A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 717: Subtle changes

Marawatl Raibert spoke at the federation headquarters:

"...it is necessary to protect the wizard's own traditions - well, I think he means the ones worth preserving. Otherwise wizards can easily lose their footing like waves in the sea, and the danger is that Deadly...you can set up some buffers. Also, in the education of young wizards...in the face of violations of the general rights of wizards..."

Gradually, these twenty or so African representatives also joined the meeting, but few people realized that they actually represented Grindelwald's ideas, or more precisely, some radical, violent If nothing else, these ideas will take root in some people's minds and develop in future practice.

At least Felix didn't have to worry about letting go, and the federation became a backwater.


The time passed and the weather gradually turned cooler. On the Saturday morning when they went to Hogsmeade village, Harry, Ron and Hermione chose to wear scarves to keep out the cold. After they gathered in the lounge, they chatted and laughed with their classmates. walked towards the school gate.

"It's definitely not that cold, right?" Ginny said in a slightly surprised tone next to Harry.

Several girls in the lower grades passed by them, chatting and talking excitedly, each wearing a beautiful light-colored cloak. Harry bet the girls were third graders. The kind of excitement he had only seen on the faces of people who had gone to Hogsmeade for the first time. In addition to the little wizards who wrapped themselves tightly, some people wore very simple clothes and only put on a coat. Harry suspected them of mixing up the seasons.

"Parvati rummaged through boxes last night and said she left the thermostat locket at home," Hermione said, which solved Harry's doubts. "So I advised her to wear more clothes. The temperature difference has been a little big recently, and many people catch a cold at this time of year. Madam Pomfrey has prepared a batch of refreshments in advance."

Ron immediately tightened the scarf around his neck when he heard the words.

Harry hurriedly handed his scarf to Ginny, who rolled her eyes and smiled happily. "You could use the Warming Charm, Harry," Hermione suggested, and Harry complied, when he found Ron looking at himself with a scrutiny, and a grunt from his nose.

"It's very considerate." Ron said teasingly.

Maybe it was the effect of the Warming Charm. Harry felt that his face was a little hot, like a stove that wouldn't dissipate heat. Ginny took Harry's arm generously and said, "Don't pay attention to that despicable hypocrite, he even writes letters to girls himself."

Harry's eyes widened. Ron blushed and tried to defend himself: "She wrote me first! Ask me if I want to join her team after graduation—" He turned to look at Harry, "You know this, don't you? ? I even laughed at her with you for being unhappy..."

"Looks like it," Harry recalled slowly, "but I remember her birthday was long past, and I didn't think you were still communicating."

This time it was Ron's turn to be uncomfortable.

Hermione asked suspiciously, "Who are you talking about?"

"Collins," said Harry briefly.

"Oh—" Hermione dragged her voice, she remembered that they both wanted to be Ministers of Magic, "How is she doing?"

"It's okay," Ron muttered.

When they came to Hogsmeade village, their first reaction was that there were more people walking on the road, and many of them were raw faces. There was a schematic diagram standing at the entrance of the village. They leaned over to take a look and found that two new streets were built in the east and north of the village.

For England's only - oh, now only two pure wizarding villages, Hogsmeade always inadvertently displays the magic of magic and all manner of magical people, as they pass rowdy witches and wizards, haha Leigh swore he saw a wizard with vampire fangs.

At this moment, an owl with snow-white feathers and black spots descended silently from above their heads and landed on Harry's shoulders. The owl lightly pecked at his ear, "Ouch—oh, Hedwig?" Hedwig held out one leg reservedly, and asked Harry to remove the note tied to it. He unfolded it and looked at the other three. .

"Mr. Dorje is coming later, he told us to go to other places first," said Harry. He patted Hedwig on the beak, "The window of the dormitory is open, I left you something to eat." Hedwig flew away.

"That's great," Ron said happily, "Let's go to Weasley's Magic Tricks and the Future World Company branch first. There may be new products on the market. We can experience it first—"

"Good point, so where do we go first?" Ginny asked.

