Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 444: It ’s you

test? Lin Tian looked at Li Yue, who was crying with pears and rain in front of her. The second monk couldn't figure out his head. I didn't even know you yet. What a test, not to marry your granddaughter!

"Asan, what's going on?" Professor Xue asked doubtfully, apparently not knowing, he had just heard about Soul Eater, could this Li Qingyun be a prophet?

Sang Lin had to explain: "As soon as I heard that my brother said Soul Eater, I knew the seriousness of the matter, and some evil adopters were using it to harm others. So I sent a message to inform Li Li, Li promised to give you a chance, but to pass the test, as for how to test, I did not know before coming. "

"Then these are fake?" Lin Tian pointed at the stone statue of the **** on the table, and the worship was just a gesture?

"What is it? You are disrespectful to God of God, and watch me give you a terrible encounter, making you a man!" Li Yue wiped the tears on her eyelashes and hated: "My grandma must visit You every day God, it just happened to you, who has the time to play tricks on a stranger for you! "

The little girl seemed to be really angry. It is estimated that even if she does not test Lin Tian, ​​she will also sacrifice.

"Lin Tian, ​​you're a big man, why can't you get along with a little girl?" Miss also said, trying to ease the atmosphere, and gave Angel Angel a look and let him cooperate.

Anyway, Lin Tian couldn't get used to this strange belief, and pouted: "I'm only eighteen years old. The youngest person here is me. Why don't you sisters and aunts let me!"

The young lady felt funny for a while, Lin Tian was extremely domineering for a while, and like a child's temper for a while. But for some reason, a strange feeling rose in her heart, which was probably the motherhood of every woman. A little childishness to a strong man occasionally, the motherhood of a woman always comes with tenderness.

She laughed: "Even if you are eighteen years old, isn't it a big man?"

This is not good enough to answer, does it admit that you are not a man? Of course not, but the smile of the young lady is so charming at this moment, Lin Tian suddenly came up with such strange thoughts.

"Girl Li Yue, just now I didn't go through your permission. It wasn't right for me to look at it." Lin Tian said neatly, the young lady had spoken, and she would really look like a girl again.

He also knew that when he came up with a bad temper, it was really inappropriate to look at the body of a big girl with a big yellow flower. The big man dared to look at him and dare to look at him.

"Sister, I forgive you." Li Yue's mind was also very simple, did not notice one thing. Lin Tian just talked about looking at her chest, she didn't apologize for obscenity ~ blasphemy, but she also talked about it together.

Lin Tian is anxious for her, how such a mindset is suitable for being a caretaker.

However, Li Qingyun didn't say much about this. She lived to the age of her, and she has already passed the age of knowing God's destiny. She knows that the saying of God is nothing but imaginary, just as a spiritual sustenance, just like when practicing yoga. Always meditate on something.

"Mr. Lin, tell me in detail about the soul eater." Li Qingyun asked without asking nonsense.

There is no place to sit here, and there is no tea reception. This way of welcoming Octagon guests is special enough, but Lin Tian does not care about these side details, but prefers to deal with such people.

He told Li Qingyun again about Qi Shaozhong's loss of his soul. Of course, this part of perspective should be omitted.

"I understand what you said. Qi Shaozhong's soul eater is not yet fully mature. It can be inferred that the person who lowered the worm was using the eggs of the worm to enter the host, and then hatched in the brain. It is still in the growth stage. "Li Qingyun said in a wave, as if the soul eater was nothing.

Her view was the same as that of Sang Lan, and Soul Eater was not mature.

"Then why do they feed human blood every day?" Lin Tian asked.

"It's not just human blood, there are many other medicines. It can be said to renew the life of the host, it can also be said to be feeding the soul eater. Because if Qi Shao does not drink these things, the soul eater will devour his essence. Blood, he will soon die. "Li Qingyun explained.

"That is to say, even if you tell the truth to Qi family now, Qi Shao can't do without those medicines?" Lin Tian answered.

"Yes, Qi Shao is just a victim. He was used by the caretaker as a furnace to cultivate the soul-eater. When the soul-eater was finally mature, even feeding the medicinal solution would not help, because it would take too much time to mature. There are too many nourishments, so Qi Shao will still be sucked into it by the end. "Li Qingyun said calmly.

"What happens when Soul Eater matures?" Miss asked involuntarily.

Li Qingyun smiled rarely, and seemed happy to think that the maggots had matured, and then said lightly: "After maturity, the soul eater will show its peak power. It can live independently of its host and be controlled by its owner. Afterwards The caregiver can use it to give people an order, and Zhongli's life and death will be in the hands of the people, because as long as he orders, Soul Eater can instantly drain the human brain and bone marrow. "

Sure enough, people are unrecognizable. Although Li Qingyun is an old woman, she looks so pretty ~ a woman, she is so happy that a maggot has grown so much that it ’s a bit like raising her babies. metamorphosis.

"Isn't Qi Qi saved?" Lin Tian asked again.

He didn't care about Qi Shao's life and death, mainly because once the soul eater was mature, the first person in the island nation to deal with it was him. This is still the best. Lin Tian is not afraid of maggots at all. If the people of the island country take the soul eater to deal with the people of the Xiao family, it is really impossible to prevent.

"If there is a chin, there will be a solution ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Otherwise, what will Sang Lin take you to?" Li Qingyun asked.

"How to solve it?" Lin Tian asked without asking nonsense.

"Actually, I don't agree with Xie Ye because the risk to Xie Ye is too great." Li Qingyun looked at Lin Tian and Xiao Manxue and said, "The best way is to stimulate Soul Eater before it matures. Let it explode early, **** the host into it, and at the same time, it will die. "

Too cruel, these words are spoken from a woman's mouth, Lin Tian can't understand, are the raisers all cold-blooded people?

"Sacrifice one person and destroy Soul Eater will save more people. What hesitation do you have?" Li Qingyun said indifferently.

She didn't say anything wrong, but Lin Tian sneered and said, "Whoever I think should be damned, I will kill him without hesitation. But I hate it most. It is noble to sacrifice one person and save more people. I think it's hypocritical, why can't people accommodate more people. If someone says that sacrificing me can save thousands of people, I will say, let them all die! "

"Oh, your opinion is very special." Li Qingyun didn't have more expression, calmly said: "Since you have a hard time choosing, it is up to you to solve the problem!"