Zombie Bodyguard

Chapter 967: The first refining

The light blue flame was burning quietly in the fire chamber. Lin Tian seemed to be counting something silently. At the ninth in his heart, he opened the lid, added three spoons of spring water to the refining chamber, and covered it again. cover. "Hunting Ω text network Ww" W. "LieWen. CC

The water in the refining chamber was quickly heated, and the water vapor was sprayed from the pores in the mouth of the dragon and tiger on the top cover.

Lin Tian was thinking about the medicinal materials of "Shaoyang Dan" in his mind. Next, he started to put the medicinal materials. Several people in Ziyan watched quietly without disturbing Lin Tian.

When refining medicine, you must pay full attention to controlling the heat. This is the same as cooking. If the heat is not good, cooking will fail. Cooking failure is at best a bit unfortunate, but the refining fails, and the result is only a pile of medicine residue.

"The main medicine, three Shaoyang grass ..."

Lin Tian remembered the medicinal materials on Danfang in his mind, and confirmed the quantity. His hand was shaking on the medicinal materials at the same time, and there were already three Shaoyang grasses in his hands.

Shaoyangcao is also a relatively rare medicinal material, and ordinary medical practitioners have never heard of it. Shaoyangcao must be used in its entire plant.

Lin Tian felt the heat intensity in the medicine tripod, then opened the lid, and put Shaoyang grass into the refining chamber. When Shaoyang Cao came into contact with the boiling spring water, there was a sound of "嗤", and then everyone smelled a strange fragrance.

This strange fragrance is very strange, as if people are under the sun, among the flowers, the fragrance of the flowers seems to be stained with sunlight, and it has a kind of bright spring.

Spring is the season when the yang is born. This nascent yang is the shaoyang qi, which gives people a sense of springing back to the earth and everything initiating.

The reason why everyone has this strange feeling is that the medicinal gas of Shaoyang grass is steamed by the heat of medicinal herbs and scattered in the air. When people inhale this medicinal gas, they are nourished by the medicinal gas, so they feel very comfortable. It's like basking in the early spring.

Several of them showed surprised expressions. Only Jiang Yanying shook her head and seemed very dissatisfied.

Lin Tian controls the heat of the flame through the air duct and slowly heats it. The first step he needs to do is to refine the medicinal solution of each medicinal material through the medicine tripod. high.

The medicinal solution in the medicine tripod turned green, and as the water vapor evaporated, the medicinal solution became thicker and greener, and to a certain extent, Lin Tian quickly extinguished the fire in the fire chamber, Shaoyang grass. Refining is complete.

Lin Tian opened the lid of the tripod, and everyone came to see the medicine liquid like the agar slurry in the tripod, which was very beautiful.

"Lao Jiang, what do you think?" Lin Tian asked, this is the first semi-finished product he trained as a pharmacist, so he paid special attention to it.

Jiang Yanying shook her head and said only two words: "Failure!"

"No, Brother Lin's medicinal solution is green and pretty. Why did it fail?" Yun Xiaotian asked very puzzledly, which was the same thought in An Xiaoru's heart.

Jiang Yeying looked at Yun Xiaotian like a child, and smiled helplessly: "The refining is successful or not, the credentials are not good or bad, but I have never seen the medicine for your grandfather before, and no wonder you will say so. "

"Lao Jiang, how do you judge it to be successful?" Lin Tian asked humbly.

"Actually, during your refining process, I knew that the refining would fail because the fragrant medicine was too strong." Jiang Yanying said the reason why she just shook her head.

"Why is that?" Lin Tian asked at the same time.

"Although the refining medicine has something in common with cooking, after all, the medicinal material is not gourmet. It does not need to pay attention to color and aroma. When you were refining Shaoyang grass just now, the medicinal aroma was too strong, indicating that the medicine was losing power."

"This is one. The second is that the color of Shaoyang grass is preferably tender green, that is, the color of the buds of trees in spring. It looks fragile, but flourishes, and is full of energy. The closer you get to this color, the more it is good."

"And the liquid you refined is green, indicating that there are many impurities and many impurities in the liquid. The chance of failure when blending with alchemy is very high. Just now I told you that the purer the liquid, the better the chance of success. Bigger. "

"Returning to the question just now, how to keep the medicinal power in the process of refining? The trick is to control the fire, control the change of the firepower, and not use the fierce fire blindly for the sake of speeding up, then the thermal change in the medicine tripod is uncontrollable. So that the force of the medicine will fluctuate with the dramatic change in heat. "

"I ca n’t tell you how to control the fire, because I can only count half a pharmacist. I can only tell you the trick. You can read your pharmacist notes and the Shennongdi Medicine Classic. Presumably there will be an introduction on that pharmacist note. He is a pharmacist with rich experience in refining medicine, and it is very suitable for novices like you. "Jiang Yiying explained to Lin Tian very patiently.

Although she did not say any specific method of refining medicine, her mention of these points made Lin Tian, ​​a novice, open and felt a sense of enlightenment.

Because Jiang Yanying did not say the specific method of refining medicine, even if An Xiaoru and Yun Xiaotian heard it, it was not a bad rule. They were not pharmacists, and they were still in the fog when they heard it.

"Thank you very much for teaching, you are my teacher." Lin Tian solemnly said, with a very respectful tone.

Lin Tian saw the shadow of Zhou Lao on Jiang Lao. Zhou Lao taught his emerald knowledge at the beginning, and did his best.

This kind of generosity and imagination can be called a master's demeanor. Unlike in news reports, any cat or dog dares to be an expert or a master. Masters are not only academic, but honorable titles of character.

"Hehe ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Call me a teacher, but you ca n’t call me a master." This is the second time Jiang Yanying has said this, on the grounds that Lin Tian and Ziyan ’s ancestor is Guiguzi.

"Brother, do you want to continue?" Zi Yan laughed.

"Of course, I didn't give up two words in my dictionary," Lin Tian said confidently.

Having said that, no matter where he was, he sat directly cross-legged on the ground, and began to replay the contents of the "Shen Nongdi Medicine Classic" and "Pharmacist's Notes" in his mind.

The last time I focused on the prescription, this time Lin Tian focused on refining the medicine, replaying the contents of the book, as if someone was refining the medicine in front of Lin Tian, ​​teaching him personally.

Only Lin Tian can do this, because he has all the content in the book in his mind. After the image, he seems to have a pharmacist practicing in his mind.

In fact, the image of that pharmacist is himself. Lin Tian practiced in his mind according to his understanding of refining medicine. With the dual exercise and observation, he became more and more familiar with the techniques and methods of refining medicine.

When Lin Tian opened his eyes again, several people in Ziyan looked at him strangely.