Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 3: Finally got a car

Xu Hu responded and immediately jumped from the position of the co-pilot. His muscles tightened when he landed. He saw that the man still didn't seem to notice that he could not help but habitually touch his bald forehead and shouted, "Hey, you stop!"

This roar was louder than the thunder of a heavy rain, and anyone who was not deaf could hear it.

Mowen paused, then slowly turned his head back after a while.

Ayan, who was sitting in the car, was startled when she saw Mowen's face clearly, and then her entire face became a little hot, and she hurriedly lowered her head and dared not look at it again.

The man’s white to almost transparent cheeks have dark eyes that are as deep as black holes, which seem to be able to absorb all the minds of others. Not only does his slightly purplish lips make people feel sick, they give people a kind of evil. The sense of.

Why, how could there be such a good-looking man?

Indifferent to other people's gazes, Mo Wen stared at the off-road vehicle behind him, his lips moved lightly, as if he had said something, but everyone did not hear him clearly.

What did he say? Although Xu Hu didn't hear Mo Wen's words, he only felt a wave of chill rising behind him.

In fact, Mo Wen didn't say anything special, he just said lightly:

"There's a car now."

Zhang Xu didn't feel any chill, but he noticed A Yan's changes for the first time. There was nothing he didn't understand at the moment, and he slapped A Yan's face with a slap in his heart.

"Smelly bitch!"

Zhang Xu is a Tier 5 supernatural player, and Ayan who hit the slap in the face was dizzy, almost breaking her neck.

"Snatch this guy's bag to me!" After Ayan was refreshed, Zhang Xu got out of the car and ordered Xu Hu to say, that face full of folds exuded a burst of hostility.

After all, no man wants his own woman to focus his fascination on other men.

He wants to **** the **** man's supplies and let him starve to death in this land of death!

Xu Hu replied, his figure disappeared in a flash, and he appeared in front of Mo Wen in the next second trying to **** the backpack on his back.

Xu Hu is a sixth-order speed-type supernatural ability person, and his speed at this time is already so fast that the naked eye can't grasp it.

But that is for ordinary people.

As far as Mo Wen is concerned, Xu Hu, with his sixth-order strength, is just as fast as a snail in his eyes.

Seeing Xu Hu's hand trying to touch his backpack, Mo Wen quickly flashed a cold color across his eyes. He quickly turned sideways and drew the dagger directly into his neck when Xu Hu's center of gravity shifted.

Xu Hu's eyes widened as the blood splattered, and he didn't seem to react. He held his throat feebly, but still couldn't stop the blood gushing from the blood hole.

He wanted to cry in pain, but he could only let out a whimper like a beast.

Zhang Xu, who was still sturdy with one hand on his hips, was frightened. He looked at Xu Hu, who was dead with staring eyes, in disbelief. His legs were shaking and he couldn't stand still.

What are you kidding about, Xu Hu is a Tier 6 ability person! Can someone solve it just like that? !

Mo Wen wiped his dagger, raised his eyes and glanced at Zhang Xu, his eyes were very plain, so plain that they were like a deep lake.

But Zhang Xu was still frightened and fell to the ground.

"A Tier 5 person?" Mowen faintly opened his eyes, raised his foot and walked to the front of the car, opened the door, and then pulled out the driver who was also shaking into a sieve.

The driver was smashed and dared to get up after rolling twice.

Putting the backpack on his back in the position of the co-pilot, Mowen pulled out the seat belt and fixed the backpack firmly on the chair. Yu Guang scanned Ayan, whose face was swollen on one side, and he said without turning his head, "Go down."

Ayan paled and dared not say a word, she dropped her eyelids in disappointment, opened the car door and jumped down.

If her face hadn't been beaten and swollen, maybe she could still approach this powerful man at this time.

Zhang Xu, whose legs were weak in fright, saw that Mo Wen didn't seem to have the intention to kill him, and his heart became quite settled, but when he saw Mo Wen, he had to drive away his car and he didn't do it.

If this guy drove the car away, how would he get back?

"If you drive away my car, believe it or not, I will make you unable to stay in the north!" Zhang Xu desperately slammed the car door to prevent Mo Wen from closing, and at the same time shouted sternly, "Do you know I am Who!"

Mowen was already a little impatient at this time.

He didn't expect Zhang Xu, who was inquired by Mowen, to pause and quickly said, "I am Zhang Xu under Xu Jielin, the leader of the Northern Second District!"

"Who?" Mo Wen turned his head as if interested, and his eyes narrowed dangerously.

"I said I'm Xu...Ah!" Zhang Xu, who thought Mo Wen was scared, had to say it again, suddenly only felt a cold shoulder, and he realized that Mo Wen picked up a dagger and cut off one of him directly. arm.

Sitting on the ground holding a **** shoulder, Zhang Xu looked pale as Mo Wen jumped out of the car and squatted in front of him.

Those dark eyes scared Zhang Xu directly peeed in his pants.

At this moment, Yu Lan also squeezed her head out of her backpack. Her muddy eyes paused, and found that not only the backpack was restraining her, but there was also a safety belt on the outside of the backpack to secure her to death. of.

Right now he let out an angry roar, he was about to bite people with his teeth.

The driver and Yan Yan who stood bewildered looking at Yu Lan in the passenger seat screamed, and Yan quickly pointed at Yu Lan and shouted, "Zombies, there are zombies in the car!"

Mo Wen, who was quarrelled, glanced at A Yan with a bit of discomfort, and she immediately fell silent, but people were still trembling.

"Lan Lan, you are also very angry when you hear this name, right?" Looking back at Yu Lan who was staring at him, Mo Wen smiled extremely mildly.

It's a pity that Yu Lan couldn't understand what Mo Wen was saying. If she understood, she would definitely give Mo Wen a big eye before giving him a mouthful.

It was precisely because she didn't understand that she just kept yelling at this time, struggling to escape from the backpack.

Zhang Xu's arm kept bleeding, and he was trembling with a lot of blood loss, unable to even say a word, like a fish lying on a chopping board and letting Mowen kill him.

"When I take care of Lanlan, I will naturally chop Xu Jielin into meat foam." Mo Wen looked back at Zhang Xu, said something inexplicable, and inserted a dagger into Zhang Xu's lungs.

The lung is very special to the human body. It is the main part of human breathing. But if you are injured, you will suffer terribly pain every time you breathe. Although you will not die immediately, it will make life worse than death. You can only breathe after the pain is exhausted.

"I'll let you die slowly because you are only under Xu Jielin's hand." Mowen looked at Zhang Xu, whose face was crumpled, and looked at the trunk of the car after he got up.

There seemed to be a "help" there just now.

"Asshole...I want to kill you to get a good cough..." Zhang Xu knew that he was dead soon after seeing this. He gritted his teeth and tried to irritate the ink and give him a break, but the blood gushing from the lungs has already poured in. His trachea made him cough, and he couldn't even speak.