Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 293: Zuo Xing'er's help

"Oh, she was a student, I was a security guard, a bar attendant, and the two met once a week, and sometimes even half a month. Now think about it, Qi Jing should have begun to empathize and fall in love soon after I dropped out of school Well, it was only then that I was only concerned about the work that was greedy early, and didn't pay attention to it. "Lin Tian said lightly, without avoiding anything.

"But it's not very good now, at least one person can be seen clearly." Xiao Manxuan blinked and said.

"Hey, you girl, you can still tell the truth." Lin Tian smiled, shot suddenly, and shaved the little girl's nose. Well, it feels good and slippery.

Then Lin Tian looked at Zhang Lingyu again, and wanted to reapply the tricks, but she was very vigilant, and only turned around and slipped back to the classroom. Xiao Manxuan's tenderness came from behind.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are a big bad guy!"

I am a bad guy, who am I afraid of? Anyway, I am not a good person for many years, Lin Tian hehe he did not care about her swearing nickname.

In this sunny afternoon, torture the enemy and flirt with the beauty school flowers, Lin Tian feels that this day is not ordinary, but unfortunately Zhang Lingyu was too powerful to start, and when she was injured, I did not seize the opportunity to conquer her. Lao Tzu was a failure.

At the end of the last class, Lin Tian and the two school flowers walked out of the school gate and prepared to go back, but a man suddenly ran out of the corner and blocked the way.

Damn, which **** is so bold and dare to stop Lao Tzu's way, Lin Tian murmured uncomfortably, without seeing, reaching out to push the person in front.

"Lin Tian, ​​stop." Xiao Manxuan shouted suddenly.

Lin Tian didn't know what she meant, but she stopped and finally noticed the person in front of her. It turned out to be a little girl, and she looked like Xiao Manxuan.

The little girl's long hair was tied up, and there were a few strands of hair floating in her ears, her face was tender and rosy, her eyes seemed to be surprised, and she was dressed in white sportswear.

Lin Tian finally noticed his hand, which was very close to the little girl, and almost pushed away.

He retracted his hand calmly, and looked at the little girl's face again. It seemed that he had seen it somewhere.

"You are left ... Xinger?" Lin Tian said in surprise.

He suddenly remembered the girl who had met in the Taekwondo Hall, the girl who contributed his lipstick for the signature. Lin Tian did not leave her a phone number, but said that something had come to Xikou City, but did not expect to find it.

"Yes, Brother Lin, you remember me, I'm Zuo Xing'er," said the girl with a happy smile on her face.

But then, the smile on Zuo Xinger's face disappeared, and she changed to a worried expression.

"Miss Xinger, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Manxuan went to hold her hand and asked with concern.

Lin Tian also felt weird. He was just happy, but suddenly changed.

"Brother Lin, you have to help me, now all I can think of is Brother Lin." Zuo Xing'er looked a little bit crying, and said anxiously.

"Don't worry, let's talk about what happened first." Lin Tian patted her shoulder and calmed her down.

Zuo Xing'er calmed down and said, "Brother Lin, do you remember Haolong Taekwondo Hall? The leisure heart is our family's property, and Cui Haolong also rents us."

"But because of this incident, the students almost all dropped out, and I heard that Cui Haolong offended others and lost a lot of money, and the club is facing closure. My uncle approached him and asked him if he has any funds to continue the operation, or he will take back the club."

The one he offended wasn't me? Lin Tian froze for a while, but did not expect such a coincidence, nor did he think that leisure is the industry of this Zuo Xing'er family.

The closure of the Taekwondo Hall was expected by Lin Tianzao. He kicked the hall and destroyed the underneath the hall. Certainly no one would go to study. It is also reasonable for Zuo Xing'er's family to recover the guild hall. In such a prime location, the vacancy itself is a loss, and Zuo's family must sublet.

Zuo Xing'er paused and continued, "But Cui Haolong didn't want to. My uncle negotiated with them a few times. It was useless. In the end, my uncle decided to take the legal channel. Who knows that my uncle was beaten yesterday and is still unconscious hospital."

"My grass, it must be that Cui Haolong did! Come to our Huaxia mixed rice to eat, and ride our heads, when we are so bullied, I am too kind to him!" Lin Tian burst out swearing.

"I don't know who hit it, but in the uncle's body, a note was left. The note said, if you dare to call the police, put me ... that's the note they left." Left Xinger shuddered and said in a low voice.

Lin Tian took a piece of blank paper and wrote a few crooked lines on it, all of which were threatening words. He really threatened Zuo Xinger.

In my day, Lin Tian grabbed the white paper hard, pulverized it into powder, and his eyes flashed with strange blue light.

He suppressed his anger and asked, "What about your parents, why are you alone in your family?"

"They have gone abroad, and I dare not tell them, for fear that they will come back and suffer the same injuries as their uncle." Zuo Xing'er lowered his head and whispered.

This little girl is so naive. Do you think concession can solve the problem? Lin Tian shook his head, but didn't say anything, just pulled out his cell phone and called Rossi's phone.

"My brother, what's the order?" Rossi's voice was always indifferent.

"The horse is going to check Cui Haolong's whereabouts. I want to know where he is before twelve o'clock!" Lin Tian said lowly.

"Okay, I'll check it." Rossi directly executed Lin Tian's order without asking any reason.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Tian said to Zuo Xinger again, "Which hospital is your uncle in? I will accompany you to see ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Maybe I can help."

"Brother Lin, do you know how to heal?" With Lin Tian, ​​Zuo Xinger felt a lot more stable, she asked nicely.

"A little, let's go and see first." Lin Tian didn't boast about Haikou. He knew that the acupuncture was not fake, but he had to see the wounded before he knew how to heal.

He turned around and looked at Zhang Lingyu, and asked, "Zhang Lingyu, I can't go back now if I have something. Are you going with us, or do you go back by yourself?"

"Of course I will go with you. You actually know how to heal. I really don't know. Of course, I have to take a look." Zhang Lingyu's face was full of disbelief, smiling.

She really didn't believe what Lin Tian could understand. It was amazing to learn the ancient martial arts at a young age. If the medicine was also good, wouldn't he be a genius?

Medicine cannot be faked at all. It is a life-threatening job with death. There is no real effort. It is necessary to reveal the filling.

Lin Tian saw Zhang Lingyu's suspicion, but did not resolve anything, just went to pick up the car, and then drove to the hospital under the guidance of Zuo Xing'er.