Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 628: Shocking truth

The fighting between the two people destroyed a lot of gods, at least a dozen of the gods ran out, but when they saw that the scene was not right, they ran out. ΔΔWwΔW. "LieWen. CC made Lin Tian very doubtful whether these gods were sealed for too long and their courage was worn out.

"Lin Tian, ​​it's your turn to finish her." The raisers did not care about these lower-class gods, but turned to Lin Tian, ​​indifferently.

"Junior, do you think that the old lady is made of tofu, is it so easy to get rid of it?" The voice of the fox ji suddenly heard from the bottom of the pit, followed by a bang, crushed stones flying, and a figure flew out of the pit and went straight to raise Go away.

There was a bang, and the two slammed into each other. The Fox attacked actively and took the lead. This collision knocked the caretaker up, but she did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional. The direction is exactly where Lin Tian is.

The fox was really cunning, but he couldn't fight by himself, and dragged Lao Tzu into the battle. Lin Tian didn't understand her careful thoughts, but he wasn't afraid of things. He watched for so long that it was time to loose his muscles.

Lin Tian rushed forward, and the keeper who was flying was a heavy whip leg. The keeper had to fight with both hands and was bombarded by one leg, flying backwards at a faster rate.

The direction of the flight was the fox-hime, the so-called coming without going indecently, so Lin Tian returned her husband to her.

Fox Ji may want to learn Lin Tian kicked back, but when she came in contact with her husband, she had a huge force on her feet and couldn't resist it. Then she was hit by her husband and the two flew together. It stopped when it hit the rock wall next to it.

"Do you dare to blame the old lady." Fox Ji climbed up immediately after rolling down, staring at Lin Tian very angry.

Lin Tian spread his hands and said, "It's your power that is weak and it's nothing to do with me, but if you have to say that I'm secretly planning, then it's a good plan, you and me."

"You ..." Fox Ji is also a centuries-old fox demon, and she was so angry that she turned to Needle Girl and Gui Ji and said, "You two are still shooting, do you want to wait for death?"

Needle Girl and Gui Ji stared at each other, hesitating in their eyes, but still stood by Fox Ji's side.

They don't have much time left. If they don't end the battle early, look for a better body to take their house, and wait for their fate to dissipate in the heavens and the earth, so they have no choice but to unite the front with Fox.

Lin Tian smiled indifferently, held out his fingers, and nodded a few people and said, "Master, Fox, Ghost, and Needle Girl, you four come together, everyone, don't waste time."

"I'm too lazy to work with this male and female foster caretaker, the three of us are good enough to deal with you." Fox Ji glanced at the caretaker and said bluntly.

She was so embarrassed by the caretaker. If it wasn't for the sunglasses man's body has been transformed to be strong, she would have died, so how could she not cooperate with the caretaker.

"You are a god, but a yin and yang teacher's pet. What qualifications are there to cooperate with me!" Yang Yang said unwillingly, but she seemed to be afraid of Lin Tian, ​​and didn't do anything to Fox Ji.

"You're looking for death ..." The three women's gods snarled darkly, with fire in their eyes.

For these high-level gods, they were originally powerful characters. Because of compelling reasons, they became the gods of the yin and yang divisions. This is their shame. At this time, they were brought up by the caretaker.

"I rely on you, you have a lot of fun, move me, there is a fart for arguing!" Lin Tian shouted disdainfully, and rushed towards the four people a little further.

When rushing forward, Lin Tian's double fists blasted out continuously. This attack range actually included all three women's gods and raisers. However, they knew Lin Tian's power and didn't dare to rush any further, and hurriedly resisted.

"Boom boom boom ..." The blasting sound kept ringing. One face to face, the four of them were blasted backwards by Lin Tian's heavy punches, and were crushed so that they could not fight back, only the force of parry.

Lin Tian ’s body is like a huge nuclear reactor. The energy is endless, the punches are undiminished, and the punches are undiminished. Such as the dense meteor falling on the earth, the bombardment continues, and there is an increasing trend.

Ning Luoxi looked at Lin Tian during the battle and did not intend to help. He said softly: "This Lin Tian has terrifying potential, but it is strong when it is strong. It seems that each battle can dig out more power. Like a perpetual motion machine, he doesn't know what ancient martial art he cultivates. "

"In the beginning, I thought it was an ancient body technique similar to yours, but in the current situation, it is not at all. If you can find a complete practice and practice to Dacheng, I wonder if I can reach the level of Lin Tian." The girl responded softly.

If Lin Tian were here and heard their conversation, they would be very surprised, because from the tone of the conversation, the two women seemed to know each other!

"My star meteor warfare formula is only the first part. It is easier to find the next one. If there is no chance, I am afraid that I will not find it. But I believe that the star meteor warfare formula is not an ordinary ancient martial art method. It's just a pity. "Ning Luoxi said with a sigh, and there was a look of regret in his eyes.

This regret does not seem to be because the next part of the exercises cannot be found, but because of something else.

"If you can't find the next method, I urge you to give up and continue to practice, otherwise you will one day be unable to control the strength of the cultivation and die madly." The angel girl said slightly exhorted.

"I first fought with Lin Tian at the Xiao family. At that time, I knew that losing control would come sooner or later, so I regret that I will not be able to cultivate to the peak of ancient martial arts, and I will die on the road. Maybe I will not be alone Well, I do n’t know how many ancient warriors died in the pursuit of the peak. ”Ning Luoxi said calmly, it seems that life and death have been left behind.

The meaning of her words is very clear. Once practice begins, there is no reason to stop. If it was because of fear of death to stop ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ she could not be refined into the Starfall War God.

"God of War, God of War, never stop, never die. Unless, you can find someone who can dispel the magic of power." Said the girl.

"Since strength is magical, how can mortals dissolve," Ning Luoxi said.

They were silent, if not mortal, where can they be found?

"Booming ..." A more bursting voice sounded, interrupting the thoughts of the two women. It turned out that Lin Tian was leaping in the air. One man gave a whip leg, three women gods, and a caretaker. On the rock wall, and the whole person is inlaid into the rock wall.

Fox's clothes are just ordinary fabrics, which are already tattered. Unfortunately, her body is now a man in sunglasses, and the exposed Chunguang Lintian has no interest.

It was a caretaker, and there were more places of damage to her clothes, exposing a large white and delicate skin, and Lin Tian was more certain now that she was a woman.

A "snap" sounded, and the foster's mask broke suddenly. Lin Tian looked curiously at her face, and then the whole person was shocked!