Zombie Evolution

Chapter 304: Witch Altar


Zhang Yang said, his body volleyed upside down.


Sitting firmly on the back of the beast, the beast face was calm and calmly accepted this "treatment", and immediately spread its four hoofs and ran forward.



On the ground in front, there is a thick layer of bones. Lost the Green Light Group, they have no chance of resurrection, they can only be trampled by the savage beasts to crush them.

"Zhang Daoyou, you are getting more and more powerful! These skeleton monsters, at the beginning, you have to display a thousand enchanting monsters, you can only destroy a few heads, the last time you can only destroy the monsters within a radius of the circle, but now it is Kill all within ten miles ... It's unimaginable to make such rapid progress. "

The beast talked to Zhang Yang, with a little fear in his respectful tone.

Not to mention the strength that Zhang Yang showed before is enough to torture him. Just the 10,000 enchanters, the beast knows that he can absolutely not cope.

These tens of thousands of fierce vigor **** are extremely powerful, enough to pose a threat to his first half-step nine-level flood monster.

If the outside world might be able to escape with a powerful speed, but in this witch ancestral temple, under the prohibition of air and ban, he could not even escape.

Once Zhang Yang turns his face, as long as Wan Yao slaps a move, he can kill the beast beast, and it is the most miserable death method of being killed by Wan Gui.

Think about ten days ago, a big mouth of the beast can swallow the raw **** of the 10,000 enchanting beasts ... The changes before and after this are really embarrassing.

Zhang Yang heard the words, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Thanks to your help, the benefits of these green light groups to Sheng **** are much greater than I thought. Wan Yaoyu can be promoted to a quasi-immortal. Old man, you have contributed. "

"Hey!" The Beast smiled.


The beast's huge body is definitely the best mount. Under the speed. Soon, a large number of skeleton monsters appeared in front.

Zhang Yang didn't even bother to stand up, and Wan Enxue in his hand directly advertised.


A n wind wrapped around, blowing towards the skeleton monsters; countless students hunted forward with excitement. Start biting ...

There are 10,000 enchanting weapons of mass destruction, no matter how many skeleton monsters. No threat to Zhang Yang.

Along the way, Zhang Yang's mana did not consume much, and the power of the million enchanting was getting bigger and bigger.

After a few more days. The number of hunches of 10,000 enchanting middle-level infants has reached dozens. Jindan-level students also reached more than 20,000 huns. Except for a small part of the gas-refining period, most of them were promoted to the level of monks **** during the construction period.

Ten thousand enchanting, has become a veritable quasi-existence level existence.

However, Zhang Yang was disappointed. After being promoted to this point, the level of raw **** seems to have reached a bottleneck. They are still devouring the green light group frantically, but the effect after swallowing is much worse and has not evolved again.

Zhang Yang felt secretly sorry. Although he doesn't know how to help these raw huns break through the bottleneck, he knows that if the number of raw huns is even larger, the power of the Wanxunya will definitely be further enhanced.

"Huh?" Zhang Yang stood up from the back of the scorpion, his eyes moved blue, his eyes opened.

But see a huge skull in the distance, nearly ten feet high. The skull was lying flat on the ground, his mouth opened wide, and the black holes in his eyes looked terrifying.

Near this skull, a group of skeleton monsters roared and moved, and some skeleton monsters jumped from time to time.

Zhang Yang looked up in the direction of these skull monsters. A man was standing at the eyes of the skull, and a ring was offered in his hands. From time to time, a monster inadvertently climbed up. Like a sharp light, an arc passed, annihilating all the skeleton monsters that had climbed up.

"Weng Qingyu! Huh! I didn't expect him to be one step ahead!" Zhang Yang snorted coldly, his intentions spreading.

Feeling this killing intention, the beast is also a cold war.

The man hiding in the eyes of the skull was naturally Weng Qingyu. However, now Weng Qingyu has long lost his usual chicness, his clothes are ragged, his hair is messy, and his appearance is extremely embarrassing.

"Zhang Daoyou, the skull in front is the Witch Mandala, which is the most important part of the Witch Mansion. If the ancestral temple contains fragments of the witch man's ancestors, it will definitely be stored in this altar. And, each The treasures, elixir, and the like will also be collected here. "Looking at the skull in front, the beast was glowing with excitement.

