ziyan?" At this time, the hall was already waiting for a lot of people, and the lady couldn't wait to ask.

  Lin Tian was silent for a moment, and said, “Ziyan used the secret of heaven, and the vitality was damaged. I don’t know if Jizhou Ding can save her life.”

   "The secret is broken? What secret is this?" Several people didn't understand at all.

  "A secret method that consumes vitality, so Grandpa runs out of oil." Lin Tian's voice was very low.

  Everyone look at me, I look at you, I don’t know what to do.

  Lin Tian looked at Zhang Lingyu and Zhang Ruyan: "The exorcist is proficient in various secret arts, is there any way to solve the secret of the secret?"

   "No." Zhang Lingyu and Zhang Ruyan answered without hesitation.

  "The secret of the heavens damages the soul and the body at the same time. This is the consequence of forcibly spying on the heavens. I hope that, as you said, Jizhou Ding can keep her alive." Zhang Ruyan sighed.

  "The people of Tianjimen are stubborn!" Lin Tian muttered to himself, muttering in a low voice.

   "Everyone is gone." Ling Zishan waved, feeling heavy.

When everyone else left, Ling Zishan turned to Lin Tian and asked very solemnly, "Are you really going to find Pangu Tomb?"

  Lin Tian looked at her for a long while, as if she could see the worry and indelible sadness in her heart: "Pan Gu Tomb, put aside in advance, now I just want to save Zi Yan." After that, he walked upstairs.

Looking at Lin Tian's back, Ling Zishan seemed to be relieved, but his eyes were extremely complicated.

  Early the next morning, Lin Tian took breakfast and went to Ziyan’s room before he started practicing.

   knocked on the door, and there was no response in the room. Lin Tian sank in his heart and pushed the door directly into the room. There was no one else in the room.

  The quilts are neatly folded, and the tables and chairs are neat and tidy, as if no one has ever lived.

  A letterhead was placed on the head of the bed and pressed with a pen. Lin Tian grabbed it, and the letterhead flew over automatically. The beautiful font, with a little mysterious atmosphere, was like purple smoke.

  "Little Junior Brother, I’m leaving. Senior Sister is a liar, and she lied to you again. Look for the Pangu Tomb. I know this must not be hidden from the big guys, but you are one step ahead. This is your first opportunity."

  "Don’t try to find me~lightnovelpub.net~ because you can’t find it. If the elder sister is not dead, she will come back to find you, because you still owe her something, and there will be a period, Ziyan."

  In a few brief words, Lin Tian turned up the stormy waves in his heart, and wave after wave hit his mind, his arms trembled slightly because of excessive force.

   Suddenly, he disappeared, and in a blink of an eye, he has appeared above Tianfu. The super perspective ability is fully opened, and the field of vision is overwhelming. With Tianfu as the center, all of them scanned past, even the mountains and forests.

  The four fields are vast, the flowers and trees are still there, but the beautiful woman has disappeared.

  Lin Tian suddenly appeared in the sky above Tianfu, attracting many people's attention, but before everyone had time to shout, Lin Tian disappeared again.

  In a place far away from Tianfu, Lin Tian reappeared, he turned on the super perspective again, and his vision scanned over and over again, but there was still nothing.

  Lin Tian just flew with his sword and scanned the carpet, before returning to the city unknowingly.

Jingle Bell……

  The phone in his pocket suddenly rang. Lin Tian took it out and saw that it was Ning Luoxi's number. After hesitating, he still connected.

  (End of this chapter)