Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 395: Unexpected visitors

Hearing Zhou Botong's tone, he knew the person he met, and had a relationship with the Bai family, and only one person could surprise Zhou Botong. Lin Tian's mind emerged from the helm of the Bai family, Bai Zhengchu.

Otherwise, it is normal for any other person in the Bai family to appear abroad, but only Bai Zhengchu appears abnormal. He is not too young, and has not been abroad for a long time, and suddenly leave the old nest, it will be surprising.

"You saw Bai Zhengchu!" Lin Tian said very surely.

"I rely, how do you know? Are you god, or have you gone to Myanmar?" Zhou Botong's surprised voice came.

Myanmar? This old guy actually ran to Burma, where is he where he used to go, what to do there? Lin Tian heard another important message from Zhou Botong's words, wondering.

"Hey, Brother Lin, you haven't told me yet, how do you know it's Bai Zhengchu? Could it be that you have a clairvoyance and a pleasant ear?" Zhou Botong really couldn't figure it out.

There is no clairvoyance, but it can be seen within a few miles, Lin Tian smiled and said, "People who are related to the Bai family can surprise you. Who else is there besides Bai Zhengchu?"

"That's true, but he went to Burma. Things weren't great. The old guy had been in Burma for a long time when he was young. It is said that he married a few wives in Myanmar. And with his skill, there must be many old friends. There are even trained mercenaries! "Zhou Botong worried a little.

I didn't expect that Bai Zhengchu was a romantic seed when he was young. He actually married several wives in Myanmar, but Myanmar is a polygamy country. This is not illegal.

"I don't worry about mercenaries. I'm afraid he knows some ancient warriors and others. You also know that ancient warriors are very destructive." Lin Tian said.

It is not unreasonable for him to think so. The country of Myanmar is not very peaceful. There is a stage for personal force to play, like a ghost from where it is mixed.

Ghost is an ancient yoga practitioner who was once invited by Bai Zhengchu as a helper. Lin Tian finally conquered him. However, Bao Zhengchu was not allowed to invite another ghost-like figure. If the innate realm like Master Xiao Manxue is great, the fun will be great.

However, if you think about it, Lin Tian will not be afraid of him. Instead, he is looking forward to being able to compete with the masters of the innate realm again. The second time Lin Tian and Master Xiao Manxue fought, the two sides did not decide the victory or defeat, but he expected to fight again, and wanted to see how strong the potential of his zombie body.

"What to do, I took the task at home this time, also in order to acquire the jade rough, I didn't expect the old guy to go out in person." Zhou Bo channel.

It turned out that Zhou Botong not only went to play, but also took home business, but it was very exciting to play in that kind of place, which was in line with Ou Mengmeng's sturdy personality.

"You don't have to worry about this, I will meet the machine and act. I'll hang up, but I have to take lessons." Lin Tian said, ready to hang up.

"Okay, rest assured, I will definitely be there this time, and I won't run out again, bye." Zhou Botong said solemnly.

But when Lin Tian farted, this guy might have played overseas with Ou Mengmeng that day. He hung up the phone and went back to the classroom.

The classmates are still talking about the news headlines. Lin Tian suddenly felt a little emotional when watching this scene. His life is thrilling, but the classmates are carefree, peaceful and peaceful, as if two worlds, and Lin Tian keeps on Two worlds separate.

At school, Lin Tian was packing and was about to leave, but Liu Rumeng appeared blocked in the classroom door.

"Mr. Lin Tian, ​​today is the first meeting of the English Association. As the chairman, you must attend." Liu Rumeng said.

"Mr. Rumeng, you can make a phone call for such a trivial matter, why bother to run it yourself." Lin Tian said with a book, smiling.

"I don't know you yet, it's certainly useless to call you, maybe you can say it well, and run away after school." Liu Rumeng said very surely, but there was some helplessness in the tone, and Lin Tian completely No way.

"Lin Tian, ​​Teacher Liu really knows you." Xiao Manxuan grinned and said, "So, I'm going back with Sister Yu, and you have a meeting slowly."

Lin Tian glanced at Zhang Lingyu, Zhang Lingyu seemed to be able to see through his mind, and said softly, "You can rest assured that she will be fine with me."

Also, with Zhang Lingyu's skill, few people have been able to benefit from her. Lin Tian nodded and left with Liu Rumeng.

This meeting was in a classroom in high school. When Lin Tian arrived there, he learned that he had been cheated by Liu Rumeng again. The classroom was full of people, not like a meeting at all.

"Lin Tian, ​​I can explain this. Those who originally notified the members of the meeting, who knows that they are not members, have also come. We have controlled the number of members, but they have to follow up, but I can only blame you for being too charming." Liu Rumeng Helpless.

"All right, I show my face and leave." Lin Tian she was helpless.

Liu Rumeng knew that he couldn't push too hard, but he promised. However, Lin Tian still underestimated the enthusiasm of his classmates. When he entered the classroom, he felt a sense of inseparability. First, the chairman delivered a speech as required, and then kept answering various questions from the girls.

If you don't have a girlfriend, what type of girl you like, etc., Lin Tian is bombarded by various issues. In the end, there was no way. Lin Tian proposed to start the first English Corner event, which only slightly diverted his attention.

In the end, Lin Tian couldn't help it, borrowed his urine, pretended to be a toilet, and finally ran out to breathe.

The classroom was afraid to return. If there were a group of enemies inside, Lin Tian could blast into **** without hesitation, but it was just a bunch of classmates.

He sneaked away secretly, just came to the door and received a text message from Liu Rumeng ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Lin Tian, ​​I know you slipped away, but I still want to thank you. "

This Liu Rumeng's mind is transparent. If it was replaced by another teacher, it may be scolded earlier. Lin Tian likes her way of doing things very much.

He smiled, walked to the parking lot, and drove away from the school. Back to Xiao's house, it was over six o'clock. In front of Xiao's gate, Lin Tian found a strange black car parked.

The sedan is not a luxury car, it is very common, but the license plate is not ordinary. The license plate is on a white background, with a red "Army" character at the beginning, which is actually a military area vehicle.

Who drove the military area car to the Xiao family? Lin Tian was very puzzled. The Xiao family should not deal with the troops. Did something happen to the Xiao family?

Lin Tian drove into the garage and walked into the courtyard with questions. When walking outside the villa, three people came out of it.

One is a young lady, and the other two are a man and a woman. The man is about fifty years old and the woman is a little younger. It is estimated that he is in his early forties. No need to guess, they came in military vehicles, and the strange thing was that they didn't wear military uniforms.