Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 586: I remember this person

Long Yubai frowned, and said, "Even if his intelligence is faster than us, he never told me."

Looking at Long Yubai's expression, Lu Zhuofeng's eyes flickered slightly, then he lowered his face slightly, covering up the glitter in his eyes.

"Oh, let's go check on that guy tomorrow," he said.

Long Yubai looked at him, then raised his red wine glass to his mouth and took a sip of lightly.

At this time, He Mu was in her house, and a woman was twitching in her arms.

The woman gritted her teeth and sobbed, but did not scream.

This woman is much younger than the woman in Lin Ruifeng's house. Not only is she young, but she is actually just a 15-year-old teenage girl.

Except for the one on the bed, two naked girls shrank in the corner under the bed, shaking their bodies. I don't know if it's cold, but I'm afraid.

He Mu's head was buried in the girl's neck, and she suddenly opened her mouth to bite her and her side, and at the same time, her lower body motion became more violent.

"Ah-" The girl who had been gnawing her teeth finally couldn't help screaming, and her facial features wrinkled together because of pain.

At this moment, He Mu raised her head and laughed with blood in her mouth: "Oh, why don't you continue to bear it? That's why I cried, and what's behind ..."

"Woohoo--" The scream screamed into a cry immediately, and she bit her lip again and pressed the voice into her throat.

Because of her scream, the two girls in the corner shook their bodies, and then shrank even smaller.

Looking at them, in fact, they are already full of various scars. Bites, tooth marks, bruises from hand marks, and scars from scratching the skin. Even if they were washed, the blood on the wound did not stop flowing. Still seeping a lot.

The three girls are very thin and cruelly abused in this way.

But He Mu seemed to turn a blind eye to this point, and instead abused the young girl more violently.

These girls, of course, are not the original inhabitants of the Dilong base. It was the same group of captives that Long Yubai escorted from the Pluto base, and most of them were women.

Either they are used to serve such foreign guests, or they are assigned to subordinates to give them children.

Of course, there will be no family planning anymore.

So in the past few months, many women who have been arrested from the Pluto base have been pressed by men day and night in this base, and then became pregnant.

Women who become pregnant will also be immediately held in quarantine. In order to prevent them from killing their children, many people will be sent to watch closely.

And He Mu might get three girls to play with at this time, which is one of the conditions for him to help Long Yubai.

Knowing how precious a woman is, even if he has a violent tendency, he is not willing to kill people. Therefore, in order to share his violent behavior, he deliberately asked Long Yubai to send three of them over.

If he used to play for a few hours every day, the three girls would be carried out in a coma. Then He Mu took a comfortable bath, then went to sleep refreshingly.

But today it is not. He didn't play people to faint or send them out. Instead, he slept over holding the bodies of several girls afterwards.

So when Lin Qiao silently dived in from the balcony, he saw the man lying in bed hugs and hugs, dreaming of life and death.

Lin Qiao smelled the smell of the room and frowned slightly.

Then she looked at the three weak girls on the bed. Although they were not dying, the breath of these three girls was indeed much weaker than normal people.

If this He Mu continues to play like this, it is estimated that these three girls will not be able to live for several months.

He Mu is a man in his fifties who is awkward, not tall, and fat. The top of the head is still bald, even if the eyes are small, the corners of the eyes are still drooping.

Lin Qiao feels disgusted every time he sees the kind of temperament he and him have.

-Ma Ma Ma Ma! I remember this person! He is so bad! He is one of the culprits who killed Ma Ma!

Then Xiao Manman suddenly made a noise. The voice was resentful to He Mu in front of her, but she did not resent it.

Ok, I know.

Lin Qiao answered in her heart, she touched her belly.

He is not only the person who killed me, but also the person who killed Little Manman, so I will not let him die so soon.

She said to Xiao Manman in her heart.

-Ma Ma, I want to drain his energy!

Xiao Manman also said indignantly.

Okay, Ma Ma help you.

Lin Qiao nodded.

She walked over and stood by the bed watching He Mu who was sleeping.

It may be that Lin Qiao's intention of killing suddenly became heavy, and He Mu woke up slightly at this moment.

"Huh?" He opened his eyes and looked around the room for a week.

The light was on in the room, and he didn't have the habit of turning off the light to sleep, leaving a light on every time he slept.

Looking around, there was nothing unusual in the room except for himself and the three tired girls who were asleep.

Although the three girls were not abused to a coma this time, they were physically and mentally exhausted, and because they were still with He Mu and did not leave, they did not know whether he would suddenly have an attack. So although the girls were not in a coma, they fell asleep while still having nightmares.

When Lin Qiao just reached out and was about to throw the man directly into the space and slowly abuse it, suddenly she gave a hand and then turned to look in the direction of the door.

Footsteps came from outside, and the footsteps stopped outside the gate. Then there was the sound of knocking at the door and the sound of dialogue.

He Mu also noticed the movement outside the room at this time. He sat up directly from the bed, rolled over and put on his clothes.

Lin Qiao watched him fat and wobbly in front of his eyes, but there was no reaction in his eyes, as if looking at a pile of dead meat.

Soon, the door of his room was knocked: "Boss, the dragon boss is here."

After He Mu got dressed, the girls on his bed also woke up, one by one lying on the bed unwilling to move.

"I see." He Mu answered, and went out after getting dressed.

On the sofa in the living room, I saw Long Yubai sitting there, wearing a white trench coat, and boots of the same color under her feet.

"It's so late, come here?" He Mu looked at the time, it was more than eleven in the evening. I don't know what Long Yubai came over at this time.

"No? Did I bother you?" Long Yu smiled, looking at the door of the room he came out with a hint.

"No. What's the matter?" He Mu shook his head.