Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 914: Unseen

Continued the life of the father? Lin Tian was stunned. The old man had saved his grandson Yun Tian. He had been seriously injured. He knew that the old man could survive, not because of the appearance of the ghost valley, was he cured for the time being? Why is it related to Quan Yan?

"Hehe, Xiaotian, I knew you would be weird. I wo n’t say anything else. I ’ll tell you something about Spring Eyes. I just want you to know. If one day you can live in this place, I hope you can be thankful. Quan Yan is the lifeblood of the Yun family, protecting it is as important as protecting any tribe. Hunter.com W. Lee Wen. Cc "Master Yun solemnly said.

Live in this place? Lin Tian is even more baffled, is there something that the old man is suggesting? No, it has been explicitly stated that those who can live here can only be the No. 1 leader of the Yun family.

In other words, if you Lin Tian is my grandson Yun Tian, ​​in the future the Yun family will be inherited by you, representing the place where the Yun family has the highest power, and naturally you will live.

But what about Yun Xiaotian? The boy is now being cultivated as a successor. Lin Tian's mind is a bit confused. Is the old man too anxious, before the character has been written, he started to arrange the funeral, so that you are about to hang up.

Father Yun seemed to see the puzzlement in Lin Tian's heart and shook his head and said, "You must think I'm too abrupt, but I'm afraid I don't have much time?"

"Master, what does that mean?" Lin Tian asked with a frown, did he fall ill?

"My body, I know what's going on. Although I just can't walk, the real situation is a lot more serious. I know you're a healer, it's Xiaotian who came to you to treat me, and sooner or later you will Diagnosed, so I do n’t intend to hide you. ”Father Yun said earnestly, but his eyes were indifferent, and he seemed to see through life and death.

Lin Tian frowned even deeper, depending on the situation Yun Xiaotian didn't know about it, otherwise the little fart could cry anxiously early.

"I used to have no consciousness below my knees. Recently, the medicine I am taking seems to be uncontrollable, and I have no consciousness even in my thighs. According to this situation, I am afraid that it is more formidable. The passer of the ghost valley also said He couldn't completely heal, and I don't know when he will be injured. This disaster is always unavoidable. "Father Yun said.

Yun Xiaotian had mentioned this before, but Lin Tian couldn't think of it, it would be done at this time.

"Father, can you show me?" Lin Tian asked.

"You can just look at it, Xiaotian said you've got medical skills, and I want to see and see." Father Yun said openly.

Lin Tian didn't say anything, squatted down, pressed his fingers on Father Yun's wrist, and began to close his veins, his eyes closed. The veins are just appearances. Lin Tian opened the perspective at the same time. The perspective glanced directly at the feet of the old man.

As soon as the perspective glanced at the feet of the old man, Lin Tian stopped, what happened? The old man's feet didn't have any vitality, like a piece of dead wood!

Lin Tian has never seen this situation before. He used to treat low back pain for Song Yanan. Song Yanan's waist was strained for a long time, which caused his muscles to lose vitality and his meridians to be blocked.

However, Father Yun's legs are not as simple as losing vitality, but lacking vitality, Lin Tian does not seem to feel it.

Since having the ability to see through, Lin Tian has used it to see through many things, human bodies, animal bodies, flowers, trees, and stone floors. In a nutshell, they are living and inanimate.

When observing the human body or the body of animals and plants, Lin Tian can feel the muscle cells full of vitality, which is a lively feeling. The younger the body, the more lush the flowers and trees, the more vivid the feeling of life.

And when you look at dead things such as stones and dead wood, you can't feel that fresh feeling, it's just a dead thing, as is the case of Father Yun's legs.

It stands to reason that for such an injury, the old man ’s feet had been amputated. Even if he had not amputated, he had already shrunk, but Lin Tian clearly saw that the old man ’s feet were still intact and there was no trace of shrinkage.

This situation is so weird that Lin Tian has never seen it. If it is really like the father said, unawareness has spread from the calf to the thigh, and then spread, spread to the whole body, then the whole body of the father will become like dead wood, without vitality.

That is to say, it hangs up at that time, no, you don't have to wait until that time, as long as this situation spreads to which important organs are dirty, it is basically dead.

"How can this be?" Lin Tian opened his eyes and shook his head in puzzlement.

Father Yun seems to have expected the result long ago, and smiled cheerfully: "Xiaotian, every doctor I have seen is your expression. It seems that my old man has only a few days left, but for so many years, I too I picked it up, and made it for nothing. "

"Father, I ..." Lin Tian wanted to say that, unlike those doctors, the diagnosis results were more accurate than the most advanced instruments, but when I think about it, can the perspective be explained clearly?

Father Yun thought Lin Tian was blaming himself, and in turn comforted him: "Xiaotian doesn't have to blame himself, no matter what the outcome is, I can readily accept it."

"Father, I don't mean that, let's say that, I need to know more about the injury, including the process of injury." Lin Tian said seriously.

Seeing Lin Tian's serious expression, Father Yun couldn't help but be a little surprised. Before the doctor, as long as the diagnosis was made, he basically shook his head to give up, and asked Lin's condition like Lin Tian's.

However, Father Yun did not hold much hope. He saw too many famous doctors, and Lin Tian was really too young.

But he still nodded and said, "When it comes to the year ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, I also want to mention a hospital, Xinghai Hospital."

"Xinghai Hospital?" Lin Tian was surprised, wasn't that the hospital with the best medical level in China?

"Oh, are Xiaotian and Xinghai Hospital familiar?" Father Yun curiously asked.

"I'm not familiar with Xinghai Hospital, but I'm familiar with Dean Miao of Xinghai Hospital in Xikou City." Lin Tian said that the Yun family's investigation of me was not comprehensive, and some things were unknown. miss you.

"President Miao is an old friend of mine and has seen it for me a few times, but he can't do anything about it." Father Yun said.

The old man mentioned Dean Miao and went on to say: "Xinghai Hospital was the hospital with the best medical conditions. That year was no exception. Therefore, the hospital where Yuntian was born was chosen to be Xinghai Hospital."

"Actually, there is another reason for choosing Xinghai Hospital, because the Yun family is one of the shareholders of Xinghai Hospital. Of course, we know very well the medical level of Xinghai Hospital." Said Mr. Yun.

"Oh, Xinghai Hospital was opened by the Yun family?" Lin Tian was surprised again.