Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 928: Finally started

At this point, Li Wenrong couldn't take Lin Tian on the spot. He had to apologize to the Yun family and said, "Old man, Uncle Yun, this time the junior came to the road, and this kind of thing happened. Please also forgive the old man and Uncle Yun. ΩWwΩW. "LieWen. CC"

Most people encounter this kind of embarrassment, most of them are left without a face, but Li Wenrong didn't mean to leave, but just said something.

In this way, Lin Tian was a little puzzled. With Li Wenrong's character, face is more important than anything, but in the embarrassing situation, he can't hold back. If you do n’t have a purpose, I do n’t believe that he was killed, Lin Tian sneered.

Yun Haoyu smiled and said, "Li Shi nephew doesn't need to worry about him, he can just sit in his seat." Yun Haoyu was of course happy to reject the Li family's gift.

Li Wenrong may also be dizzy and even sat in the right position, which made all the doctors' minds subtle suddenly, all looking at Li Wenrong with no good intentions.

As a young junior, what qualifications do you have with Jiang Laoping? This son San Li is really uneducated. Many people think so.

He whispered something in Li Wenrong's ear while working. Li Wenrong now found himself in an inappropriate position, but now that he had sat down and stood up again to change positions, his face was even more lost, and he had to sit hard and continue.

Lin Tian glanced at Li Wenrong and returned to his seat.

"Brother Lin, do you really have a basket of ginseng?" Fu asked curiously.

"Of course, Brother Lin not only has a basket of 100-year-old ginseng, but also a basket of 100-year-old ginseng." Lin Tian laughed, and this made the surrounding doctors look at each other, and what the young man said was true.

"Well, time has passed a lot. Everyone gathered here, don't waste time. Whoever has the confidence, come first." Jiang Yanying said, it seems that she has presided over this job, but no one will object. .

The famous doctors who were so impressed just now, all of Jiang Yanying's words remained silent. They are famous doctors, but famous doctors are not divine doctors. They have not grasped the cure of the old man, and no one wants to take the lead.

They come here for two purposes. One is to hit the luck, maybe they will heal themselves. That ’s the glory of the heavens. Both, they also want to see if others can heal, so they can steal the teacher one or two. .

In this case, everyone must do everything they can, just to take the opportunity to learn from others, this opportunity is not always available.

Du Zhong looked around at the crowd, stood up with a big grin, and said with an arched hand: "Since you can't bear it anymore, I just say a few words, and I start."

"My eucommia has self-knowledge. On medical science, I don't even have any cleverness here. However, I put down a sentence here. As long as you can heal the old man, I will do my best to provide the medicine you lack, so you do n’t need to Worried about the problem of medicinal materials, although he used the trick. "Du Zhong said solemnly.

"Well, you also have time to know yourself." Liao Ping said sarcastically.

Eucommia did not argue with Liao Ping, but said: "Liao Ping, although you are not very good, but as long as you can heal the old man, I am willing to provide medicinal materials unconditionally."

"Well, old Du, just say this to you. I admire you heartily." A doctor applauded Du Zhong.

By contrast, Liao Ping seemed narrow-minded and his face became a little embarrassed.

"Lao Du, you make us blush. In this case, I will be the first one. It's a trick." A middle-aged doctor stood up, apparently touched by Du Zhong's words.

The middle-aged doctor got up and walked up. Father Yun cooperated with the doctor very much, and the remaining people focused on the middle-aged doctor.

The process of diagnosis is stressful. The most stressful are the people of the Yun family, especially Yun Haoyu's father and son. Whether the famous doctors can heal the grandfather is related to the lives of the closest relatives.

If you want to say the easiest, it is Father Yun himself, with a calm smile on his face. This kind of demeanor, even Lin Tian, ​​is impressed. How many people can be so calm in the face of life and death?

"Doctor Guo, how is my condition?" Father Yun asked instead.

"It's difficult, difficult, difficult. I don't know what to do if my husband is sparse and my medicine is not good." The middle-aged doctor admitted very frankly.

The middle-aged doctor shook his head and sighed, saying that this was the first case. There was no direction to prescribe the medicine. The difficulty was so great that the doctors present were dignified.

Before they came here, they only heard that Mr. Yun's injury was almost incurable. They didn't take it seriously, and they didn't think about the diagnosis of the first doctor, so they let them drink it.

"Anyway, I still want to thank Dr. Guo for his hard work and coming from afar." Although Yun Haoyu was also very disappointed, the scene still had to be said.

The middle-aged doctor shook his head in shame and stepped back. With the beginning of the first one, the doctors couldn't bear it anymore, and 6 continued to come to see and treat Father Yun.

Some are the same as the first one, who have no way to start, some who try to use massage and massage, and some who use acupuncture, but without exception, the injury of the old man shows no improvement.

Lin Tian noticed that Yun Xiaotian was crying. Although this result was already foreseeable, Yun Xiaotian couldn't accept it when he really faced it.

"Dr. Liao, everyone is almost there. It's your turn." Du Zhong reminded.

Liao Ping just hummed and stood up, like a big-name teacher. However, he can still sit in the second position, there is always some ability, others are also curious, how Liao Ping wants to treat.

"Wei Yan, go and bring in the tools ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Liao Ping instructed the apprentice behind him.

Liu Weiyan agreed, and ran out quickly, and quickly turned back, with an additional suitcase in his hand. Liu Weiyan had long hoped for Master's shot. Because of this, Master healed and won glory. As an apprentice, he was also with Yu Rongguang.

Lin Tian was suppressed several times, and his brows were exhaled, so he was better than anyone at this time.

"Open the box," Liao Ping ordered.

Liu Weiyan opened the suitcase, and the doctors underneath extended his neck to see what secret weapons Liao Ping had.

The contents of the box were laid out one by one, Lin Tian could see that it was just a set of ordinary silver needles, used for acupuncture, but at the tail of each silver needle, a thin metal wire was attached.

"Dr. Liao, your acupuncture kit is special. Do you want to control the silver needles through those wires?" A doctor couldn't help asking.

Liao Ping smiled and said, "It can also be said, but it's not completely right. This is my newly researched acupuncture method based on the acupuncture techniques of my ancestors. I call them purple electric silver needles."