Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 486: I want to live

Xiao Manxuan's idea still rests on fair confrontation, but here is the battlefield, the opponent is the enemy, there is no fairness and despicable words, the soldiers do not tire of swindling, but only seek results, regardless of the process.

In recent years, even sports competitions have made a negative move, not to mention the cruel thing of life and death fighting.

Ning Luoxi was also apparently helpless by the chick. She shook her head funnyly and pulled Xiao Manxuan and Li Yue to let them squat. At this time, Li Qinyun also got up, just patted the dust on her body without any confusion.

She had just been attacked by a sniper, and she was so calm. Her quality was not average.

"Xuan Xuan, I came to take away Yuzi and saw you and Lin Tian actually appear in Li Po's basement. After going back, I thought that the situation was not so good. I brought Thunder Wolf over, and originally planned to go to the store to see. But when we passed here, we heard the sound of fighting, and we came in. I didn't expect it was you. What are you doing? "Ning Luoxi briefly explained the situation, and pointed to Lin Tianhe Qi Shao, asking in doubt. .

"The thing is this. An uncle from the island nation gave Qi Shao the soul eater and controlled the Qi family. Their purpose was to annex the Qi family and the other was to cultivate a mature soul eater. In the end, it should be used to Dealing with the Xiao family ... "Li Yue told Ning Luoxi everything that happened before and after.

"It turned out to be that way, it is almost certain that the owner of the zombie corpse and the owner of the soul eater should be the same person." Ning Luoxi listened to this conclusion.

Xiao Manxuan said, "Sister Luo Xi, since you suspect that these things are related to Rizhao Group, why not arrest the bad guys?"

"Xuan Xuan, things are not as simple as you think. You said that it is related to the Rizhao Group. What evidence does it show that they are related to them? Rizhao Group is one of the largest groups in the island nation and is also ranked No. 1 in the world. The evidence, they will bite. "Ning Luoxi said.

"Lin Tian said that the two island nation women who monitor Qi Dapeng are business women spies. I have also seen those two people. They and Fuda are a group." Xiao Manxuan offered evidence, but after she said it, she also knew that this Not much evidence.

Ning Luoxi shook his head and said, "Is there a relationship between these two women and Nikko? We have no evidence. Even if we can prove that they have a relationship with Nikko, Ishida Fukuda can push it all the way. Jing, I do n’t know if they joined the Sunshine Club, things will become more complicated by then. "

"Some things are destined to be solved secretly. This is a confrontation of power. I want to send them to the International Tribunal. This is just a joke. The International Tribunal is useful. What do countries want the military to do? Force is not everything, but there is no force. Never. "Ning Luoxi said, this completely fits her character of violent female.

Li Qingyun also nodded in agreement with Ning Luoxi, saying, "Instructor Ning said it well. Finding the Sun Film Society and uprooting it is the business."

"Stop this, don't bother you, that double-headed python seems to have the upper hand, try to kill it, and there may be more than one sniper on the other side, be careful of their sneak attack again." Ning Luoxi waved and let Xiao Manxuan ends this unrealistic topic.

Anacondas and two-headed snakes entangled and fought farther and farther. Dozens of houses that had not been demolished were ravaged and hit by two beasts.

The big snake fights, twining and strangling can't help each other, the most powerful weapon becomes a bite, but the two-headed snake has two heads, and the advantage at this time is manifested.

The python bites a bite, and the two-headed snake bites two, so the python has more wounds on the body than the two-headed snake. The red snake's blood stained the body of the two big snakes, and it was impossible to tell who the blood was.

"Li Po, you see, the bug has already climbed on the clay pot!" Others are paying attention to the snake fight, but Xiao Manxuan noticed Lin Tian's solution to the problem.

"It seems to be over," Li Qingyun said easily.

Although she was calm and calm from beginning to end, she really relieved her anger and was relieved.

"Li Po, danger!" Just as she was relieved, Ning Luoxi shouted suddenly, and at the same time rushed to Li Qingyun.

Lin Tian's super perspective has seen that a sniper bomb flew from the east and the target was Li Qingyun.

The target of the bullet was Li Qingyun's head. In this shot, the head was about to bloom immediately, just like a sledgehammer hitting a watermelon. However, Lin Tian admired Ning Luoxi's ability to sense dangers, almost reaching the level foreseen. The ancient warriors were not only kung fu, but their ability to sense was much higher than ordinary people.

The sniper bullets flew almost overhead from Li Qingyun's head, and shot into the ground with a bang, splashing a wave of dust.

Almost at the same time, the sound of Thunder Wolf's gun sounded, and then a slight groan passed to Lin Tian's ears. He guessed that the sniper who had shot ten had been shot.

With the ability of Thunder Wolf and the high-precision sniper rifle in his hand, there are not many snipers better than him.

"Wo Li, why have they been targeting you." Xiao Manxuan was very puzzled, wondering.

Li Yue obviously didn't understand. Several people in the open space just shot her grandma, as if there was resentment.

Li Qingyun shook his head and said, "I don't know. I played against the island's breeders decades ago and more than ten years ago, and killed two islanders. I don't know if it was with those two things. related?"

Xunshu first appeared in Huaxia, but to this day, Xunshu is no longer unique to Huaxia, and Southeast Asian countries near Huaxia have also developed very mature.

For example, Nanyang ’s beheading is a branch developed from martial arts, and the cultural heritage of the island nation mostly comes from Huaxia. It is not surprising that people from the island nations have martial arts decades ago.

Just after the shooting ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Li Qingyun talked about things, when everyone was slightly relaxed, Lin Tian heard a soft bang again.

Obviously someone was firing again, and the sound of the firing was even lower this time. It seemed that a smaller caliber sniper rifle was used, and the distance was closer. It was just flying in the air in the blink of an eye.

The target is still Li Qingyun. It may be that the sniper thinks Li Qingyun's response ability is too strong, so this shot was aimed through a person, but the power of the sniper rifle, let alone one person, two people shot through the same.

The master's induction is very delicate. When being targeted by a sniper rifle, a dangerous alert is generated in the heart. This is a super-sensory ability that the master has after long-term cultivation.

Therefore, the opponent's sniper cleverly chooses to aim at others, but can achieve the effect of two shots.

It was just because of the angle that Xiao Manxuan, who was aimed across, was neither an ancient warrior nor a superpower. I did n’t know that danger was coming.

"I care for you, Grandpa!" Lin Tian burst into a sigh of shock, moved at the same time, and yelled at the night sky gloomily: "Thunder wolf, I want to live!"