"It's been a long time since I saw Fred and George." Harry said, so the group came to Weasley's Witchcraft and Wizardry, but Fred and George were not there, only the two shop assistants were busy. Disappointed, Harry also wanted to ask if the twins had passed the Muggle government's purchase list, even though he had serious doubts that the brothers' prank spree would be returned mercilessly.

They politely declined the help of the clerk and walked around casually.

Fred and George's store was still as attractive, with colorful spots of light and cacophony of funny noises, and every now and then a strange thing popped up from the shelves, corners, and ceiling to startle you. Harry repeatedly warned himself against overreacting, but he couldn't help laughing when a silky, bushy-eyed spider dangled from the ceiling.

He turned his head to show Ron this, when he caught a glimpse of Hermione reading a booklet and talking to the clerk. It doesn't look like asking for a manual for a prank new product. He leaned over curiously - a small jellyfish firework exploded in the crowd on the road, a young boy was immediately surrounded by a swarm of jellyfish of different colors - Harry heard Hermione say to the clerk: "I can take One?"

"Of course, it's free from the Ministry of Magic," said the clerk.

"What's in your hand?" Harry asked when the clerk left. Hermione pointed to the box on the ground, which was neatly packed with booklets exactly like hers, and on the outside of the box was written 'Travel Guide - Getting You Unimpeded in the Muggle World. Provided by the Ministry of Magic. ’

"Wow," said Harry.

"It looks like that, doesn't it?" Hermione smiled, "I just read it a little bit, and it is suggested that wizards try to go to big cities, which may be more popular, such as London, where a lot of foreign countries have come recently. Tourists are people who are interested in magic."

Ron and Ginny also came with a bunch of stuff.

"Hey, look at this!" said Ron excitedly, carrying two colorful bags. "Weasley's Premium Prank Pack, which includes the best-selling classics since the store opened, plus a bonus Dark Lord. Ornaments; and Muggle-exclusive snack sprees, which are a little pricey, but barely acceptable."

"Uncut version—" Harry asked, pointing to the print on the package, "what does this mean?"

"Oh, remember the product list review at Sword Castle? Percy removed some of the names, thinking that it might cause harm to Muggles, but—" Ron gave Harry a knowing look. Harry stared blankly at the boy on the gallows on the package, not knowing what product it corresponded to. At this moment, Ginny nudged his waist with her fingers, motioning him to look at what she was holding.

It was a translucent box. Through the packaging, you could see that there were twelve small bottles inside. Several witches and wizards had obsessive and intoxicated expressions on their faces, and there were ferocious monsters and goblins beside them. "It wouldn't be some contraband, would it?" Harry asked worriedly, and Ginny moved her thumb away to show him the name of the product, which read - "Daydream Charm, Quidditch suit."

"It's funny," Harry said dryly. "I finally understand why even goblins and trolls can sit on broomsticks." Playing a Quidditch game with goblins or trolls in a dream came to him It was still very tempting to say, so he also asked the clerk to get two boxes.

Afterwards, they went to the branch of Future World Company. There was a big sign posted on the window at the entrance, attracting many people to watch. When the people in front left with satisfaction, the four immediately moved forward.

"Recruiting partners - whether you are a wizard who can't find a way, a student who has just graduated and has no way, or a werewolf, a vampire, a banshee... As long as you have fantastic ideas and real talents, you can apply for subsidies and The full support of a professional team of more than 300 people! In the future, the world will help you realize your dreams throughout the process..."

Harry gasped in amazement. "As long as I have a good idea, people from Future World Company can help me realize it?"

"It's not that simple," said Hermione, pointing to the small print below: "First of all, your idea must be feasible, which requires professional evaluation - and it is not illegal; secondly, you must spend a lot of time on it, no I don't know anything, I'm just stuck on a technical difficulty... so that the future world companies will be willing to help."

They went around and felt that the time was almost up, so they came to Three Brooms and waited for Mr. Dorjee.

"I'm exhausted," shouted Ron, "to finish the day's journey."

While waiting for Mrs. Rosmerta to prepare their drink, Harry looked around in his seat, feeling that there were more guests than last year, and that there were two tables of rough-faced grown-up wizards who were clearly not comfortable with three brooms. The figure of the student who often appeared in the room was speaking rudely at the moment while holding his throat.

