Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1400: Small-scale corpse tide

??? s} ?? Dj? bu5 ?? O | G ^? I?;?. ?? H ??? de ?? M? 6 / wt ?? B? ^ ??? \ '??? Meeting with other people in the conference room, thinking about the next step is to send troops directly to attack Haicheng, or what? If you want to storm Haicheng, you need a formal reason.

He originally planned to secretly control the underground creatures to attack Haicheng, and then spread the virus in Haicheng. Then he used the crime of "violating the rules to study viruses" to attack and suppress Haicheng.

Of course, this 'violation' can be put on Haicheng for various reasons. As long as the virus leaks out, they will bear the consequences.

"What are the reasons for suppressing Haicheng now? Your original plan has been seen through by others. Now you can't attack each other for no reason." Wei Haichao looked at others and raised his question to Si Kongchen.

Si Kongchen's recent face has always been dark and dark, and he said coldly, "Why? Why not?"

Everyone else's expression was slightly sloppy, and he gave him a thoughtful expression.

"You want to, without any reason. Just attack?" Liu Zhinan looked at him and said.

Everyone's eyes turned to Si Kongchen.

Si Kongchen snorted coldly: "Yes, why do you have to use it? Before you tried all kinds of plans like this, haven't they been cracked by others? Come straight to the hard, depending on whether he is the same as us Come with us. "

"But this will not cause opposition from other bases? It will also cause resentment from survivors in our base, if they make trouble?" Han Xiao said in a voice that this might be a bit inappropriate.

"They want to oppose other bases? Soon they will not have this qualification. Who will oppose it? Black Dragon? Qingshan Base? Mongolian? Or that sentient base? What strength do they have to oppose us? As for the survivors in our own base, you say ... It doesn't matter, there are still too many people in our base. The food produced by soilless cultivation is not enough to feed them. Since they don't want to stay in Huaxia, let them get out. "Si Kongchen just picked Raising an eyebrow, said blankly.

Wei Haichao turned his head and looked at the other people's faces. After thinking about it, he said loudly, "This is also very good. You can spend less time thinking about it. I don't think it is bad ..."

Just then, a small captain-level officer outside the meeting walked quickly and reported something to Wei Haichao's assistant at the meeting door.

When Wei Haichao's assistant heard it, his face was frozen. Then quietly pushed open the door of the conference room, without disturbing the leader meeting, walked behind Wei Haichao silently, bent over to his ear and reported the situation just now.

When his assistant came in, Wei Haichao noticed. When he heard that, he frowned immediately. Then he turned to look at his assistant in doubt and asked him with his eyes.

The assistant nodded and waved at him after seeing Wei Haichao's silence for a few seconds before turning around and exiting the conference room.

Although his move is said to be very light, but the meeting room is full of leaders, and no one will not realize his arrival. So as soon as he left, everyone's eyes focused on Wei Haichao.

After all, if this meeting is not very important, these assistants will not come in directly to report to them, but they can wait until they have a meeting.

After Wei Haichao waved his men back, he looked up at the eyes of everyone. Then he said, "It is said that a group of zombies came from outside Simon, which did not respond to the drugs we drove at all, and may be controlled by high-level zombies."

"Is the ampoules ineffective? How large?" When Si Kongchen heard that the medicine he had developed in his base to specifically expel zombies had no effect, he couldn't help feeling agitated. Frowning like Wei Haichao asked.

His actions have been disrupted recently, even if nothing happens. Now it turns out that they have previously been effective in exterminating medicine, but now they have lost their effect.

Everything that hurts the mood is crowded.

Wei Haichao said: "The zombie group also has tens of thousands of small calculations, and it is still a posture of rushing towards the base without any fear. I don't know what happened, but I can probably guess that it may be the control of the second king. . "

It is generally able to control the conscious action of the lower-level zombies in this way, and it has reached the scale of tens of thousands, at least there will be a second-level king in it.

Only these high-ranking zombies will ignore their repelling drugs scattered within a few kilometers of the base.

Si Kongchen stood up at once: "I'll go and see what kind of second-level king-level zombies dare to challenge us!"

He said he was wearing a military hat and put it on his head, then turned around and strode out of the conference room with thick military boots.

It happened that he had been stricken with fire recently. He had wanted to go directly to Haicheng to vent, but he didn't expect to find it himself! That's just right! Just be his ‘Appetizer’!

Watching Si Kongchen go out in a depressed gas field, everyone, look at me, I look at you. They also shrugged, then got up and followed.

Wei Haichao glanced at Han Xiao and said with his eyes: He's got too hot lately!

Han Xiao glanced back at him: This second-level king is going to be out of luck.

Wei Haichao nodded.

At this time, Yunmeng outside the base, with his own people standing behind the tide of corpses, shouted from time to time, summoning all nearby zombies.

And Yunmeng has recently developed a new skill that is able to summon zombies. It may be because of her natural animal power. If she changes her beast form, another sound wave will be heard in the roaring voice, which can attract those zombies.

Zombies have always been much more mobile than human zombies.

The group of zombies summoned by Yunmeng was approaching far away from the Huaxia base. Anyway, she didn't really plan to let these zombies attack the Huaxia base. She just wanted to make a move, make a bluff, and hit the West at the same time.

So while Yunmeng kept gathering zombies to frighten Huaxia, Kong Qingming on the other side had taken people, and with the help of the undercover of Huaxia, they sneaked into Huaxia base. Then quickly sneaked towards the place where Li Yuehe was.

Li Yuehe's research institute was previously run by Hu Zhiyong. Later, after Hu Zhiyong killed himself, he was supervised by Liu Zhinan. However, Liu Zhinan's mind was mainly in his own research base, and he was not very concerned about the original Ho Zhiyong's management.

However, for Kong Qingming and others, that is just right!