Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 345: Treatment completed

When he arrived at the ward, Zhong Huiyun was chatting with Zuo Hongyi. Zuo Hongyi looked very good. When Lin Tian came in, he wanted to get out of bed to greet him, but Lin Tian still walked a few steps, holding him down to keep him from moving.

"Lao Zuo, you listen to Mr. Lin." Zhong Huiyun also persuaded, now he is completely convinced of Lin Tian.

"That's really embarrassing, Mr. Lin, I have to bother you every day." Zuo Hongyi said with guilt.

Moreover, he heard that the matter of the Taekwondo Hall has also been resolved, which is also related to the appearance of the young man in front of him, so he is grateful to Lin Tian.

"No trouble, acupuncture is used to save people, otherwise, why do you learn it? Is it used for decoration?" Lin Tian waved his hand and smiled indifferently.

"Oh, that's Mr. Lin's noble character. Some people have learned their skills, but they are used to hurt people and make a profit. Now a good person like Mr. Lin is rare." Zhong Huiyun sincerely praised.

"Brother Lin is the best person." Zuo Xinger also said, but after saying that, he felt too ambiguous, and his face turned red.

Lin Tian is indifferent. He has been used to being considered a bad person and a good person for a while. Anyway, good and bad, all these little girls say.

"Nurse Xiaoxia ..." Lin Tian turned to the young nurse who followed.

But before she finished, Xiao Xia said with a smile: "Is Brother Lin going to disinfect the silver needle? I'll prepare it."

The nurses here have a high professional quality and a fast response. Lin Tian admired that if all doctors in Huaxia Hospital could do their utmost, the relationship between doctors and patients would not be so tense.

But in fact, there are quite a lot of people like Dr. Bi, who are not proficient in medicine and jealous. They are more enthusiastic about fighting than trying to improve their medicine.

Nurse Xiaoxia disinfected the silver needles, and other nurses brought hot water. Lin Tian pretended to pulse Zuo Hongyi's veins, and his perspective penetrated his skull again, straight into his skull.

The blood clot in Zuo Hongyi's furnace has been very small. After the repair of blood vessels and meridians, the immune system in his body has already functioned, and the blood clot is automatically cleared, but the process is a bit slow.

What Lin Tian has to do today is to dissolve the blood clot once again, and the rest will depend on his immune system. He picked up the silver needle and started acupuncture in Zuo Hongyi. This time the acupuncture was much easier. With Zuo Hongyi's body slowly recovering, the blood in the body was more vigorous and the effect of acupuncture was better.

Still waiting until Zuo Hongyi's fingers were sore and painful, Lin Tian used the Mitsubishi needle to bleed blood, and this time he bleed more times. Because Zuo Hongyi recovered well, putting in more blood would have little effect. Otherwise, he would lose blood if he was weak.

After the acupuncture was completed, Zhong Huiyun helped Zuo Hongyi to wipe the sweat, Lin Tian exited the monitoring room, and Zuo Xinger also came out.

"Ms. Xinger, this is the last acupuncture treatment. Your uncle can be discharged for another period of hospitalization and observation. I will not use it later." Lin Tian said.

"Aren't you coming?" Zuo Xing'er's face was a little lost, and he said softly.

"It's a good thing that I'm not here to represent that your uncle is completely cured. Don't you want your uncle to be completely well?" Lin Tian was amused by her expression and laughed.

This little girl has been with her in the hospital, explaining that her relatives are very nervous. Now that she has a chance to heal, what about her loss?

Zuo Xing'er looked back and quickly waved his hand: "No ... no, of course I hope my uncle is healed, but ... but if you don't come, I won't see ... you ..."

The little girl hadn't finished her words, and her pretty face was flying red, and in the end, her voice was so small that she could only hear it.

"That's right, it's a good thing your uncle is cured. Don't frown, well, I still have something to do." Lin Tian looked at the chick with amusement and said.

Seeing that the girl was still in a daze, Lin Tian didn't understand what she was thinking, so she turned to leave.

Just after taking a few steps, Zuo Xing'er suddenly shouted, "Brother Lin, can I go to school to find you in the future?"

Lin Tian didn't speak, raised his hand and made an "ok" gesture backward, then waved his hand and left, as if Zuo Xinger behind him seemed to have figured out something, a smile appeared on his face again.

Out of the hospital, Lin Tian took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and it was time for dinner.

But Lin Tian didn't have time to go back to eat, but also went to the bar to see how the ghost did things. He thought about it, and sent a text message to Xiao Manxuan, saying that he would not go back to dinner, so that the girl would not wait at home again.

Just after sending the text message, Lin Tian immediately received the reply from the girl, who was afraid of hundreds of characters in a long line. First, he educated him not to eat on time, and then told him to remember to eat and come back soon.

This little girl's tone sounded a bit like the wife's accusation of her husband. Lin Tian shook her head and smiled, but enjoyed this feeling of concern, from small to large, except for the care of Grandpa, only Fang Yan.

Before driving, Lin Tian called Liu Xing's phone.

"Heaven, hey, why don't you have time to contact me today, don't you need to spend time with your sister-in-law?"

"Student Liu Xing, brother, I am still a single nobleman, don't talk nonsense." Lin Tianzheng retorted, and then said, "Are you free tonight? I have something to do with you."

"Of course I'm free, Brother Tian calls, on call."

"Fuck, don't be disgusting anymore, I don't know, we thought the two of us were working together. See you at the school gate." Lin Tian hung up the phone.

Although good friends, a lifetime, but can not really come to a broken back mountain. Lin Tian drove to Xikou City High School. Due to the fast college entrance examination, Liu Xing lived on campus this weekend, otherwise it would take a lot of time to return to his hometown.

Reaching the school gate, Liu Xing was waiting outside, but this time he recognized the bulletproof car ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ came over and sat in.

"Heaven, suddenly called, what's the matter?" Liu Xinghao asked.

"Xing, did you eat?" Lin Tian started the car and asked after he opened the road, but did not answer directly.

"Just wanted to eat, you called." Liu Xing said.

Lin Tian smiled, knowing that the brother was still hungry, and laughed: "I just didn't eat it. The two of us happened to have a meal together. Also, look at this thing, do you know?"

After speaking, Lin Tian took something out of his pocket and gave it to the co-pilot Liu Xing. He took it in doubt, and looked at it with a surprised look on his face.

"God, where did you get the USB flash drive? This is a premium product!" Liu Xing liked to look down at the USB flash drive and was pleasantly surprised.

Lin Tian knew that he knew that Liu Xing had nothing to do with such electronic products as computers, and was very familiar with the hardware and software of electronic products.

"Don't be too happy, this is not my thing, can you crack it?" Lin Tian said with expectation.