Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 425: Unreasonable

"Fat, what's the matter, just tell me once, don't pant." Lin Tian turned and called to Huang Fat.

"Ah, Brother Tian, ​​are you interested in this kind of news?" Huang Fatzi froze, then saw everyone glaring at him, and hurriedly launched the newspaper. "According to news reports, Qi Dapeng took Dapeng Entertainment and Related industries were packaged and sold to Rizhao Group at a price of 5 billion yuan. "

Sold to Rizhao Group? Lin Tian was moved, and before that Rizhao Group had acquired high-quality industries in Xikou City, including the leisure heart of Zuojia, and the night rose bar, but his intervention was unsuccessful.

But now it is reported that Rizhao Group acquired Dapeng Entertainment, things came a little suddenly. A 5 billion-scale entertainment company is not that big, and it's not even a stream in China, but Qi Dapeng is doing a good job and has some stars under it, so he can't sell it to the islanders.

Huang Fatzi shocked the classmates when he saw what he said, and said proudly: "There is a little news. It is said that Qi Dapeng was secretly counted by the islander boxer when he hit the black boxing. The opponent is an islander, who must kill each other. You said, why did Qi Dapeng, who hated the islanders so much, sell the company to Rizhao Group? "

Anything else? Lin Tian really doesn't know these gossips. Don't look at these news, the way is not correct, but as long as you know how to distinguish, you can mostly see the facts.

Like the history books we studied, half of these recorded positive histories are really good. The so-called true history is the history compiled by the victors. Will these emperors say bad things about themselves? Obviously impossible! So sometimes wild history is closer to the truth of history.

"Fat, where did you hear the news, is it reliable?" Lin Tian asked.

Fat Huang thought for a moment and shook his head: "I don't know who originally came from, but a friend of my dad, an employee of Dapeng Entertainment, has heard some rumors."

It is basically true that Qi Dapeng hated the islanders, but he sold Qi family property to the islanders again. This behavior is equivalent to breaking his lifeline, how can he explain it? Lin Tian thought for a while.

"Miss, do you understand this Qi family, do they have any plans to emigrate overseas?" Lin Tian asked frowning.

If the Qi family is acquired by the Xiao family, Lin Tian is of course happy, but it was actually acquired by the islander, or an islander who has a holiday with himself.

On the plane to the city, Lin Tian humiliated Futian, brushed the toilet with his face, and destroyed his plans several times. The most important thing is that the attack on Xiao Manxuan was inseparable from the islanders. Therefore, the islanders are also regarded as enemies.

Although Qi Dapeng was abominable, it was caused by his son, but how to say it is also from Xikou City, was bought by the islanders, Lin Tian is always a little awkward.

"The Qi family and the Xiao family haven't exchanged much, but they are still from the same city. They still have some basic understanding. They have never heard that they have an immigration plan." Xiao Manxuan thought for a while and said softly.

There is no immigration plan, and another possibility is that funds are transferred overseas, but these things are unfounded inferences. Lin Tian feels that he wants to go on is also a vain wish, and took a mobile phone to make a call.

Just walking outside the classroom, a familiar voice came out of the phone.

"Oh, Brother Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you like the endless stream of the Yellow River. You can't help it. You don't come to see me, you don't look at me, you can find my grandpa ... "

It was only Zhou Botong who was so courageous to speak so eloquently, Lin Tian raised his mobile phone and waited for him to finish before putting it down.

"Zhou Botong, you are more arrogant, I will tell you a sad story, that is a story about cucumber and chrysanthemum ..." Lin Tian threatened.

"Hey, we're not arrogant, cucumber is still left for the beauties, in other words, you call me for big things, what's the matter this time?" Zhou Botong laughed.

"I'm ready for class. I'm not in a position to say it. See you at Midnight Rose Bar." Lin Tian looked at the time and said.

"Okay, you come to my house to pick me up at noon. By the way, I will meet Grandpa by the way. His elders will miss you." Zhou Botong said.

After setting the time, Lin Tian hung up the phone and went back to the classroom to continue the lesson.

Noon time soon arrived, Lin Tian sent Xiao Manxuan home, and then went to the Zhou family villa. This chick originally wanted to play with the bar, but the bar was deserted during the day, and Lin Tian persuaded him.

When he arrived at Zhou's house, Lin Tian was pulled by Mr. Zhou again to drink tea, but the big bowl of tea was really refreshing, and Zhou Botong also followed it, otherwise, he would not move him normally.

After drinking tea, Zhou Botong had a car and could not drive, but had to drill into Lin Tian's bulletproof car. In his words, even a sports car, like this mighty bulletproof car, is like a sissy, driving weakly.

"I said Zhou Botong, you asked me to pick you up. It is you who want the old man to take out the tea and drink it, and see how far you go." Lin Tian laughed at the co-pilot Zhou Botong.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Botong waved his hand and sighed, "Don't say it, I'm asking you to save me. It's hard to say."

With Zhou Botong's personality, like to exaggerate, Lin Tian just laughed and made his words a joke.

"Fuck, you think I'm kidding, it's still because of you, because I know you, and now the Zhou family and the Shaw Group have more business dealings. And I have a stake in Tianxue Jewelry, my dad took a lot of things Leave it to me to do the next overseas trip with a mission. Now I am busy, unless you come to me to play, the old man and the old man will have no opinion. "Zhou Botong poured out the bitter water in one breath.

Lin Tian knows this guy ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It is unrestrained. Suddenly it is really difficult for him to ask him to take on so many home business. However, although Zhou Botong loves to play, he is not a sister-in-law, and what he should do will not escape.

In Zhou Botong's encounter, he quickly arrived at the bar, which was daytime and the bar was deserted.

"Well, I haven't been here since the bar changed hands. I can get the chance to slaughter you today, don't feel bad." Zhou Botong laughed.

"As long as you are not a waiter here, everything else is free." Lin Tian smiled.

There was no other guest in the lobby except the attendant on duty. Lin Tian just found a seat and was too lazy to go to the box.

A waitress came over, looked at Lin Tian with a red face and said softly, "Boss, what do you need?"

"I heard that the bartender made a good medicated wine and gave it to my friends to taste." Lin Tian said casually, the waiter nodded and stepped back.

"Brother Lin, you are recruited from the facts. Is it bad for you to recruit such a beautiful waiter in the bar? The waitress just looked at you with a lot of affection." Zhou Botong smiled wryly.