Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 585: Eaten his face again

The woman was bewildered, and she looked at the zombie dog as she walked to the door, and then she sat there with her leg bent.

? ? ?

The woman looked at this scene and couldn't understand what was happening in her head.

As a result, the corner of her eyes suddenly moved, and she turned her head sharply toward the window again. I saw a black snake thicker than her waist, slipping quietly through the window.

The snake's head seemed to feel her gaze, the motion stopped for a moment, then looked up at her with a pair of diamond-shaped snake eyes.

But after only watching for a second, the snake continued to slide into the room.

After a full ten seconds of sliding, the entire snake entered the small bedroom. So apart from the bed, the floor under the bed has been occupied by this tens of meters long snake.

Mutant snake!

The woman looked at the snake and already guessed what it was. But she looked at the zombie dog sitting next to the door, and she didn't know how to react.

When the mutant snake came in, it smelled the dead body at the end of the bed, then turned its head in disgust, and then stared at the woman on the bed.

The woman didn't even dare to breathe at this moment, but needless to say.

Just then, the door suddenly opened. The woman's expression changed, and she immediately turned her head, thinking that Lin Ruihua outside the door noticed something and came to open the door to check.

As a result, she turned around and saw that there was no one outside the door. Instead, the zombie dog stood up silently, and lowered his upper body to drill out.

The zombies got out, and then the giant snake slipped out.

The woman did not respond for a long time, but after a full ten seconds, she did not hear anything outside. She suddenly realized something and quickly got up from the bed.

At this point she was still tense, but not stiff enough to move.

After she got down from the bed, she glanced at the end of the bed, then leaned inwardly towards the door. Looking carefully from the doorway to the outside of the living room, she saw a strange woman standing in front of the sofa in the living room. The woman was carrying a human head dripping with blood.

Seems to feel someone over the doorway, the woman glanced slightly over her head. A pair of cold green eyes met the woman's eyes at the door.

The woman leaning against the door frame only felt that her whole body was cold again, and then she forgot how to move.

Lin Qiao glanced at the woman at the bedroom door, then turned around, and threw Lin Ruifeng's head forward, and then he waved a black mist from her hand, and then covered Lin Ruifeng's head and body on.

After a while, Lin Ruifeng's body and his skull disappeared.

For Lin Qiao, these people in Dilong Base are not good! And this Lin Ruifeng was also one of the members who had attacked the Pluto base. So Lin Qiao did not hesitate to kill him and his cousin.

Lin Qiao suddenly turned around at this time, and walked towards the room where the woman was.

The woman was shocked, and as Lin Qiao walked this way, she consciously began to step back.

Soon, the two women entered and retreated silently into the bedroom.

The woman retreated to the wall, but when Lin Qiao came in, she didn't come towards her, but turned around towards the end of the bed.

"Oh! Awang, you won't eat all of his face!" Lin Qiao looked at the end of the bed, Lin Ruihua's head was chopped off half, that is, the front half of the face was gone, leaving only the back of the head.

"Wow--" Zombie reached out from the door and screamed at her.

On top of the zombie dog's head, another snake head came in and looked at Lin Qiao with curiosity.

Lin Qiao stood at the end of the bed, waving a black mist again, and then Lin Ruihua's body disappeared.

After the black fog was recovered, Lin Qiao clapped his hands and said to the woman as soon as he turned around: "Oh, there may be chaos in this base in the past two days, you just watch the opportunity to run out."

After that, she walked towards the door, where both the zombie dog head and the snake head shrank. Then Lin Qiao went out and took the bedroom door.

The woman lingered for a while before reacting. She saw Lin Ruihua and Lin Ruifeng dead in front of her eyes. Of course, she would not think that Lin Qiao was flickering at her.

After Lin Qiao got out of the room, he put away the zombie dog and serpent, and went to the next target.

At this time, the owners of Dilong did not know that one of their deputy leaders had disappeared silently.

In Long Yubai's room, Lu Zhuofeng was sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine in his hand. There was a bottle of Martell on the table, and the wine in the bottle had already gone halfway.

Wine is now a very extravagant thing in the last days, but no man does not like it.

The irritation that burned my throat and rushed to my head was very fascinating.

Especially in this cold weather, it is even more popular.

But because they are scarce, the value of these wines is very precious.

Long Yubai is not a person who likes to drink, but he likes to collect these luxury goods, which is why Lu Zhuofeng and others are obsessed with him.

"Actually, I want to know if I will meet someone from the new base in Shangcheng District at this Zombie Antidote Conference." Lu Zhuofeng took a sip on the sofa and said suddenly a soothing expression .

After drinking, continue to fill the cup.

Long Yubai was wearing a fluffy pajamas, stepping on fluffy slippers under her feet, with refreshing water on her head, and walked slowly.

"Just them? They didn't even have a name. Under what name did they go to Huaxia? There wasn't even a talking seat in Huaxia." Long Yubai said indifferently.

He looked at Lu Zhuofeng and suddenly turned around and walked to the next wine cabinet to open the cabinet, and then took out a bottle of red wine from it.

After taking the red wine, I took another red wine glass out.

"It's the same thing. Besides, if they dare to go, they can make them go back." Lu Zhuofeng nodded.

"Let's not say this first, do you know the quantity of medicines that Huaxia will disclose this time? And what is the price of the exchange?" After Long Yubai gave up the trouble of continuing to go to the city, he could only take the situation on the medicine side Figure it out first.

"I don't know yet, do you have no information back?" Lu Zhuofeng shook his head, and threw the question back to him.

Long Yu shuddered, then shook his head.

"Neither is He Mu?" Lu Zhuofeng looked at him and asked.

"He Mu? He has received this information?" Long Yubai looked at him blankly, but was slightly surprised.

Lu Zhuofeng's thick black eyebrows were raised slightly and said, "I thought his intelligence would be faster than ours."