Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 472: Consequences of failure

With a vomiting sound, the island nation's woman's mouth opened up like a fountain of brown things. And this brown thing is nothing else, it is formed by the entanglement of countless little bugs.

As soon as the worm mass emerged, the worms immediately spread out, instantly covering her face and neck, and all the hair in the hair were crawling around.

"Ah ..." Xiao Manxuan screamed in shock, but she quickly covered her mouth and approached Li Yue tightly, while looking nervously at Lin Tian, ​​her eyes were worried.

Your uncle, there are so many bugs, even Lao Tzu can't count them. Lin Tian looked at the pile of bugs, and the fragrant picture just broke completely.

Li Qingyun said it really well, I really can't stand it anymore, at this moment Lin Tian finally understood the sentence she just said. This picture, the man would be stunned when he saw it, where else can he be interested.

However, it seemed that there were not enough bugs. With the sound of vomiting, another group of insects emerged, and then several groups continued to emerge, each time the insects spread out.

In the end, the tapeworm stopped the gush, but the island women's body was also covered with small bugs. It used to be said that the beekeeper's bees full of body are very powerful, but compared to this, it is almost a witch.

Another white smoke rose from the clay pot, spread out, and lingered around Lin Tian. The fragrance in the basement seemed to reach, and the aroma suddenly doubled.

The maggots that were still looking for directions everywhere, sensed the direction at once, and suddenly rushed towards Lin Tian, ​​the scene was extremely spectacular.

"Li Po, will Lin Tian be all right." Xiao Manxuan said worriedly.

Looking at this scene, the girl can no longer afford to be afraid, because her worry about Lin Tian has exceeded her fear of tapeworms.

"As long as he doesn't move, the tapeworm will crawl along a certain path and will not get on his body. But if he moves, even if it is just a little, the rune on his body will change, and the tapeworm cannot find its direction , He will take him as a new host and get into his body. "Li Qingyun explained in detail.

"What would happen if tapeworms penetrated him?" Xiao Manxuan asked worriedly.

"The consequences can be serious. There are two cases. First, it can't stop the riots of thousands of tapeworms in his body. The young man will be swallowed up by the tapeworms instantly, and there will be no bone residue. Ascaris eats food and never waste food. Don't underestimate them. Wherever they pass, they can't even block the steel plate. "Li Qingyun introduced.

"It just so happened that I didn't have a way to suppress zombie maggots during the occupation. Only their original owners knew how to suppress them. So, once this happened, he would eat 100% without residue." She added .

"Woo ... then we don't have to do it, just in case ... what if something happens to him, I don't want to live anymore." Xiao Manxuan's worries were no longer added, and Li Qingyun was begged slightly.

Facing the zombie maggot, Lin Tian wasn't scared, but felt that the worms in the group were disgusting. He heard the young girl's words and was moved by her again.

"It's late. If you give up now, the tapeworm will still eat him, and then come and eat us again." Li Qingyun shook her head, but her tone was calm, and all kinds of powerful tapeworms were seen more, naturally nothing.

"What about the second situation?" Xiao Manxuan asked hopefully, hoping to hear good news.

Li Qingyun was silent for a while and said, "The second type, after the tapeworm invades his body, if he feels that his body is a qualified host, he will stay in his body, and he will become the new host."

"What will happen then?" Xiao Manxuan asked again.

"Do you know why this kind of maggot is called a zombie maggot?" Li Qingyun asked back, but did not wait for her to answer and continued: "This kind of maggot is made by feeding zombie blood, and they will transform the host into a zombie. Existence, but I see the strength of this islander, her zombie maggots should be feeding low-level zombie blood. "

Lin Tian moved in her heart and heard the potential information contained in her words. The islanders had zombie maggots, indicating that they could get zombie blood, which means that the island nation also had zombies!

This is not good news. The power of zombies is the most clear to Lin Tian. Except for exorcists and powerful ancient warriors, there are few things that threaten them.

"According to ancient records, the levels of zombies are divided into six levels according to the amount of energy, distinguished by the color of the eyes. From high to low, they are red, green, yellow, blue, white, and black. Of course, the strongest is the first-level red eye. Zombies, the lowest level are Level 6 Black Eyed Zombies. "

"Below level six are the most incompetent zombies, with stiff movements, no thoughts, and only blood-sucking instincts. As long as they know the methods, ordinary people can kill zombies below level six. The zombies on islanders may use level six. Black-eyed zombies are fed with blood. "Li Qingyun knew a lot and explained it in detail for Xiao Manxuan.

Even Lin Tian, ​​a zombie, had heard so much information about zombies for the first time. Ashamedly, this authentic zombie still needs others to understand.

"He will not die, and he will become strong. Unfortunately, this power is not his own. Once he loses the tapeworm, he will return to the original state. The most terrible thing is that he has obeyed the tapeworm's owner ever since. He **** blood and likes to eat raw meat, including people. "Li Qingyun said quietly.

"Neither ..." Xiao Manxuan said.

At this time, the tapeworm swarmed down from the long table and had already climbed to the square table where Lin Tian was sitting. As soon as he got to the square table, he rushed to Lin Tian, ​​and it seemed that he would climb up to him.

But the maggot was magical ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ At the last moment, the maggot turned his head, and then climbed towards the smoking clay pot.

"Oh ..." A strange voice sounded. It turned out that Li Yue blew the little instrument again. It's just that the frequency this time is different from the previous one.

The maggots that came up later seemed to have lost their soul, and circled around Lin Tian. Lin Tian looked at these maggots as if being dragged and crawled, and then took a closer look. The path that the maggots crawled was connected with the runes.

As the strange sound continued, a spectacular sight appeared in the basement. The maggots walked around according to a certain path, and finally climbed into the pot.

Li Qingyun did not know when he left here, took the Guqin from the outside, and played with Li Yue's voice.

The maggots seemed to be urging, and the speed of crawling suddenly became much faster, scrambling to crawl into the pot.

The clay pot is obviously not very large, but a lot of maggots have been crawled in, but it is still not full. The mouth of the clay pot is like a black hole, swallowing all the insects that go in, and it is like a magic weapon. dissatisfied!
