Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 699: Don't guess a woman's mind

I wonder if the little nurse's massage was too refreshing or the spirit was too tired, Lin Tian soaked in the water and fell asleep. Hunting "" "Network www. "LieWen. CC

As soon as Lin Tian fell asleep, a man walked into the room. It was Xiao Manxue. She had a suit in her hand. No one was in the bedroom. Seeing the bathroom door open and the sound of water, Xiao Manxue hesitated and walked over.

As soon as she walked to the door, she saw that Kinoshita was bathing Lin Tian. Although Lin Tian was soaking in the water and there was foam, she could not see anything, but it seemed inappropriate.

Xiao Manxue blushed and said, "Miss Kinoshita, what are you doing?"

"I'm bathing Brother Lin." Kinoshita Mika said, looking back for granted.

"But you ... you ... Lin Tian he ..." Xiao Manxue wanted to say that men and women are incompetent, and with the character of this big satyr, the petite little nurse brought it to her mouth, isn't it about to eat?

But when she saw that Lin Tian was already asleep, she could not help but look soft, and then her face softened.

"Presumably he's already exhausted," Xiao Manxue said softly, and his eyes seemed to be distressed.

"Brother Lin really isn't easy tonight, it's so good, he has no fear and hasn't flinched in the face of many powerful enemies." Kinoshita said in a soft voice.

Xiao Manxue glanced at her and said, "Miss Kinoshita, you were originally from the shrine. Lin Tian eradicated the shrine. Shouldn't you hate him?"

"No, I hate the shrine. It's the Sunshine Club. The women at the shrine didn't end well. My original good friends were insulted and abused by those stink men. Finally they died. If it was not Brother Lin who saved me, I will This must also be the end. Brother Lin is my benefactor, and I am willing to do anything for him, everything! "Although Kinoshita's voice was not loud, and even a little weak, he was extremely firm.

Xiao Manxue sighed slightly. As a woman, she understood the situation of helplessness and despair. Suddenly, a powerful man appeared in front of her, crushing everything she thought was invincible, and saved her from deep water. in.

Moreover, the heroic complex of the island country woman is heavier than that of the Chinese woman, and the man is young, handsome, and unrestrained. This man is like a brand, deeply imprinted in the deepest part of her heart.

Not to mention taking a shower, if Lin Tian beckons, Kinoshita and Canada will be willing to give up. Xiao Manxue is in charge of a large group and has seen all kinds of people. She can see that the island nation woman in front of her is not lying.

"Miss Kinoshita, Lin Tian can't sleep in the bathtub like this, but get him out, otherwise he will get sick." Xiao Manxue stopped questioning her past and said instead.

"I can't carry him alone." Kinoshita said with a little embarrassment.

"This ..." Xiao Manxue had some troubles. She was different from Kinoshita's ideological education. She was still a big yellow girl. The girl's stubbornness told her that it was not good to touch the naked man intimately.

And Kinoshita is willing to do anything for Lin Tian, ​​this tangle is nothing to her.

Xiao Manxue didn't know that Lin Tian was a zombie. Even if he was fine for a few days, he started a ideological struggle in his mind.

In the end, she came up with a solution that was not a solution. She covered Lin Tian with a large bath towel, and then she and Kimia Meijia raised their heads and raised their feet, and finally brought Lin Tian to the bed.

Because the two were not dangerous to Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian did not wake up during the whole process and slept like a pig.

"Huh ..." Xiao Manxue lifted Lin Tian to bed and breathed a sigh of relief. Although Lin Tian was covering a bath towel, it was somewhere, Xiao Manxue only glanced at his face and turned red immediately.

Huh, this bastard, Big Satyr, is so dishonest after falling asleep! Xiao Manxue was ashamed.

"Miss Kinoshita, I have arranged a room for you, let's go out first." Xiao Manxue turned and said to Kinoshita Mika.

Kinoshita Canada looked at Lin Tian, ​​hesitated, and went out with Xiao Manxue.

The two women left, the room lights turned off, and the room fell into silence again.

It was not until the third day of the day that Lin Tian woke up comfortably from his dream. In the dream, he dreamed that he was surrounded by a group of beauties, and he was massaging for himself, those little pairs of soft hands, To people.

The youngest lady, the second lady, Ning Luoxi, the heavenly girl ... Lin Tian laughed out thinking about it, life is still wonderful.

"Hahaha ..." He really laughed a few times, and was shocked that the bird flew away from the window, and then felt something wrong, and now he was lying on the bed.

"Fuck, isn't I taking a bath? Why is he lying in bed? The girl under the wood and the United States and Canada will not take advantage of Lao Tzu to sleep, what's the matter! Lin Tian thought shamelessly.

When he was still in doubt, the door was pushed open. Lin Tian looked at it and it turned out that it was the young lady who came in.

"Miss, what time is it now? How long have I slept?" Lin Tian asked.

"It's past twelve noon. I didn't wake you up when you saw that you were asleep all the time." Xiao Manxue said, and put his hands on the table.

"See me always sleeping? Did you carry me on last night?" Lin Tian asked in surprise.

Xiao Manxue blushed, but pretended to be casual: "You don't have any clothes on, so I won't care about you. It's the girl from Kinoshita Mika who got you to bed alone."

She specially bit the word "a person" relatively heavily, for fear that Lin Tian might know it. Lin Tian shook her head with amusement, and had heard the voice outside the string, knowing that the young lady resisted herself to the bed.

This little girl called him big pervert all day ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Now she is willing to fight him to bed, Lin Tian feels very good already, but the young lady still cares about people.

"Where's Miss Er?" Lin Tian stopped talking about last night. The girl was thin-skinned and said she was going to get angry again. It was just strange why she didn't hear Xiao Manxuan's voice, and the vitality of that girl was basically her. Shouting people get up.

"She also went to bed very late. She knew that when you came back, she was going to come down to see you, but I said you were asleep before she would give up. I guess she is still sleeping this time." Xiao Manxue said, listen It took her a lot of saliva to persuade her sister last night.

Hearing that he was still worried about himself in the middle of the night, Lin Tian was very touched, but also a little distressed. The girl was still in the fertile period, and staying up late can be bad for her body.

"What about Miss Kinoshita?" Lin Tian asked again. The little nurse had been living in the Sunshine Club. She left that place and had nothing, no loved ones, no friends, no place to hold her body, and she must be confused.

Xiao Manxue seemed to see Lin Tian's thoughts and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, she just got up just now, and insisted on washing your clothes. I can't stop them."