Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 3: Regenerate Zombies

This strange environment left Lin Qiao a little overwhelmed. She looked around blankly, feeling the reality of this world. She must be dreaming! Definitely dreaming!

Look down at your belly again.

Also, this belly is dug, why is she still conscious? And the sound she just made?

Lin Qiao is going crazy, she seems to have only a fever and took a nap after taking medicine. How did the world wake up like this?

Yes! She must be dreaming! Dreaming by myself! Dreaming by myself!

Lin Qiao said in his heart like a hypnosis. Because she had fallen asleep before taking medicine, in fact she is not awake now.

Otherwise, how could she feel like this? ? ?

There was a sudden dull pain in her head without waiting for her to understand anything. Every scene that did not belong to her memory flowed into her mind in a mess, and the dull pain in her head immediately turned into a pain that would break her head. Lin Qiao shook his head and yelled.

"Roar--" Ah--

Then the body slanted and fell to the ground.

There is an ordinary cute girl in the picture, which has grown from a cute little bun into a beautiful girl. From her childhood to the past, scenes passed by her, from elementary school to high school to college. The girl was named Lu Tianyu, and she was admitted to the university she wanted. It is a very happy thing, but the day when I first went to college, the world suddenly changed.

The freshmen in the classroom are looking at everyone in a novel way, introducing themselves one by one. Things didn't go right until it was the turn of a female classmate who had been lying on the table.

The classmate's person called and couldn't wake up. She didn't wake up after pushing her. The teacher had to ask two male students to help the female student go to the infirmary to rest, but when the two male students helped the unconscious female student to the classroom door, the female student suddenly opened her eyes.

But her eyes were gray, and she opened her eyes and said nothing. But after two seconds, she turned her head fiercely, and opened her mouth with teeth and bite on the neck of a male student who was supporting her.

The miserable cry penetrated the entire teaching building.

Everyone hastily rescued the male student, but the male student has passed out. The female classmates who bit people became very powerful. Several boys couldn't hold her back. She was caught and bitten and hurt several students.

The emergence of such things on various occasions in the city alarmed government agencies and police. All police forces and troops were dispatched that day to clean up messes like this.

And that night, the world became quiet. I woke up early the next morning, but saw the terrible destruction of the world.

Only 30% of all human beings are awake, and 70% of them have become slow-moving, no thoughts, only zombies who want to eat people crazy!

The memories are actually very chaotic, but Lin Qiao gradually connects these memories together. Although there were many flaws, it did not prevent her from confirming one thing.

That's ... these are the memories of others!

However, from the memory of this girl named Lu Tianyu, Lin Qiao realized another thing.

That is, five years have passed since the last days!

The time of the last days, however, was the fever in the past few days, the last day after taking the medicine and sleeping. The next day many people woke up in the morning and turned into zombies who had no reason and could only bite when they saw someone. Of course, there are still many people, it is normal to wake up. There are just a few people who look normal, but their physical fitness has changed.

The latter kind of people, it is not long after. A person who excites.

This Lu Tianyu is now 23 years old.

In Lu Tianyu's later memories, her who woke up in the last days did not become a zombie, nor did she inspire abilities. Just an ordinary person.

In the end times filled with chaos and chaos, she had no ability to protect herself.

Therefore, she can only use her body and deep mind to exchange for survival opportunities. Fortunately, she has a beautiful face in the last days. The number of women has plummeted and turned into rare animals. In a base, 90% of men and 10% of women. So as a beautiful woman, she is still very favored.

But she loved to count people's minds since she was a child, and she was trapped by various vicious means, so that she survived in this dangerous and chaotic end time.

But strangely, Lin Qiao can think of Lu Tianyu's many memories, but it is not complete. She still felt that she had missed a lot of things and didn't remember. For example, what Lu Tianyu has done recently, Lin Qiao doesn't know.

A lot of unfamiliar memories of more than two decades filled my mind. Lin Qiao shuddered, almost lost his heart, and forgot who he was. Is it Lin Qiao? Or Lu Tianyu?

Fortunately, when she had a splitting headache, a cool feeling melted in her mind. Stimulating her original memory, she did not change from Lin Qiao to Lu Tianyu.

Looking down at his body, his clothes could no longer cover his body, and he looked at his empty belly and soft flesh that had been bitten by his chest.

Lin Qiao finally cried and confirmed one thing, that is. She has now become someone else, born again in another person's body! I do n’t know if it ’s my own body. On the night of the last days, I did n’t wake up the next day like everyone else. Perhaps it has become a corpse sister who can only bite when she sees someone!

Ma force! Even if she is born again, she will give her a living body! Men, women and children can do it! !! !! What does this broken zombie body mean? !! Even if you give a zombie body, anyway, give her a complete one.

Lin Qiao looked up in depression and yelled, "Roar ~~~~~"

It seemed to feel her dissatisfaction, and all the zombies around her suddenly calmed down again. Then something weird happened. I saw the zombies around Lin Qiao, slowly away from her. After a while, an empty space was left beside her.

Lin Qiao looked around, the strong feeling of strangeness lingering in his heart.

From Lu Tianyu's memory, she also saw the changes and development after the last days. I also saw some of Lu Tianyu's actions after the last days, although his memory is incomplete. But Lin Qiao also knew that this Lu Tianyu was the most hateful and hateful woman in the entire base. He used his body in exchange for precious materials on different men's beds, and killed many innocent people with vicious means. In this last age, beautiful women are even more popular.

Five years, five years have passed. Everyone in the base knew that she was a vicious and physically **** woman.

Lin Qiao doesn't know why he just woke up now, instead of waking up the next day after the last days. Why did it span five years?

What about her relatives? What about her comrades? Are they still alive?

No! She has to go to her mother, brother, sister, sister and so on! I do n’t know how they are now, or if they have become zombies! Or become an ability!