Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 888: Face is green

Mo Mingda glanced at An Xiaoru, and coldly hummed, "Well, you are a subordinate, what qualifications do you have to question me? You plant flowers so hard, the old man appreciates you, and is a subordinate, remember your Identity! "

The subordinate, another subordinate, Lin Tian's eyes narrowed for a moment. When he met Bai Yuze at the Xiao family, Bai Yuze said the same. 』WwΔW. LieWen. CC

These rich family children did not learn the hardships and simplicity of the older generation, but learned the instructions.

As a four-youth youth who has received modern education, Lin Tian can't see it anymore. He was previously ridiculed as a "liar". He doesn't care, just a few little people. But a few big men trampled on the little girl like this, my uncle can bear it, I can't bear it!

Lin Tian tried to teach him by pinching his fists, but was caught by An Xiaoru.

"Mr. Lin, don't ..." An Xiaoru looked at Lin Tian with big eyes and begged.

"Why!" Lin Tian asked angrily. Modern society is different from ancient times, and servants are just working. No one sells to these families, not whose slaves.

An Xiaoru pulled Lin Tian out and said softly, "Mr. Lin, you are the guest of the young master. If you hit Mo Mingda, the Yun family will not only blame you, but also the young master ..."

The little girl was embarrassed to continue, Lin Tian helped her and said, "Xiao Tian was also blamed, accusing him of finding someone who is not reliable, right?"

"I ... I didn't mean that." An Xiaoru blushed, explaining: "If it was your first move, both you and Master Yun would be punished. I think you and other guests are good people. I do n’t I hope you ... you offend the Yun family, which will be against you. "

Not good for Lao Tzu? Lin Tian was amused secretly, but the little girl was in a good heart, he didn't insist anymore, and he really hit Mo Mingda, he could go away, but An Xiaoru might be killed and lose the job.

Listening to what Mo Mingda said just now, it can be seen that the little girl did a good job at Yun's house, and was appreciated by Yun's father. With Yun's wealth, An Xiaoru's salary is certainly not low.

If you lose this job and want to go out and find a place with such a high salary and a good environment, it will not be easy.

"Well, just listen to Xiaoru girl, let him go, a so elegant Liuting Pavilion, there is nothing fun with people like them." Lin Tian laughed indifferently.

An Xiaoru was relieved, and thanked Lin Tian in turn, she was such a kind little girl.

There was no way to play here, Lin Tian and An Xiaoru were about to move to another place, and an unkind voice suddenly stopped them.

"Hey, you two stand still!"

"Which uneducated person is calling me?" Lin Tian turned and looked at Liu Yan Pavilion, which was dozens of meters behind him.

In fact, he heard Liu Weiyan's voice, but Lin Tian pretended not to know.

Being told by a “river and river liar” that he was not educated, Liu Weiyan was so angry that his face was cold and he wanted to be angry, but he touched his arm with Mo Mingda next to him, seeming to remind him.

Liu Weiyan took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly, "I shouted."

"Oh, it turned out that Viagra was calling me, I don't know what to teach?" Lin Tian smiled and laughed. Anyone who knew him knew that when he showed such a smile, someone would be unlucky.

Viagra? A group of people were stunned at the scene. Isn't this thing the kind of blue pill? Men do n’t eat it until they die. Liu Weiyan is a big man called “Viagra”. He does n’t know how to listen. He can't do it.

However, it seems correct to think of this kind of name, because his name carries a word "wei", what "Tiange", "Liu Ge" and "Yun Ge" are usually called like this.

The look on Liu Weiyan's face was like eating a fly, or just chewing it.

"Don't call me Viagra!" Liu Weiyan said with gritted teeth.

Lin Tian drew his ears, his expression was very innocent, and then said, "It's OK to not be Viagra, Yan Ge, what does Yan Ge call us?"

Brother Yan? Castration? A bunch of people stung again, this "castration" went further than "Viagra". "Viagra" At least the man's gadget is still there, but it just doesn't work, "castration" Well, the man's gadget is cut off, simply no longer.

An Xiaoru nodded for a moment, and also returned to God. She could not help but laugh out loud, but was afraid that others would know, and quickly reached out and covered her mouth, her white face was crimson.

For the first time, Liu Weiyan felt how embarrassing his name was. He was panting, and there was a fire in his heart, but he didn't come out. His master looked at Lin Tian and frowned.

The eloquence of this young man was really good, and Wei Yan was stunned by a few words. They all said that the rivers and lakes scammers are eloquent. They can be said to be wild, and it really is not false. As "Langhu Langzhong", "Jianghu liar".

Mo Mingda patted Liu Weiyan's arm again to make him calm and restless, and then he took a few steps forward and said to Lin Tianyao: "Viagra, oh no, Brother Liu means that since he is here, if he is not here Would n’t it be a pity to have fun? ”

Although Mo Mingda changed her mouth very quickly, the word "Viagra" has been exported, and everyone else has heard it. Now even her companions are not smiling.

Mo Mingda looked at Lin Tian, ​​and narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking to himself that it was all this "rogue swindler" that made me lose heart, and I wanted him to look good!

At the same time, he was glad that there was no ambiguity in how he called his name, otherwise he would be shouted out by this "river and river liar" ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and his face would be lost.

Who knows, just now he thought of it, Lin Tian laughed and shouted.

"Mo ... brother, since there is a kind invitation, I have no reason to refuse. It is a rare regret to come here, not to play, I am really sorry." Lin Tianwei smiled, but when he shouted "Brother Mo", the accent was slightly stretched. A moment.

Touch ... the chest? Mo Mingda is estimated to be rich in experience. He immediately heard Lin Tian's meaning of "Mo Brother", and his face turned green. Now he fully understood Liu Weiyan's feelings just now.

An Xiaoru glanced at Lin Tian blushingly, thinking shyly, that this Mr. Lin was so handsome, but what he said was really ashamed.

"Cough ..." Dr. Liao pretended to cough twice, breaking through the embarrassment in front of him.

Lin Tian didn't care. He walked back to the pavilion and smiled softly, "I don't know how Brother Mo will play?"

At no time did Mo Mingda hate the title "Brother Mo" as much as he did at the moment, but his city government was much deeper than Liu Weiyan, and he squeezed a smile and said: "Since it is a stream pavilion, it is naturally a curvy stream!"