Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 632: Double-birth

Oda Makoto was just happy for a few seconds, then became disappointed again, and sighed, "It's just a pity ..."

"It's just a pity that I destroyed it. Δ Hunting ΔWWW. ΔLieWen. Cc" Lin Tian interjected.

"Yes, sometimes I really want to know, what kind of young man you are, what kind of secrets, and actually undermine my plan several times, and dare to talk to Nikko." Oda Shino said with a smile. Not surprisingly.

"I have a lot of secrets, I'm afraid you won't know it for the rest of your life." Lin Tian said needlessly.

"But also because of your destruction, Li Qingyun was involved. If there is fate in this world, I think this is doomed, and we are destined to meet our enemies, so I will count it, and bring her to the island city of Kyoto." Oda Zhenyang said with some joy, as if she had killed Li Qingyun to take revenge.

"In the old city of Kyoto, I almost killed her, just a little bit!" She became excited and excited.

"It's just a pity that I was destroyed again, right?" Lin Tian said.

"It's a pity that it was the closest I got to my revenge, or it was destroyed by you." Oda Masayoshi said, not seeing the mood.

Lin Tian touched his nose and said with a smile, "I have heard the word revenge more than ten times from your mouth. You want to kill me at this moment."

"No, I like you a little." Oda Mayo said unexpectedly, so that everyone was stunned, I wonder what she meant.

Although the islanders worship the strong and the island women adore the strong, Lin Tian feels that his little heart can't stand it, which is awkward.

He said, "Don't you, although you are beautiful, oh, I mean Li Qingyun looks very beautiful, but you are more than half a century older than me."

Li Qingyun is indeed beautiful, and Oda Masayoshi has the same body and appearance as Li Qingyun, and of course it is also very beautiful. If you don't know the facts of the year, it really makes people think.

But the problem is that Lin Tian knows everything, and this hurdle cannot be overcome. Moreover, Oda's words cannot be believed at all.

"Well, Li Qingyun is beautiful. My original appearance is even more beautiful than hers. I will also stay in the face. If it wasn't for escape, I wouldn't be able to easily become her." Oda Shino said with a little conviction.

Lin Tian is also speechless, all at this age, who cares who is more beautiful, does her physical appearance become younger, and even her mental age becomes younger?

"Hahaha, just joking with you." Oda Shino laughed. The woman's mood was so varied that people couldn't figure it out.

She glanced at Lin Tian and said, "Young man, you have a story of a cowherd and a weaver girl in China. Cowherds are only twenty youths. Weavers are fairies, at least a thousand years old. What about this?"

This is really impossible to calculate, it has to be counted to the ancestors. Lin Tian suddenly thought of the zombie girl. She was eighteen years old, but she had actually lived for five thousand years, and she was counted as the first human ancestor.

"Well, it's useless to say these things, or to be practical. You have been laughing and laughing, calm and calm, and you seem to feel that you have won. If you have any hole cards, let them go, lest you have no chance to wait." Lin Tian Chuckled.

"Holiday? I ruined my fate, and what kind of cards can I have." Oda Shino smiled frankly, but said, "However, Li Qingyun, you can't think of it, I lost my fate. Recovery is so fast. "

Li Qingyun frowned slightly, there were doubts in his eyes, and Oda Shinoyo lost her fate. It was the day before. This day, she recovered. The combat power increased sharply. Li Qingyun couldn't figure it out.

"You will never think of it, I practiced into the legendary puppetry technique, and I was born with a double fate." Oda Shino said proudly.

Li Qingyun was startled and said in a voice: "Double fate!"

"I'm glad to see you look surprised. At that time, my husband was killed by you, and his destiny should have died with it, but miraculously, his destiny was only asleep and did not die." Oda Shino Say.

"I spent a lot of hard work and resources on it and cultivated it as my destiny. I tried to awaken it. I didn't think it really made me succeed. Maybe it was originally connected with my husband's mind, and I actually established it with it. The heart-to-heart relationship doesn't exclude my golden silkworm pupae, that is, it has become my second fate. "Oda Mayo proudly.

Although Lin Tian did n’t understand the cricket technique, nor did it know what is Shuangbenmingyi, but from the conversation between the two of them, Shuangbenmingyi is a miracle that only happened once in a century or once in a thousand years. Reason to be proud.

But, what's so strange about this double destiny? If it can only recover quickly, it doesn't seem to be so amazing.

This may have something to do with Oda Makoto's hole card, Lin Tian immediately asked: "Li Po, what's so great about this double destiny?"

Li Qingyun said solemnly: "If the first fate is dead, then the full potential of the first fate will pass through the master to the second fate, and the second fate may be promoted, just like Miss Xiao Er Zombies have also been promoted to more powerful maggots. "

"The more powerful the first fate, the greater the chance of promotion after the second fate is blessed, and the more powerful you will be after promotion," Li Qingyun added.

Lin Tian immediately understood, and said, "Her first fate is a golden silkworm pupae, which is a superb worm. That is to say, her second fate is almost a matter of promotion."

"Yes, it is almost certain." Li Qingyun said.

Lin Tian suddenly thought of another thing. Just now Oda Shino performed a semi-zombie transformation ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Did she ...?

"Your second destiny is a zombie!" Lin Tian exclaimed.

"Hahaha, young man, I really like you more and more. You are very clever. You guessed it, my fate is zombie." Oda Mayo laughed.

"Don't you need zombie blood to train zombie maggots? Where did you come from zombie blood ten years ago?" Lin Tian thought of a more serious question. If she has zombie blood, it means there is a zombie. If the zombie is affected by her Control, things are in trouble.

Oda Mayo gave him an unexpected glance, but did not delve deep into it, but said, "Who said that cultivating zombies must require the blood of zombies. At that time, we were in solitary places, such as ancient battlefields, such as mass graves, such as graves. There are also ancient tombs that let the tapeworms absorb yin and corpse gas through secret methods, which can also be cultivated. "

Lin Tian looked at Li Qingyun, she nodded, saying that it was true, but she also said: "That kind of mystery is forbidden."

Oda Mayo dismissed the banned surgery. She suddenly said mysteriously: "Zombie 蛊 is not perfect and flawed without zombie blood. However, after it became my destiny, by chance, I got zombies blood!"