"I don't want those Muggles coming in, they've taken up too much space, and now it's finally time for the last wizarding turf, is it?"

"It's a decision from the Ministry of Magic, Dick." Another man absently stroked the pattern on the glass, as if surprised that the glass was so clean that Harry thought he should have been drinking in a place like the Hog's Head.

The first man scolded a dirty word.

"It's incredible—" said Ron.

"Yeah, but I don't think everyone will be happy with the new policy." Harry looked back and saw that Ron was looking in the other direction. He followed his line of sight as the four Hogwarts students gathered Playing the wizarding card together, coincidentally, there is one student from each of the four colleges in the school.

"Eleanor Branstone," Ginny whispered, standing up to greet her, and then sitting down again.

"Who are you talking about?" Harry asked.

"The one with the bear hat, I think it may be a club party." Ginny said, "Her club is very famous, and I don't know where she got a lot of unique recipes, secret sauces, etc., but I Thinking that since Luna made her own recipe—"

Ron choked and coughed again and again.

"I just heard what you said. I want to go and see it at the next club event." He said with a look of frustration, "Now I've given up hope."

"Don't say that," Ginny looked at him reproachfully, and then she said in a guilty tone that Harry thought was completely unnecessary: ​​"Bibi Weidou wasn't popular when it first came out, think about its status now. Bar."

"Yeah, I roughly guessed that Luna's recipes played a role in it." Ron said sharply.

Mrs. Rosemerta brought the drink, Hermione put away the booklet, and asked casually, "Hello, Mrs. Rosemerta, is business going well recently?"

"It's okay," she said carelessly. "Isn't there a new wizard town in Cornwall to house foreign wizards called Rutherford?" Hermione nodded. "There are also some here, but there are not many, and there are people who have moved from the Muggle community to live temporarily."

She also mentioned a person.

"There is a witch named Carlotta Pinkstone, do you know her?"

Hermione nodded again, "I know, she advocates repealing the Secrecy Act, I think she must be happy now."

"She's locked up again," Mrs. Rosemerta said sternly.

"What?" Harry exclaimed in disbelief. The other three were also amazed, Mrs Rosemerta explained: "The next day the wizard was completely exposed, she happily left the room, saying she was going to do something big, and the Ministry of Magic didn't ask everyone to be there during that time. Hidden? She was just showing off her magic in front of the Muggle attractions, and was taken away by the Aurors within ten minutes... But now that the peace agreement has been signed, it is estimated that she will be released soon. Maybe it has already been released. out." She added again.

Then Mrs. Rosemerta recommended new dishes to them, but when Ron brought the snack spree to the table, she turned around and greeted the other guests. Harry and the others began to try one by one the wonderful food that Fred and George carefully prepared.

"That woman brought it on herself," said Ron, stuffing his mouth with food. "There are always people who want to be different and contradict others. You don't know how many extra shifts Dad had during that time. I heard that there was a family of wizards before they moved out. Cast a rain spell on their Muggle neighbor's house, and the water is three feet deep..." He picked up a pale yellow grape and stuffed it into his mouth, "It's alright, orange—what are you laughing at?" He His face turned the color of grapes before he knew it.

Harry forcibly suppressed his smile, Hermione and Ginny shrugged their shoulders on the table, and Ron kept asking what was wrong. After a while, Ron, who had finally figured out the situation, forced Harry to eat a piece of ashes. Pupu, the multi-flavored grapes that looked very unappetizing, turned Harry into a blushing face.

"Upgraded version, huh? It's interesting." Ron angrily pushed the remaining half bunch of grapes aside.

When everyone calmed down, at least they wouldn't laugh out of nowhere, Hermione waved the pamphlet in her hand, "So the Ministry of Magic recommends that wizards living in the Muggle community behave better, now it's a joint law enforcement, every time The precedents will affect the future," she smiled herself, "I think Carlotta Pinkstone's name will definitely appear in the new regulations..."

"And the guy who turned the neighbor's house into a swimming pool, the history of magic textbook will definitely mention it," Ginny said.

"I'm not as sure as you are, and it's hard to get Professor Binns to change his mind," Harry said. They laughed again.

