Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 437: Soul Eater

Xiao Manxue came here after listening to Secretary Xu's report, but just heard that Lin Tian was inquiring about Jishu. At this time, Professor Xue asked, and she looked at Lin Tian in doubt.

Lin Tian thought for a while, and planned to tell the truth. Sooner or later, she would know about Qi family.

"Is n’t Dapeng Entertainment of the Qi family recently acquired by the Rizhao Group of the islanders? Today, Qi Dapeng came to me. The fact is not as simple as the news report. He is because his son is ill. As a last resort, Dapeng Entertainment was sold to Rizhao Group. "Lin Tian said.

Professor Xue heard nothing. It is estimated that the workaholic didn't know that such a big incident happened in Xikou City, but the young lady frowned. The news was too unexpected for her.

"What kind of illness does his son have? He can't even cure the big domestic hospitals! What kind of medicine does the islander use to help his son continue his life?" Asked the young lady.

"Not only was the treatment not good, the hospital did not even detect the cause. I felt strange. I sneaked into the Qi family to investigate and I found some weird places." Lin Tian replied.

Professor Xue said suddenly, "You found that Qi Dapeng's son was actually a puppet surgery, not a disease?"

Lin Tian nodded and said, "I didn't know it at first. I thought it was just an ordinary parasite, but the parasitic thing was too weird. I thought it was not that simple, so I came here to check the information. Until I saw that In this book, I concluded that Qi Shao was detained. "

"It's really Xun! Xunshu has not appeared for a long time, and some people even think that it has been lost and extinct, and ordinary people just listen to Xunshu as a story and legend. Now someone actually uses Xunshu to harm people." Professor Xue His expression was dignified.

"Professor Xue, you seem to have a detailed understanding of puppet surgery. Are you also a puppet raiser?" Lin Tian looked at Professor Xue in suspicion, surprised.

If Professor Xue is a raiser, when asked like this, his expression will change a bit. Lin Tian just wants to see how he reacts.

I didn't think Professor Xue just shook his head and said, "I'm not a raiser."

Lin Tian didn't look like he was cheating. He looked right and said he thought he had found the legendary breeder. The young lady's expression was also a bit surprised. Obviously she had just heard Professor Xue's narration and thought he was a caregiver.

"Oh, today I will tell you two young men, how do you tell the keeper? But where is the house very neat and tidy? There are no cobwebs in any corner, the clothes are clean, and the owner is neat and bright. Such a kind of family is a family that raises crickets. Once you encounter it, be careful not to provoke it. It is best not to deal with them. "Professor Xue said.

"Those who have cleanliness are suspected of raising children?" Lin Tian asked.

"It's not like that. The cleanliness of people who care for you is much more serious than those of cleanliness. When you have the chance to see it, you will understand." Professor Xue couldn't describe it, so he could only say so.

The young lady nodded and accepted Professor Xue's statement. Although she was an ancient warrior, she was also very dangerous when encountering a great martial art.

As for Lin Tian, ​​he doesn't care. Vampires will be assimilated by the blood of their own zombies, not to mention whether a maggot can invade the body of the zombies.

"Professor Xue, I checked Qi Shao's body. I suspect that the puppet on his body was put on his head. Is there any puppet in his head?" Lin Tian asked instead.

He couldn't say that he had seen the cricket's shape, otherwise he would reveal the secret he could see through, so he asked indirectly.

"Who is so cruel under the head?" Professor Xue was surprised. "It is the most dangerous to have two parts of a person who are yawned, the head and the heart. This danger is not to lose one's life, but to control a person. There are many kinds of tadpoles that can kill people, but there are not many people who can control people. It is more harmful. "

Lin Tian was dizzy and turned away. This thing is worthy of being called mysterious sorcery, but the tip of the iceberg is hard to understand.

"For example, evil spirits are parasitic in people's minds, controlling their appetite, and letting moderate people eat what they eat, eating mud, and eating like a dog. It ’s not strange to people who eat. Often they end up overeating and dying, and their stomachs burst directly. As long as there is a breath, the food they eat is even unconscious from the bursting stomach. "Professor Xue said, describing it very terrifyingly.

Lin Tian glanced at the young lady and saw a few sweat beads on her forehead. It seemed that she couldn't accept such appalling puppetry in her heart.

"The most dangerous thing is that evil spirits can control the people in Zhongli to contact other people, so that they can find new hosts and spread virus." Professor Xue said in a more terrifying tone.

Fuck, no wonder everyone talks. The color changes. This technique is too horrible to save people than to save people. Lin Tian lamented.

After feeling a bit of emotion, he asked: "Is there a kind of cricket? After you hit it, human hair and nails grow quickly, and there will be some amnesia, oh, yes, you need to feed with human blood. Life continues. "

"Feeding with human blood? Are you talking about what Qi Dapeng's son drank?" Professor Xue asked with a stun.

"Yeah, I used to think that the prescription was special, and human blood was used to make the drug. Professor Xue, you know, there are thousands of prescriptions, and the drugs used are weird. Today I heard you talk about maggot surgery, and I suddenly thought that the blood of that person was not a medicine at all. It was used to feed maggots. "Lin Tian expressed his doubts.

Professor Xue thought for a while ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ said solemnly: "If I am not wrong, Qi Dapeng's son is a soul-eater!"

Soul Eater? This time it ’s Lin Tianmao's turn, what is it? Listening to the name is even more weird than that evil ghost, is n’t even human soul swallowed up? But does man have a soul?

"You don't understand, brother Lin, I ask you, are the people in Zhongli afraid of light? Are they afraid of high temperature?" Professor Xue asked directly.

"Yeah, how do you know?" Lin Tian couldn't help blurting out. Qi Shao's house was completely covered and the air-conditioning temperature was very low.

"That 100% is Soul Eater. That's right, because Soul Eater is afraid of light, not the host, so he will behave strangely. If the host needs to feed through human blood, It means that the white roundworm has not fully grown up, "Professor Xue added.

"Since you are afraid of light, as long as you move Qi Shao to the sun, can you kill or drive out tapeworms?" The young lady interjected.

"Don't, you fully understand what it means to be afraid of light. If you really put the host under the sun, the consequences would be unthinkable!" Professor Xue said solemnly.