Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1377: To Wenwen pull line (plus a few days ago

"I heard that he didn't seem to be able to let go of your sister before? Why are you so impatient with him ..." Dong Xinxin looked at Lin Wenwen with a speechless expression.

Why do you think this girl is a little silly in love? For the kind of man who has a heart, and is still a loyal dog. The possibility is almost 1%, right? At this time, either he just let go of him slowly and let himself die, or just help him get the person he likes to let him die. How could anyone pay him in silence behind his back?

It ’s nice to say that this is to love the other side without asking, in return, and to say that it ’s awkward is a bit cheap and masochistic? The women of the new era are not the old-fashioned ideas of ancient times. Why should we not think about indulging ourselves so deeper and deeper?

Long Qingying, who had just returned, stood quietly by the window and heard Dong Xinxin's words, half of them agreed. But the other half also hoped that Yuan Tianxing's guy would give up their house leader, and then look back at Lin Wenwen.

Now, Yuan Tianxing has indeed put down Lin Qiao. What if I do n’t let go? People are already mothers of other children.

Although for Lin Wenwen, the hope is a little bigger. But emotional matters can't be forced. If Yuan Tianxing didn't feel anything about her, there was nothing he could do.

When Lin Wenwen heard it, he just smiled lightly: "In fact, to be honest, I have let go of him now. He is not as persistent as before, but after all, he is the man I fell in love with. Love someone It ’s hard, but it ’s even harder to give up a person you love. Xinxin you do n’t have a person you like now, so you may not realize that you ca n’t control yourself and want to care about him and pay attention to his mood. ”

After the death of Lin Qiao and the destruction of the Pluto base, she no longer put Yuan Tianxing first. But he still occupies an important place in her heart and cannot disappear.

Dong Xinxin couldn't help but looked at Long Qingying next to him, and looked at Lin Wenwen and asked her: "But, don't you feel tired? Love a person also requires energy and motivation. What is your motivation? Wait for him to have Can I fall in love with you one day? "

After speaking, I sighed and hated iron and steel, and continued, "This kind of hope is too slim! This kind of man is the hardest thing to do! You are stupid! There are so many men, it is not bad. Why? Like a possibility that is so small? Anyway, do you find a man who doesn't like someone in your heart? Otherwise? What about my brother? My brother is very good in character and ability, and he hasn't encountered the one in his heart yet. People. I seem to be a little interested in you when I see him! "

Talking, she turned out to start drawing a red line for Dong Lijia.

Lin Wenwen's face turned black for a moment, and she looked at her in a speechless voice: "What a ghost! Your brother is younger than me! I don't like men younger than me!"

Long Qingying also accidentally glanced at Dong Xinxin and blinked.

Dong Xinxin immediately got excited, and stretched out a finger to her advantage of Amway's own brother: "Well, my brother is also very mature. Besides, you are not too young, OK? Just one year old, this can be ignored! People She also said that she is a junior girl and holds a BRIC! Why isn't my brother three years younger than you? Besides, my brother is no worse than Deputy Chief Yuan? Strong ability, anyway, is also the leader of a top corpse ... ... "

Before waiting for her to count, Lin Wenwen interjected: "One of the leaders!"

When Dong Xinxin was interrupted by her, she glanced at her with a gloomy glance immediately: "Can you not interrupt? And my brother is not inferior to Yuan Yuan's body, nor is he inferior in character ..."

Dong Lijia, who has gone through these years of experience, has not looked like Lin Wenwen before. In addition to becoming a fox, he is also much stronger and stronger, and his height is not bad. It's a very good man, except ...

Lin Wenwen: "The face value is a little bit worse ..."

"..." Dong Xinxin almost vomited blood because she couldn't refute this. Yuan Tianxing is indeed a lot more handsome than Dong Lijia, and the value of the two is not at the same level.

"Although ... it's not as handsome as Deputy Chief Yuan, but my brother is not bad!" At last she could only say such a sentence, but her tone was not as determined as before.

Lin Wenwen looked at her silently: "I like a person but not his appearance, I am not Yan Kong. Even if your brother is more handsome than Tianxing brother, I will not like him."

Dong Xinxin immediately said: "Don't say that first. Feelings need to be cultivated! You can try everywhere first!"

She said that she also showed the kind of glance that looked like a flicker, and the whole became more and more like a matchmaker.

Lin Wenwen looked at her angrily and said, "Okay, are you the three aunts and six wives in the countryside? Don't move and just want to introduce people to you!"

Dong Xinxin looked at her helplessly and said, "What can I do, my brother has a high vision. I'm anxious for him if he's not in a hurry. I also want to hold a little nephew or a little niece! And I'm thinking of it for you too Ah, who keeps you staring at a piece of meat you can't bite! "

While they were still talking about this, Lin Qiao was talking over there about Lin Feng's arrest of the inner ghost, and suddenly happened to think of her and Yuan Tianxing: "Well, Wenwen This guy hasn't had any missions recently. Let her go to help Tianxing look at the information! "

Duan Juan looked at her with amusement: "You are very active in matching them, aren't you afraid that this will make the deputy leader sad?"

Anyway, she likes her, so she always wanted to push her into her sister's arms!

Qiao Lin sighed and said, "Of course I wouldn't have done it before, but it's different now. Now that he has made up his mind to give up, I might as well push him. It just happened to be a full-text essay. Is the best of both worlds? "

Seeing that Lin Wenwen has always liked Yuan Tianxing so much, just now Yuan Tianxing has made up his mind to give up himself. Isn't this a great opportunity? Although it can't be too impatient, but always create some opportunities for the two of them!

Therefore, Lin Feng wanted to match Dong Xinxin with Lin Hao, but Dong Xinxin wanted to match Lin Wenwen with Dong Lijia, and when he came to Lin Qiao, he wanted to match Yuan Tianxing with Lin Wenwen. Somehow this is a bit awkward coincidence ...

Duan Juan thought about it according to her thinking, and nodded: "The same is true. But if he is really with Wenwen, wouldn't you both be embarrassed?"

After all, the relationship was a bit complicated ...

Lin Qiao calmly said, "No. In fact, don't look at Tianxing and Wenwen as the kind of single-minded people, but they are also very simple. As long as they really let go, then they won't break any further. Thoughts. "