Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 627: Hard to distinguish

"Junior, I can actually bear my three claws. It seems that your body is also very strong. I like strong men, giggles ..." Fox-hi stretched out his tongue, licked his nails, and made a silver bell in his mouth. Laughter, she has unconsciously applied charm. ΔΔWwΔW. "LieWen. CC

If this gesture is made by her charming body, Lin Tian will feel full of beauty, but the problem is that she now occupies the body of a sunglasses man and looks like a man!

A man licks his nails, his eyes are charming, Lin Tian feels blind, your uncle, this power is no less than throwing a hundred flash bullets in front of his eyes, or staring at a hundred flash bullets with his eyes wide open.

But it was strange that Lin Tianming looked at the man in front of him, but when he heard the charm of charm, the body reacted faithfully.

He suddenly had the urge to commit suicide. Looking at a man, what was in his mind was a hell. It was the man who committed suicide.

Lin Tian quickly turned his head away, looked at Ning Luoxi and Tianshi Maid, and watched the two beautiful women begin to associate, at least that would be better.

"Lin Tian, ​​what are you watching us do! Don't watch." The two women said in unison.

Of course, they knew that Lin Tian was affected by charm and that he was thinking of insignificant and inferior things, so Ning Luoxi and Tianshi Maid were both uncomfortable.

"Don't be so stingy, just look at it, and it won't drop a piece of meat. Besides, I can't control myself, it's the fox girl who makes charm."

When it comes to charm, Lin Tian thinks of a problem. Although the raiser has become very powerful, if he is a man, he is not easily captured by Fox's charm.

"Hahaha ..." The breeder suddenly laughed. The laughter passed through the mask changed the sound as harsh as rubbing leather. When the laughter closed, he said loudly: "Who am I to take my baby? It turned out to be a fox. I want Whatever you seize, you will come back! Let's die! "

The raiser talked and laughed freely, but he was not affected by the charm technique.

"Unaffected by my charm, it seems that you are a woman, probably 90%, I will scratch your clothes to see if you are a man or a woman, giggle ..." Fox Ji is not afraid to raise her Relying on the flexibility of the Fox clan, he easily avoided the fist of the raiser, the backhand was a claw, and tore off a large piece of clothes from the raiser's shoulder.

Lin Tian was ashamed to hear, and the fox-hime's hobby was too strange. He actually had to tear the clothes of the husband to verify the men and women on the spot.

However, Lin Tian agreed with her a hundred thoughts. The raiser hid behind his clothes and mask from beginning to end. Even if he wanted to kill him, he must know his true colors.

"唰 唰 唰" is three times in a row, this time Fox Ji no longer torn clothes, began to tear the fabric of the lower body. Although the breeder hid fast, Naihu Ji's paws were faster, and he still had one claw in his thigh.

With a hiss, a large piece of fabric was torn off, Lin Tian suddenly felt dumbfounded when he saw the skin under the fabric.

Under the fabric is obviously white and tender skin, not only the thighs, but also the shoulders and back, where the clothes are cracked, but also the white and delicate skin.

According to many years of experience, Lin Tiangan said that this is 100% of women's skin, and men's natural androgen levels are high. No matter how much care is taken, the skin can't be delicate, unless it is those who can't think of it, taking medicine.

No wonder the caretaker wears a full-face mask, no wonder to change the voice of speaking, no wonder wear loose clothes to cover up the body, no wonder they have to be affected by charm, all of this has been explained, because the caretaker is a woman !!

As the leader of the shrine, she led many men, and the men were mainly men. If she acted in real life, she would have a lot of inconvenience, so she covered up the fact that she was a woman, even the semi-zombies she made. Never seen her true face.

"Miss Luo Xi, the caretaker is a woman, don't you have any information?" Lin Tian looked at Ning Luoxi strangely.

"I don't know. The Sunshine Club acts secretly and has very little information. This shrine is probably a branch of the Sunshine Club. We are the first time to have a close contact with this mysterious force." Ning Luoxi shook his head slightly.

"Sister-in-law, maid-in-law, that's the name since ancient times. It's reasonable and reasonable to raise a daughter-in-law." Tianshi said.

Regarding the fact that the caretaker is a woman, they see more clearly than Lin Tian, ​​that fair and delicate skin is what women have.

With a hiss, "Fuji" once again tore off the fabric on the other thigh. She had spotted the weakness of the breeder, and had not been fighting head-on, always walking.

Fox Ji also wanted to tear off the keeper's mask many times. Unfortunately, the front was the key to the keeper's attack and protection. She has never succeeded, but if this continues, the keeper will not take effective measures. Tear all the clothes off.

The keeper's whirlwind leg forced the Foxhound back, and suddenly there was a long howling in the sky. The sound seemed to penetrate the sky. The momentum of the body suddenly increased geometrically. The position of the eyes of the mask was faintly bleeding through the red blood!

The howling stopped, and the breeder suddenly rushed forward, almost doubling the degree. Fox Ji was unaware and was blown away by a punch. After the fox-hime fell, the raiser kicked the steps and jumped higher than the fox-hime, and threw a leg in the air and threw it on the chest.

With a bang, the blow hit the Foxhound to the ground, smashing the slate, and blasting a pit.

This series of attacks ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ is estimated to have blindfolded the fox, and fell into the pit for a while. However, the keeper of the anger in the fury would not show mercy at all, she rushed to the side of the stone steps, and hugged the stone pillar under the **** with both hands, and with all her strength, she pulled out the entire stone pillar.

She grabbed the stone pillar, turned around and jumped high, and threw the stone pillar in her hand into the pit.

The stone pillar was imbued with tremendous power, like a shell, hitting the center of the pit. With a bang, the ground shook. The original one-meter-wide pit was exploded to three meters, and the gravel buried the pit. The fox at the bottom of the pit was unknown.

"Your uncle, it's too fierce, isn't this like a breeder? Does she turn herself into a semi-zombie?" Lin Tian looked at the breeder who was attacking continuously, and his eyes were so big that he couldn't help wondering Road.

Lin Tian can be sure that the raiser was not so mighty before, otherwise she would not have to run away from the secret road in the flower room, and combined with the words before the sunglasses man, he said that the owner's death would be the death of everyone.

This shows that the hideaway is not afraid of death, but to enable the killer to turn himself into a semi-zombie! Only in this way can we explain why her momentum has increased greatly, and why the mask is bleeding, which is the characteristic of the semi-zombies.