Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 568: Auction continues

Lin Tian's thoughts at this time are exactly the same as those of the young lady. He could never imagine that a gold thread would cause such a big shock, but the old men were only half-knowing. Ω "hunting" text network WwΩW. ΩLieWen. CC

My gold thread was sent by purple smoke, and the lower half of the nine stitches was also purple smoke. If this is a descendant of Guigu, what is the identity of purple smoke? Lin Tian had a lot of questions in her mind, but this Ziyan teacher was absent.

Forget it, Lao Tzu is a zombie. Even if there is one more Ghost Valley's identity, can this identity be more powerful than a zombie? Lin Tian shook his head and threw these messy questions behind his head.

Five sober ninjas on the ground looked at Lin Tian and shook his head, thinking he was dissatisfied and unhappy, and raised his heart again.

But Lin Tian pierced the golden thread into the ninja's acupuncture point. The sharp head of the golden thread quickly moved in and out, and a little blood burst from the ninja's nose.

The ninja twitched a few times, and then woke up, but when he woke up, he covered his broken hand, drew cold air from his mouth, and his expression was painful and stingy.

"Huaxia pig, please give me something, I'm not afraid of you." The ninja gasped and scolded his teeth.

"You want to irritate me? Want me to kill you to have a good time?" Lin Tian shook his head and said coldly, "You still don't know me well. I am a good talker. If you do n’t kill, you wo n’t be killed. Last time How did one of your snipers die? By the way, I was sucked up by Soul Eater, and died! If you want to die, I can fulfill you. "

Speaking of Soul Eater, the ninja trembled, his face pale and frightened, even more than the smashed hand bone.

"You ... you are a demon! It is a demon! The demon ..." The ninja repeated the word demon in the cold war.

"The answer is correct. In your eyes, I am a demon. You are cruel. I will be more cruel than you. You will be evil. I will be one thousand times ten thousand times more evil than you! Soon, your boss will taste this taste. Lin Tian said coldly.

He remembered that these island people actually descended on Su Wenshan, who was only sixteen years old, a child. These island people did not even have humanity. If Li Qingyun weren't there, he could dispense an antidote to the poison, and Su Wenshan's life would be lost.

Lin Tian was so angry that he suddenly stepped on his knees. With a click, the ninja's kneecap was shattered, shattered, not cracked. Lin Tian was outraged.

Ordinary people accidentally hit their knees, causing tears to flow. Because there are very few muscles on the knees, almost the bones are under the skin, and the neural nets are densely packed on the outside of the bones. The general impact can strongly stimulate the neural nets and make them alive.

Lin Tian directly crushed the ninja's kneecap. The ninja was even crisper than before, his eyes rolled and he passed out.

For a whole minute, the entire hall, whether it was the second or first floor, was silent.

"This young man's method is really hot." Old man Zhao glanced at Yun Erye and said it deliberately, whether it was praise or criticism, but the expression in his eyes had betrayed him, apparently he had no intention to talk to Yun Erye, yes That matter hasn't died.

Yun Erye glanced at him as if he hadn't heard what he meant, and it didn't matter: "The method is good, but it's nothing. Old man Zhao, you have never seen a man who punished a woman who stole the family. Red carbon, if you go past it, it means that God will save you, if you do n’t go it, it will be a waste, hum! "

"Just because your old man Yun has no taboos, even this kind of family ugliness can come out and say." Zhao old man said.

"Okay, old man Zhao, when did I say it was my Yun family, the world is big, only my Yun family is a family? I'm too lazy to tell you, I will choke you, I won't tell you anything!" The white beard trembled with anger and smoke. .

The old man Zhao expression froze, knowing that he still wanted something, he could only keep silent.

However, the juniors around them are sweating coldly. These days, derailment still has to go to the knife mountain, and the cruel punishment of rolling red carbon is too sensational.

In modern society, open minds, men and women do not have the many constraints of the ancients, knowing the bliss of Hongchen, women are more likely to derail than women in ancient times, and men are more susceptible to temptation. If you go to Daoshan and roll red carbon as soon as you derail, isn't that going to stage a human tragedy every day?

Grandpa Yun seems to have seen through the minds of these juniors and said coldly: "Young people know what you haven't seen because your family is ugly and you ca n’t be born out of it. Maybe you were born in your own family. Every family has its own rules. If there are no rules, there will be no perfect circle. Even if there are another thousand years, ten thousand years, this principle will not change! "

Juniors can only be silent, dare not refute this stubborn old man.

In the hall, after the lead ninja fainted, Lin Tian was too lazy to start again, and said loudly, "Come, take them all down!"

Six or seven bodyguards and five or six security guards came in, but they stood still, and some of them were embarrassed.

"I know what you mean. These five ninjas are rebelling. You are definitely not opponents. Rest assured, I will not let them go out intact." Lin Tian said.

The five ninjas didn't understand Chinese and didn't know what Lin Tian was talking about, but their instinct was not a good thing, but when the five had too late to think, Lin Tian moved.

A gust of wind passed by, and the five saw Lin Tian had already stood in another position. The doubt had just risen in his heart. The severe pain suddenly came from his hands, and the five ninjas made a groaning pain.

Five people, ten hands, all gone!

Lin Tian waved his hand and said, "Throw it out, it depends on their fortunes whether they are dead or alive."

The bodyguards and security guards were deterred by Lin Tian's methods ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Don't dare to neglect, resist, drag, drag, and lift six ninjas out of the ancient building.

When the gate of the ancient building was closed again, the evening sun was blocked from the gate, and the light in the hall softened again. The tense hearts of the crowd finally relaxed, and some even exhaled for a long time, as if they had just endured great pressure.

"Miss Shi Feifei, you can continue the auction." Lin Tian motioned.

Shi Feifei is slightly better than others. After all, she has been in the entertainment industry. She has seen anything extraordinary in the entertainment industry.

Although Lin Tian was not very happy about the interruption of the auction, she was helpless. She rang the little bell in her hand again, the crisp bell echoed in the hall, and the crowd finally switched back from the thrilling moment just now.

Lin Tian nodded to Rossi, but walked back to the corner seat, sat down again, and wherever he passed, those young boys and brothers turned to worship.

Zhou Botong looked at him with adoration too much, and without speaking, he gave two thumbs up.