Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 629: Resentment and Resentment (Part 1)

"How can this be? How can this be? Impossible!" Ning Luoxi was more shocked than Lin Tian when he saw the true look of the foster person, and kept asking questions in his mouth. Δhunwen "network www. ΔLieWen. CC

Judging from the true content of the caretaker, she was about thirty years old, her face was fair and delicate, and she was a truly beautiful young woman. She might have been banged by Lin Tian. At this time, the blood redness in her eyes faded and her mouth There were no zombie teeth in it.

But this is not the point, the point is that this woman is actually Li Qingyun!

Li Qingyun was too impressed with Lin Tian. A 70-to-80-year-old woman had a beautiful, thirty-year-old woman with her face, body, and voice, and she had a special temperament on her body. It is impossible to forget Li Qingyun's appearance.

He can be sure that the person in front of him is Li Qingyun. Except for his age and appearance, even his temperament is the same, with the mysterious temperament of the niece.

"Miss Luo Xi, what's going on? Didn't you say that Li was still laying traps outside, why did she suddenly become a caretaker?" Lin Tian gathered her emotions a little and looked at the conductor Ning Luoxi. Asked strangely.

Ning Luoxi was the commander of this operation. If Li Qingyun was the enemy's undercover agent, she could hardly blame her, and she had to bear great responsibility.

But Ning Luoxi shook her head with an unbelievable expression on her face, she said in confusion: "I don't know, I just called it temporarily, and I don't know her condition, but her name is It's impossible to be undercover on the trusted list. "

"I don't know what your trusted list is, but there is no absolute thing in the world. Everything can be born. Isn't Li Qingyun the example in front of you?" Lin Tian countered immediately, but he didn't believe one. What ghost list.

These years, the human heart is the most difficult to measure, and people are more terrible than ghosts and gods. Even in the end, you don't know the truth.

Lin Tian just has some regrets. He has a good impression on Li Qingyun and Li Yue. This affection has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women, but the emotion that he once fought together.

The impression Li Qingyun gave him has always been a calm and calm appearance. In the young body, it contains the soul of a wise man. Although she is a maidservant, she is not as strange as the maidservant in the legend. People have a sense of intimacy.

For these good impressions, Lin Tian was unwilling to believe that Li Qingyun was a raiser and an undercover man.

The four women who were beaten to the wall, freed from the inlay of the rock wall, all jumped to the ground, but did not dare to act lightly.

"Don't you two come to a conclusion so quickly, maybe it's just two people who look exactly the same." Tianshi said suddenly.

"Identical people?" Lin Tian and Ning Luoxi asked in unison.

Lin Tian looked at him again, and said, "I don't believe it, even if it looks the same, even the temperaments are so similar. If you say two people, no one wants to believe it."

Ning Luoxi nodded and agreed with Lin Tian.

The girl from heaven shook her head and said, "The thing of appearance is just a skin. It is most unreal. There are too many ways in the world to change the appearance, not to mention the ancient Yishu of the gods, and the mysterious martial arts."

"Speaking of the most modern medical techniques, what kind of plastic surgery industry is the most advanced in the country? Let's not comment on the quality of cosmetic surgery. Using modern cosmetic techniques, it is possible to transform people into twins." She proposed what seemed irrefutable. reason.

"What's that temperament? Even temperament is similar." Lin Tian asked.

"Li Qingyun is a maidservant, and she is also a maidservant. It is not surprising that her temperament has similar characteristics," Tianshi said again.

She said this, Lin Tian understands a bit, but why does the raiser look exactly like Li Qingyun, or to make his appearance look like Li Qingyun, what's the hidden reason? This is where he remains unknown.

"Hey, what's that grandma, what's your name?" Lin Tian shouted at the raiser.

"Young man, speak politely. Didn't the teacher teach you to respect the old and love the young?" Said the caretaker, scrambling the scattered silk.

This time the speech did not go through a ghost mask, it was a woman's voice.

Lin Tian scoffed at her remarks, and said indifferently: "You look like you are thirty years old and you want me to respect the elderly. Do you think you are really Li Qingyun?"

"Hahaha ..." The raiser suddenly laughed and said, "You are really cute, I'm Li Qingyun, it's more than enough to be your grandmother. Do you think you should respect the elderly?"

Is she really Li Qingyun? The three Lin Tians really couldn't figure out this, even the heavenly girl couldn't pay attention.

"How? You don't believe it?" The breeder smiled gently and said, "My little granddaughter has been with you all the time, why? Did you even forget the name Li Yue?"

"I'm here, who's looking for me!" A voice suddenly came from the shrine, listening to a female voice.

The voice fell, and two people and two women walked out of the shattered ruins of the shrine. Lin Tian turned around and looked dumbfounded, because it was not others that appeared, but Li Qingyun and Li Yue. It was probably Li Yue that just spoke.

Two Li Qingyuns appeared at the same time, I wonder if it was a coincidence. The Li Qingyuns who appeared later were also wearing loose clothes, and they looked like the costume of a raiser.

"Lin Tian, ​​the raiser looks like my grandma. She is fake." Li Yue shouted when she saw Lin Tian.

"Fake? How do I know if you are also fake? There is an enchantment of yin and yang divisions on the periphery of the shrine ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ How did you come in?" Lin Tian suspected that he had come in before and was opened by a celestial maiden Li Qingyun's ancestors don't have this ability.

"Lin Tian, ​​I'm so mad that I suspect I'm fake. Be careful, I'll give you a ruthless puppet, so that this big pervert can never like a beautiful woman!" Li Yue's eyes glared, angrily.

The little girl was kind of angry, but Lin Tian was happy when she saw her angry look. This kind of speech style is undoubtedly Li Yue. She frightens people with ruthless emotions, of course, not once can frighten Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, ​​I know your doubts, and we also know that there is an enchantment of the Yin and Yang divisions around. It was an accident to come in. Before, Yueer and I set up a trap in Houshan and accidentally found a path. This path actually leads directly to the top of the mountain. There is no barrier to enchantment, this is probably a secret passage of the shrine. "Li Qingyun explained later.

"So what's going on with the caretaker?" Lin Tian has basically believed what they said, because the arrangement of the trap was arranged by Ning Luoxi, and the caretaker certainly didn't know.

"Li Qingyun, we've met again, don't come here without any further thoughts." The foster man took a few steps forward, looked at Li Qingyun, and actually greeted him.