The door was pushed open from the outside, and Elphias Dorje came in in a dusty manner. Harry stood up and waved to him. When Dorji sat down, several people found that he looked slightly tired, his eyes were sunken, and his face was full of anger.

"I'm so sorry, kids, I'm late," he said apologetically.

"What's the matter?" Harry asked, sensing his emotion.

"It's nothing," Dorje said immediately, but the four people present were staring at him, and he sighed, "Okay... I met a crazy woman on the way, I've been arguing with her for a long time." He said angrily. .

"Because of what?" Ginny asked.

"Some rumours, conspiracy theories or something. I've been collecting details for Dumbledore's biography, and Harry couldn't get out of school, so I came to visit with the list..." He shook his head, a few strands of hair on his forehead up.

The three of them stared at him blankly, he glanced at the guests who were separated by a few tables, and said in a low voice, "You know, a lot of changes have taken place in the magic world recently, and it doesn't matter much if you look at it alone, but together It makes people feel uncomfortable... If you have dissatisfaction, you naturally want to vent it, and those big people who can be named naturally become the target of venting their anger, even Dumbledore..."

"But Professor Hepp and Ms. Burns, as well as the staff of the Ministry of Magic, the Order of the Phoenix... are doing their best to plan for all wizards - don't those who are dissatisfied know that these measures may be avoided hundreds of thousands of times in the future Conflict?" Harry said angrily.

"Obviously, they don't know." Dorji said calmly.

He said understandingly: "They only know that their lives have become different and have changed. Whether it is good or bad needs time to verify, and their hearts are full of fear for the future."

Harry and the others exchanged glances silently.

"However, Mr. Dorji, I rarely hear similar views in school, nor in the newspapers." Hermione asked inexplicably.

"Ah, I think it's because your brains haven't been finalized yet. As for the elderly," Dorje said slowly, "Many wizards are actually still alive, but they are no different from dead. They come out of the house once a year. Twice, the stuff in my head is outdated."

"It makes sense, like our Aunt Muriel," Ron said to Ginny.

Ginny rolled her eyes.

"You don't need to remind me, she warned me after Bill and Fleur's wedding that if I want to borrow her headdress when I get married, I must follow the ancient etiquette."

Harry gasped.

"How did you answer her?" Ron asked.

Ginny waved her hand with a smile, "I told her, don't bother, I plan to arrange the wedding in the sky and give each guest a broom..."

Ron looked at Harry strangely, then put out his thumb and said in admiration, "It's amazing! I can't wait to see it."

Dorje said with a smile: "If that's the case, you must remember to invite me, I also want to watch." Then he found that the four people present were staring at him, and he was a little puzzled, "...Did I say something wrong? , although I'm over a hundred years old, I occasionally fly around the yard on a broom for a while..."

"Well, Mr. Dorge?" Hermione said cautiously, "You just ate the grapes on the table?"

"Oh, yes, I took one...what's the matter?"

The four of them hurriedly shook their heads in a guilty conscience~lightnovelpub.net~ Hermione whispered a word, "Fifteen minutes." The other three immediately woke up, knowing that she was talking about the expiration date of the multi-flavored grapes to make the skin change color, "Dorji Sir, let's talk about the biography," Harry said hurriedly, "I wrote two more draft chapters, but I think some places are easily misunderstood..."

He motioned for Hermione to take out the manuscript from the beaded packet, trying not to look at the green, wrinkled face.

Dorji took the thick parchment from Hermione and lowered his head to read. He looked at it and said: "So I admire Mr. Hepp, he is a very visionary, especially when it comes to biography of Dumbledore. Confuse……"

Most of the rest of October was spent in rain and cold, and the cold came quietly and enveloped the country for the next two weeks, with temperatures near freezing. When Halloween is approaching, the air is finally no longer wet all day long.

Compared with the enthusiasm of the people inspired by magic in cold weather, governments of various countries are more concerned about what the international wizarding organization, which is said to be comparable to the United Nations, but with stronger law enforcement power is doing, and the "Secret Law" they introduced alone is running. Three hundred years, you know, this time has been longer than the existing time of most countries in the world.

On October 27th, the Federation Headquarters finally made a move.


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