Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 962: Chaser

Not only was the strength feedback wrong, but the black robe secretary lying on the ground was even more wrong. After receiving such a heavy punch, he didn't vomit blood, or he was not human, Lin Tian felt strange. "Hunting network WwΔW. LieWen. CC

Suddenly, there was a red smoke from the secretary of the black robe, and then the person disappeared. Only a scarecrow remained on the ground. The scarecrow was tied with a red thread and attached to a rune paper.

Lin Tian couldn't understand any more, and it was time to hit the wall. In this case, he encountered it once at the shrine. Onitsuka Ichiro's tactics were very similar.

Although Onizuka Ichiro uses rune paper, and the secret robe of the black robe uses a scarecrow, Lin Tian guesses that the principle is the same. Both yin and yang techniques and witchcraft are derived from Chinese Taoism. Although the form has changed, the effect is the same.

"Lin Tian, ​​take care of the yin and yang life fruit for me, I will come back for it,"

The voice of the black robe secretary suddenly sounded outside the basement. Lin Tian turned and rushed out of the basement, jumping to the top of the building a few times. He glanced around the surroundings, but where was the shadow of the Black Robes.

"It even made him run away," Lin Tian said to himself.

Witchcraft is just as mysterious as Taoism. It's too defensive. Lin Tian is just a powerful combatant. He still suffers from these weird things. Although he won't get hurt, the enemy wants to run and can't defend himself.

In addition, the Black Robber killed so many people in the island country at first, shocked the power of the island country, and can still leave the island country smoothly. It is conceivable that in terms of escape, the Black Robber has his own strengths.

Lin Tian expanded the level of vision of the level perspective to the maximum, and there is still no shadow of the black robe secretary. The black robe secretary really escaped completely.

However, he got the fruit of yin and yang, and his purpose has been achieved, so he no longer tangles it. Lin Tian returned to the basement, where the black smoke had disappeared and the worms were gone. The bat was also gone, leaving only a mess of the ground, broken glass on the ground, and broken earthen jars.

The reason he returned to the basement was with a glimmer of hope, hoping that the yin and yang plant was not destroyed, but it was a pity that not only the flower pot was broken, but the yin and yang plant was also broken, and the yin and yang plant was even more regrettable. The fruit has rotted from the plant.

Lin Tian originally wanted to take it back and send it to the young lady's laboratory for planting. Eventually, the yin and yang living fruit species matured. Professor Xue can also observe the principle of its growth and maturity, maybe it can be planted in large quantities.

However, Lin Tian was not without harvest. He had at least five yin and yang fruits, which was enough for Grandpa Yun to dispense medicine. Moreover, after this destruction, the plan of the black robe priests was ruined, and those who selected did not have to die because of his witchcraft, which saved a lot of people.

By the way, there is also a seed, Lin Tian remembered the reward of the selector, took the seed out and looked at it. The seed was given to the young lady, presumably she was very interested, and her experiment needed such a strange flower. fruit.

Lin Tian collected the seeds and the fruit of yin and yang, left the basement, and returned to Zhao Ya's car.

"Mr. Lin, did something happen?" Zhao Ya asked with some worry.

"Rest assured, even if there is something, it is also a good thing. I just fought with the mysterious teacher behind Tan Yuan, but unfortunately escaped, but his spiritual class could not be opened, and fewer people could be harmed." Lin Tian comforted Road.

"Secretary?" Zhao Ya asked puzzled.

"Oh, it was the sorcerer I mentioned before, but he is not actually a sorcerer, they claim to be mystics," Lin Tian explained.

"Mr. Lin, thank you. If it weren't for you, it would be me, but those who were in the past may be too fierce. I don't know how to repay you," Zhao Ya said gratefully.

"You don't have to reciprocate me. I came here for my own purpose. It is the same goal, but you should be careful in the future. Don't take part in this messy spiritual class." Lin Tian casually urged, but this Zhao Ya is okay, if it is replaced by Shen Anni, it is estimated that she will shout to make a promise.

"Anyway, thank you. You gave me a second life. I will definitely repay you if I have a chance." Zhao Ya insisted.

"Actually, even if I don't take the shot, you may be fine in the end." Lin Tian guessed.

"Why?" Zhao Ya was very puzzled, could the secret master be merciless.

"When I met the black robe mystic, he once said that several of the witchcraft he had arranged had been destroyed. If I guessed correctly, a master has already perceived his plan, and presumably the master is very You can find the secret teacher soon, so the plan of the secret teacher will not be successful. "Lin Tian analyzed.

Zhao Ya was a little confused, obviously she couldn't understand Lin Tian's words, and Lin Tian didn't intend to explain it in depth. This matter involved the power of non-human beings. Zhao Ya was just an ordinary person, so it was better to know less.

"Let's drive, don't think about it that much." Lin Tian lowered the chair in the back seat, lay down comfortably, reminded softly, and then closed his eyes and raised his mind, in fact, was thinking about the refining of Danfang.

Zhao Ya drove through the narrow road. As she drove on the road, a black off-road vehicle and her car passed by.

The black off-road vehicle did not drive on the road, but turned and entered the lane just out of Lin Tian.

The target location of the off-road vehicle seemed very clear. It did not diminish, ran forward, and finally stopped in front of the last alley.

At this time, the cars of the wealthy people outside the alley had already left, and they were very empty. The off-road vehicle had just stopped and the doors opened immediately. A few people in black combat clothes got out of it.

After coming out, they didn't stop, they rushed to Jingxinzhai directly, a total of seven people, of which the first one was tall, with her head tied up, she was a woman, but her degree was the fastest.

Instead of going through the main entrance ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, she jumped up, jumped directly to the second floor, took a few more jumps, went up to the fifth floor, and then got in through the window. The whole process was extremely fast.

The remaining six soldiers split into two lanes. The two rushed into Jingxinzhai from the door, and the remaining four bypassed Jingxinzhai and continued to search backward.

After a while, the horrified shouts rang out in Jingxinzhai, and the assistants inside had not yet left. A few minutes later, all of Tan Yuan's assistants were squeezed out of Jingxinzhai.

"Instructor, there are no current targets, these are all ordinary people." A man reported to the leading woman.

Women look beautiful, their bodies are so good that they make women jealous, men drool, and tight black combat uniforms set off their slim waists and towering breasts.

If Lin Tian were here, she would recognize this woman, her strength is as high as her chest, a violent woman, Ning Luoxi is also.

"Instructor, there is something ..." Ning Luoxi's headset suddenly remembered the call of the team members.

Ning Luoxi signaled that the two players were optimistic about the person and ran to the position reported to the player.