Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 817: Be respectful?

Indeed, as Dean Miao said, Lin Tian needs to heal cold discharge by taking Tianshu, Zusanli, Shangjue Acupoints and warming needles, which can eliminate cold and dampness and stop diarrhea. Hunting Ω text Δ net Ww "W. LieWen. Cc then remove the acupoint, Daheng acupoint, Qihai acupoint and Zusanli with warm acupuncture to warm the kidney and strengthen the spleen.

Lai Xiucheng saw the two talked happily, and seemed to have forgotten his victory. He quickly reminded: "Miao Lao, so, is my diagnosis correct this time?"

"Yes, the diagnosis is correct, but ..." Dean Miao first affirmed his results, but finally turned a corner.

Lai Xiucheng's smile just converged, and narrowed his eyes. "But what? Is there any doubt about Miao?"

"Your diagnosis is really okay. If it is Lin Tian's turn that cannot be diagnosed, the result is of course you win, but there are doubts, but you can't say that you have to wait for Lin Tian's diagnosis." Dean Miao seems to have appeared What was not stated.

Everyone was wondering. Now that the diagnosis is correct, what more questions? Everyone was curious what happened to Dean Miao. Only Lin Tian sat calmly, but he just smiled and said nothing.

"Since there is no problem, then it's Lin Tian's turn." Lai Xiucheng didn't think too much and couldn't wait to urge.

Of course, he can't wait. His diagnosis is correct and he has won the first move. Regardless of Lin Tian's diagnosis, he seems to be invincible.

If Lin Tian's diagnosis is correct, it is a tie at best, but if Lin Tian's diagnosis is wrong, he will win steadily, so Lai Xiucheng has no fear.

"The scale of victory has tilted towards us." Not far away, Sun De only smiled lightly.

"Brother De Cai still thinks very well. Before the test, we are already invincible." Bai Yufeng also laughed, both of them looked like they had a winning ticket.

"That is of course. From the moment Lin Tian promised to make Guo Heng the target of diagnosis, we were already undefeated. This is Lin Tian's weakness. He is so proud that he knows we are cheating. He also promises, hehe." Laughed.

Behind Lin Tian, ​​Ziyan and Xiao Manxuan frowned. Xiao Manxuan said gently, "Sister Ziyan, the situation seems to be bad for Lin Tian?"

"My teacher is all good, but he is too proud, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and he tends to Hushan. However, isn't his most fascinating self-confidence and pride?" Zi Yan smiled charmingly. , Looking at Lin Tian's eyes flickered with a strange brilliance.

"Lin Tian, ​​don't delay, you can choose your diagnosis target." Lai Xiucheng urged Lin Tian to be too calm.

"It's a bit difficult to choose a target." Lin Tian stood up and said lazily.

This words has caused a few eyes in Ziyan, can it be the same thing for selecting the diagnosis object and the selection object?

"Classmates, who is willing to cooperate with me?" Lin Tian shouted loudly at hundreds of students.

"I would ..."

"I ... choose me!"

"Woohoo, you can't rob me, Lin Tian's senior is mine."

Immediately after Lin Tian's words fell, the scene immediately became heated, and all of them were vying for Lin Tian's diagnosis. This is completely different from Lai Xiucheng's cold field just now. No one had agreed to it just now, but now everyone is asking for it.

This situation made Lai Xiucheng very angry, especially the excitement of the girls, and made him envy, envy and hate, so any girl likes him!

Lai Xiucheng was supposed to be a school doctor leisurely, and then use the convenience of work to eat tofu for girls, but when Lin Tian appeared, everything changed.

"Heaven, I'm here." Suddenly, a huge figure appeared in front of Lin Tian, ​​startled the girls who lined up behind him.

After they saw who they were, they couldn't help protesting: "Huang Fatty, go away. Don't rely on your classmates who are seniors, you just want to get the moon near the water tower."

Lin Tian heard a black line on his face, and the girls were too vocal. What is the meaning of getting the moon near the water platform? It seems that Huang Fatzi is interesting to Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu is not a broken mountain.

Lin Tian glanced at the fat man and waved his hand: "Don't make a mess with a dead fat man, except you are fat and you are as strong as a bull. What should I diagnose?"

Huang Fatzi approached Lin Tian and whispered, "Ten brother, no matter what you say, I say yes, that's all right, anyway, Sun Decai and Lai Xiucheng are cheating."

"Fuck, you won't be diagnosed as an old Miao, so many doctors are blind here? Don't make a mess, and quickly change individuals." Lin Tian was very speechless.

"Tian brother seems to be right." Huang fat man scratched his head and had to go to the side.

Lin Tian walked out of the parasol and glanced at the students in line. The girls all looked up and looked up, as if afraid that Lin Tian could not see them.

"Lin Tian, ​​let me be your diagnostic subject." A soft voice sounded, and then a girl stepped out of the line.

Seeing this girl, Lin Tian froze, but Sun Decai, who was not far away, frowned, his eyes seemed to spit out fire, and his face became darkened.

The girl who can make Sun Decai angry and hate, only Qi Jing, it is not how much he loves Qi Jing, but he feels that the girl was thrown out of face, and the reason for being dumped may be Lin Tian.

Other students have also calmed down. They have heard many versions of the stories about Lin Tian, ​​Qi Jing and Sun Decai.

However, the most popular version is that Qi Jing feels poor and loves the rich, and he and Sun De are just fine. Now that Lin Tianwang returns, things seem to become subtle, so they are curious.

"Where are you uncomfortable? Why should you line up?" Lin Tian asked, subconsciously.

Qi Jing thought that Lin Tian was caring for her, and her eyes were surprised, and she whispered, "I have a bad stomach, and I haven't been able to leave school for two days, so I came."

"Are you also acute diarrhea?" Lin Tian asked weirdly ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ In the hearts of boys, these indecent things don't seem to be associated with beautiful women.

Qi Jing blushed and whispered, "No, it's not ..."

At this look of her, Lin Tian guessed something at a glance, but she still needed diagnosis. He motioned for Qi Jing to sit on a stool, and by default Qi Qi was selected as the diagnosis target. In his opinion, everyone was almost the same.

"Extend your hand." Lin Tian said.

Qi Jing thought that Lin Tian was going to take his pulse and put his hand on the table, but who knew that Lin Tian held her palm. Qi Jing subconsciously wanted to break free, but before she could do it, she relaxed again and let Lin Tian grab it, but her face flushed and her heart fluttered.

"The big satyr ..." Xiao Manxuan grumbled when he saw this.

But before the chick finished, Sun Decai rushed up first, staring at Lin Tian angrily: "Lin Tian, ​​she is my girlfriend, please be respectful!"

The news of the two breaking up has not been made public. In the eyes of other students, Qi Jing is still his girlfriend.