"Okay! Let's go now. There is also Weng Qingyu here, and the accounts before and after should also be calculated." Zhang Yang said, Wan Wanyu in his hand was about to recruit, as if remembering something, flipped his palm and turned it Included in receiving things.

"Let's go! Old man, the rest time just now is not short, and now it's time to start work. Let's rush through it with the next leg of this journey!" Zhang Yang stepped on the back of the beast and flipped in the air "Oh!" His feet fell heavily on the ground.

The beast's stupid eyelids rolled over, and looking at Weng Qingyu hiding in the huge skull, he seemed to understand something, and said in a rough voice: "Okay! Just listen to Zhang Daoyou."


The beast spread its four hooves and slammed forward.


In the face of the beast's powerful impact, each skeleton monster was fragile like paper, and was knocked apart.

Although these skeleton monsters seem to be powerful, in fact, most of them are about physical strength, not even ordinary six or seven level monsters, let alone their rigid movements.

For the quasi-ninth-level monster known as the mighty beast, once it is launched, it will definitely crush them.

Zhang Yang followed closely and shot from time to time, and the blue light flashed, killing some existences that threatened the beast.

In this way, the two beasts attacked, and Zhang Yang was responsible for clearing the danger at a fixed point. He quickly rushed out of the blood path from the skull monster group.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the huge skull, he saw Weng Qingyu hesitate a little, turned over, jumped from the eyes of the skull monster black hole, and disappeared.

"Fast!" Weng Qingyu lost his trace, and Zhang Yang's uncomfortable feeling rose, immediately urging the beast.


The beast's long tail was pulled out like a whip, and the head of a skull monster blocking the road in front was drawn off, and finally came under the giant skull.

Really standing by the side can discover its greatness.

The huge skull with a height of several ten feet, glowing with white bone, looks exactly like an ordinary skeleton.

Zhang Yang even suspected that this was made by the head of a monster.

You know, the pillars that support the hall are all bones. Compared to those bones, this skull with a height of more than ten feet is nothing.

I really do n’t know what kind of flood monsters there were in ancient times. With such a large body, they want to be powerful and unmatched in their lifetimes. The material is really sad.

Without much hesitation, a large group of skeleton monsters behind him had already been surrounded.


Zhang Yang said, with his feet on the ground, his body stood up, and he landed steadily in the black hole of the skull's head-where Weng Qingyu had just walked away.

The beast's body changed for a while, transforming into a human appearance, a burly figure, thick limbs, a huge skull ... and also jumped up and landed next to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang was alert and looked into the skull.

The dark environment gives people a creepy feeling; there is no Sensen bones on the outside. On the ground, there is a long green stone paved road. A path leads directly to the front altar; beside this altar, there are two Standing statue; between the two statues, there is a long box on the table for a small box.

Zhang Yang's eyes flickered, and Qing Ling's eyes were fully opened, and he could not see through the box.

The space inside the skull is not that big, besides these things, there are some pillars. At a glance, Wong Qingyu's figure was missing, which made Zhang Yang very disturbed.

Weng Qingyu, that is a guy who has the ability to kill himself. If he is attacked by him, the possibility of falling of both himself and the beast is very great.


Outside, the skeleton monster was still roaring.

At this time, Zhang Yang had already seen the situation clearly. The relatively large ones of the nearby skeleton monsters were beheaded and killed by Weng Qingyu at a given point. The remaining crowded below would not threaten the security above.

Want to come to Weng Qingyu may also feel that the situation inside the skull is weird, so I did not go on until I figured out the situation. After waiting to see Zhang Yang and the Beast, I no longer hesitated.

It's just ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Where did he hide after he went down?

Zhang Yang is clear that Weng Qingyu has a means of stealth. Ten days ago, Zhang Yang had been attacked by Weng Qingyu.

However, at that time, Zhang Yang thought that he was negligent because he was too busy killing skeleton monsters. However, with the full effort of Qing Lingmu, he still couldn't see the trace of the other side, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

You can't see where the enemy is, and this is a very dangerous enemy ... you can imagine the tension in Zhang Yang's heart.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet. The roar of the skeleton monster outside, Zhang Yang could not hear it anymore. In his heart, there was only this silent hall.

With a wave of the sleeve robe, the black light flashed.


There are two mechanical cymbals with their feet stomping on the ground of the hall. There are a total of twenty, one with a burly figure and a long axe-mechanical cymbals for building the base period. !! .

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