Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 918: Big conspiracy

"This conspiracy is aimed at the Yun family?" Lin Tian asked in surprise. Δ 』hunting Ω text network www. LieWen. CC

"No, since it's a conspiracy, how can you only target the Yun family? At first we didn't know that after this incident, things became a mess." Wang Wanxi shook her head.

"After Yuntian disappeared, my father, Yuntian's grandfather, was very angry, and felt that it was the Yun family who did not protect his grandson. The father went to the Yun family to make a big fight, and almost destroyed Haoyu. If it wasn't for me Blocking, Haoyu, like the old man, may have been in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. "Wang Wanxi said a little helplessly about this.

Lin Tian had another feeling. Who is Wang Wanxi ’s father who dared to make a big noise at Yun ’s house and almost destroyed Yun Haoyu? Yun Haoyu was the owner of Yun ’s house, even if he was n’t. He is also the heir to the homeowner.

The homeowner of the grandest family, who wants to quit?

"I know that my father was only angry for a while. Although I persuaded my father later, he still couldn't swallow his breath, and then went back to investigate the disappearance of Yuntian."

"According to the characteristics of the attacker's fearlessness of swords and guns, his father followed the clues and investigated all the way. He even found overseas. The organization planning the operation was from abroad."

Foreign organization? Lin Tian moved, and blurt out, "Island country?"

Wang Wanxi stared at Lin Tian frowningly, frowning: "How do you know?"

Lin Tian did not answer her, and continued to speculate: "Sunshade?"

"You ... Xiaotian, how did you ...?" Wang Wanxi was so shocked that she couldn't even speak, and stared at Lin Tian with a dead eye, as if she wanted to see what secret was hidden in Lin Tian's mind.

"Huh ..." Lin Tian exhaled, and said lowly, "Sure enough I guessed it right?"

"Xiaotian, what is going on here? Did the old man tell you? But the old man didn't know about the Sunshine Society." Wang Wanxi asked in shock.

"Aunt Wang, this is a long story. I know the Sunshine Society or because of the Xiao family. The Sunshine Society wants to get something from the Xiao family and has been planning something for the Xiao family. I can link two things together. , Based on those attackers who are not afraid of the sword. "

"Although I don't know if it's the same kind of person, I did meet people who are not afraid of swords and guns. They have been transformed by puppetry, their bodies are very strong, and they only obey the owner's orders." Lin Tian explained.

"It turns out that, according to your characteristics, they should be the same type of people. They are not afraid of life and death, they are very powerful, they only attack, and they don't defend at all. I didn't support it for a long time, and I was beaten seriously unconscious." Wang Wan Xi said with some worries.

"Your father found out that the incident was related to the Sunshine Club. What happened afterwards?" Lin Tian asked.

Wang Wanxi recalled it and continued: "After knowing who planned, they soon found out their purpose and planned this conspiracy organization. The ambition was very ambitious. It targeted the major families in China, including the Yun family, the Li family. Family, European family, etc. "

"Their purpose is to take away the heirs of the major families and train them from an early age. When the heirs grow up, they will let them come back to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors. Through a series of methods, these children will regain the position of heirs. And they , By controlling these heirs, controlling the major families. "

"Together, these families can affect the economic lifeline of Huaxia as a whole. If you think about it, if the Sunshine Society controls these families, it will indirectly control the economic lifeline of China. The economic lifeline is the foundation of a country. Wang Wanxi said in a low voice, and at the end she shuddered a little.

Lin Tian narrowed his eyes, and his heart was also shaking. This is really a conspiracy, this is a plot to steal the country!

"However ... this kind of plan is very difficult to implement, and the big families are not fools, how could it be so easy to control a big family. Taking a step back, even if they control the heirs, the heirs succeed in recognizing their ancestors and becoming eligible, Nor do they necessarily control a family. "

"Because in a large family, in addition to the heirs, there are many older generations, and the old guys have a great say in speaking. Taking a step back, the old guys are no longer dead, and there are people from their fathers. The Sunshine Society cannot control everyone, so it is difficult to control a large family. "

"Moreover, if these heirs controlled by the Sunshine Society have done things that are not good for the family, they may have to be abolished by the family. Therefore, the plan of the Sunshine Society sounds ambitious and shudder, but As long as you think about it, it is very unlikely that this plan will succeed. "Lin Tianying thought more and more thoroughly, and analyzed the reason for Wang Wanxi in detail.

Wang Wanxi nodded non-stop, saying, "You have such an analysis that makes you suddenly bright, but if you say a little bit, their plan is not completely successful, but as long as you secretly let the heirs do things for the Sunshine Society, the family It is also very unfavorable, and it is a time bomb, maybe it will be a fatal blow to the family at a critical moment. "

"Well, your worries are not unreasonable. Hey, that's not right. I analyzed it for a long time, did the plan of the Sunshine Club finally be implemented?" Lin Tian responded, puzzled.

"If it is implemented, can I still talk to you like this? At that time, after knowing the plan of the Sunshine Society, and his grandson disappeared, he was very angry. The father decided to avenge the grandson and avenge the Sunshine Society ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Wang Wanxi said with bright eyes, apparently she also agreed

"Xiaotian's grandfather is really a hot-tempered man, but if he changed to me, he would make the same choice." Lin Tian said.

"My father united some ancient warriors in the ancient martial arts world, secretly sneaked into the island country, found out some of the Sunshine Club's strongholds, and destroyed one when he knew one. When he destroyed the fourth, he finally encountered a master of the Sunshine Club. With his dead sword, his father was hostile to the two masters. The other ancient warriors eliminated the stronghold one by one, and his father eventually killed the two masters. "

"This is because the island nation was wrong. The other forces of the island nation did not appear to obstruct their father's beheading. After this battle, the shadow will hide, and his father will have to return."

"Later, we received news that the attackers had not been able to go abroad successfully. They met our Chinese exorcist and the two sides fought. Because the fighting scene was too chaotic, Yuntian disappeared in this battle and never again. Trace. "Wang Wanxi recounted softly, and finally sighed slightly.

It turned out that Yuntian hadn't been taken out, no wonder the Yun family had been looking for it, Lin Tian thought to himself, but he still had a doubt, the fighting power of the Sunshine Society should not be weak, especially that Xu Feibai, I wonder what it is Relationship, why did the Sunshine Association finally disappear?