Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 680: Underground maze

Lin Tian looked at the gold bars a few times, smiled, and said, "The weight specifications of standard gold bars are 1o grams, 3o grams, 5o grams, 1oo grams, 3oo grams, 5oo grams, and 1ooo grams. Look at the size of these gold bars. It should be 1oo g. One for hunting.com W. LieWen.CC "

"How many bars is one ton of gold bars? One ton is equal to 2ooo catties, one catty is equal to 5oo grams, and one ton is equal to one million grams. So, there are one thousand tons of gold bars. Then according to the size of these boxes, each box It should be able to hold one hundred, there are exactly ten boxes here, so the girl Yueer guessed very accurately, a whole ton of gold. "Lin Tian quickly calculated and said quickly.

"Brother Lin, you are too terrific, at a glance, you know there is a ton of gold here!" Kinoshita said adoringly.

Lin Tian embarrassedly touched his nose and said, "This actually only requires a little observation and mental arithmetic ability to calculate the total amount of gold in front of me. Such a simple matter, I dare not say it is terrible. The girl of Yueer only called Amazingly, women's intuition for gold jewellery is extremely accurate. "

"Hum, you're so modest enough, and remember, you can't call me Yueer, but sister Li." Li Yue stared at his hips and hummed.

"Yueer, don't make a noise, quickly check the inventory, I and you go to the laboratory to see, lest it take too long to cause a mishap." Li Qingyun said as the elder here.

"I still think that Li Po is thoughtful. If the policeman of the little devil comes, it will be difficult to remove the materials of the shrine." Lin Tian said, then bypassed the gold and walked inside.

Inside are black leather suitcases. Lin Tian opened them for inspection. The leather suitcases now contain banknotes. When viewed from the outside of the banknotes, it is undoubtedly the US dollar. He opened several more boxes, and the cash inventories contained not only US dollars, but also euros, Chinese renminbi, and island national currencies.

"The money must be for them to perform their tasks. The Sun Film Festival is adequately prepared." Lin Tian sneered when he saw so many banknotes.

"This is of course. In each country, there is a limit on the amount of foreign currency that can be exchanged for the national currency. If they do not bring this money into the country, the exchange currency is not enough." Ning Luoxi said.

"You see, the most valuable thing in the vault is not the gold." Said the heavenly girl.

Lin Tian walked to the heavenly girl, in front of her, there was a glass cabinet, which contained beautiful boxes, which contained diamonds, emerald jewelry and other jewels.

"The value is really high. According to the current gold price, one ton of gold is about 300 million yuan. The total value of these jewellery is more than 500 million," Lin Tian said.

"The shrine should be more than that." Kinoshita said, "I heard that the vault is just a reserve of funds. Usually it is not an emergency. Generally, the money in the vault is not used."

Lin Tian heard a few words, then remembered something, shouted: "It is a big loss, the shrine still has some assets in Oda Makoto. As long as she remembers the bank account and password, that part of the funds is still in her hands."

"It's really a big loss. I knew she would tell her the account password first." Li Yue said unfortunately.

"Forget it, we got the vault, laboratory data and medicinal materials in the medicine store. This is already invaluable." Lin Tian said openly.

At the end of the inventory, the value of the entire vault is about 900 million. Although the jade carving of the "Sanqing Holy Land" of Tianxue Jewelry is not yet valuable, it is also quite a lot. The registered capital of many companies is not even 100 million. Yet.

"Miss Luo Xi, this is something we call together. How can these things be shipped to China? The amount involved is so huge, I am afraid that it will not be possible. Even if it is smuggled in, it can only become unknown. Money. "Lin Tian said.

"You're right, but there is no way. You donate a part of the money to the Hope Project and become a charity businessman for investment. This should be possible." Ning Luoxi said that it was not a way.

"Even in my name, I don't want to show the limelight. The Xiao family has industry in the island country. I donate it in the name of the Xiao family. As for how much I donate, it doesn't matter. As long as the money can be really used, that's fine. Lin Tian doesn't matter. As long as the money is not put into some private pockets, even if he donates the entire money in the vault, Lin Tian will not feel heartache.

"Rest assured, if you let me know who dares to reach out, I will chop his two hands first." Ning Luoxi said aggressively, Lin Tian believed that she had this ability, not in terms of force, but in social status. Few leaders dare mess with her Ning's.

"Lin Tian, ​​look at the others first. Yueer and I went to see the laboratory. Everyone broke up and hurry up." Li Qingyun proposed.

"It's okay, you are more familiar with the technique, and the lab is for you to see, but you have to be careful, in case anyone hides a cold gun here, it's dangerous." Lin Tian told.

"Rest assured, we are not just so weak." Li Yue raised his chin, proudly.

After Li Qingyun and his grandchildren left, Lin Tian remembered a very important thing. Oda Masayoshi said that Onizuka Ichiro stayed underground for a long time.

At first, Lin Tian thought he had crawled out of the underground coffin, but now thinking, it should not be so weird to live in the coffin. There are two kinds of shrines, one above the ground and one below the ground.

In the mountain where the shrine is located, the rock is very stiff, and the mountain is hollowed out as a secret place underground ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It is very safe, don't worry about collapse.

Moreover, the shrine has existed for a long time. Lin Tian estimates that it has been for hundreds of years. Even if the engineering of hollowing out the mountain is relatively large, but it is really done, it has already been done.

The more I thought about it, Lin Tianyue felt that his inference was correct. He turned to ask Kinoshita and said, "Miss Kinoshita, does the shrine still have a basement level?"

"Brother Lin, this is exactly what I want to say to you. I overheard before that the shrine will have strange things every once in a while. Someone disappears strangely. The person in charge reported it to Oda Shino. She ignored it. There is a legend in China that there is a maze underground in the shrine, and if you accidentally enter it, you will get lost in it! "Kinoshita said seriously.

Underground maze? Lin Tian was stunned, and immediately understood that it should not be a ghost maze. It is possible that Onizuka Ichiro is engaging in ghosts, catching living people and sacrificing his style to live and die. Only then will the disappearance occur.

Ning Luoxi and Tianshi Maid clearly thought of this, and looked at Lin Tian.

"Go, even if we turn the whole mountain upside down, we have to find out the entrance to the basement level." Lin Tian said slightly excitedly, Onizuka Ichiro is a descendant of the Onizuka family and must have a treasure in it.