A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 718: The Federation and Union Constitution

A law with a long name and a short length, but with great significance and far-reaching influence, has been circulated.

This law, which was born under a special background, has its own unique charm. In addition to regulating the responsibilities, rights and obligations of all wizards, it also stipulates the relationship between the magical world and the non-magic world, short-term, medium- and long-term goals, and straighten out the management boundaries of both parties. and a series of questions.

This is also the first time that the "International Pan-Magic Alliance" has officially appeared in the law——

Its influence is more far-reaching, representing that the current Pan-Magic Alliance branch established spontaneously by various countries is no longer a loose regional organization, and it has almost revealed to the world that the International Pan-Magic Alliance will play a pivotal role in the future.

There is also an order issued together with the "Federation and Alliance Charter", issued from the Federation headquarters: a book for all wizards. Even wizards hiding in nooks and crannies are sent through friends or by local Ministry staff.

At school, Harry held a club event just before Halloween, and they ate and drank while chatting about it.

"A lot of dark wizards have suffered." Ron said with a smile, "They've been really unlucky recently, being sifted over and over again like lice."

"I heard from my mother that they were going to study in prison." Neville's eyes flashed with excitement, which Harry thought was gloating, but it was so rare for Neville to have such an emotion.

"It's true, and it's more demanding." Susan Burns raised the corners of her mouth.

"Revisiting the busy time of the O.W.Ls exam is really unforgettable." Compared with Neville, Daphne Greendras smiled brightly.

"Dad considered every law with illustrations," Luna said.

"I'll buy it for my collection, Luna," said Hermione, holding the pamphlet aloud, "except for the preface and epilogue, the Confederation and Union Charter is divided into seven chapters, each corresponding to a Big theme. The seven chapters are—

the general convention of the wizarding world;

Principles of personal (family) communication between the magical world and the non-magical world;

the rights, responsibilities and obligations of the Ministry of Magic and social organizations;

the regulation of magical beasts, ghosts, and magical phenomena;

Humanoid racial rights, responsibilities and obligations;

A draft proposal for cooperation with the non-magical community;

Disputes, conflict resolutions and necessary measures - short and simple, covering almost every aspect. And I noticed that the new law incorporates some of the provisions of the secrecy law..."

This is natural. The complete exposure of the wizard does not mean that all the original laws are not applicable. For example, the requirements for wizards to dress, wizards no longer have to pretend to be impeccable as before (although most wizards have never done it, since the secrecy law came into effect, improper clothing has been one of the most common offenses), this part of the content has been greatly reduced Reduced, only two contents are retained: Prohibition of exposing the lower body in public; Prohibition of wearing clothes and accessories that are likely to cause misunderstandings.

Harry stared, wondering who suggested keeping the first rule. Does the wizard still have a penchant for nudity? But he couldn't help but think of the old wizard in a dress he met during the Quidditch World Cup...

"What are the misunderstood clothes and accessories?" Justin was a little puzzled.

Hermione was about to speak when Ernie McMillan chimed in: "Hold on—I seem to have the impression that my uncle wrote about it...Last week a wizard was interviewing on the street, and a reporter asked Was the pumpkin hat he was wearing some peculiar fetish, he said it was for Halloween—"

"It sounds normal," Justin said in confusion.

"It's not over yet—" Ernie said with a smirk, "The man demonstrated it to the reporter, and a bunch of live bats flew out of the ghost pumpkin's mouth, scaring the reporter and the photographer." Several students Laughing loudly, only Hermione said with a stern face: "The follow-up is still quite troublesome. The Muggle animal protection organization has accused the wizard of cruelty to animals."

At this time Hannah Abbott stared at the pamphlet and asked, "But Chapter 2, Article 13 mentions that magic can be demonstrated to Muggles."

"—On the premise of being invited, or in a special location, such as New Diagon Alley, otherwise wizards should try to be unobtrusive when casting spells near the Muggle community." Hermione added, and she shrugged herself. "Actually, I found that many of the laws of wizards are not so strict, but judge the severity according to the actual situation and the seriousness of the problem. If I perform tricks for my parents at home, there must be no problem at all."

But the students present were all attracted by another word in her mouth. Luna hummed a strange tune and said, "New Diagon Alley, I really want to see it."


Returning to the office, Amelia Burns looked at the pile of documents on the table, her eyes widened - she couldn't even see a table top the size of a palm. She froze in place, and Felix felt as if she was about to suffocate. Fortunately, Mr. Weasley came to deliver the materials at this time, and told her that there was only a small number of documents to be processed.

"The rest just felt the need to let you know," explained Mr. Weasley.

Ms. Burns rolled up her sleeves, took out her monocle from her pocket, and seemed ready for a big fight.

"Not a few hours away, Amelia. Shouldn't the sky fall?" Felix looked at Mr. Weasley, and Mr. Weasley said immediately knowingly, "That's not it, and the Minister still I've come back when I have time, and if there is a particularly urgent matter, we will report it."

"Let's have a drink together." Felix summoned a bottle of wine from the air, and they sat on the sofa for guests, drinking and chatting. Mr. Weasley took off his glasses and rubbed his flooded forehead, and Felix noticed that his hair was noticeably thinner.

Burns sat on the sofa, took a sip of wine, shook the glass and said, "Arthur, how is your new department doing?"

"Everything is going well," said Mr. Weasley, cheering up. "Not counting Scrimgeour, we've worked with the Muggle government a few times, and the Muggle Prime Minister has approved a small plot of land in the city. , I took my new colleagues for three days, and remodeled a small Diagon Alley street with a steady stream of tourists. Some events - like the release of magic books, giveaways were held there, and several companies responded to the Ministry of Magic's call, Like the Daily Prophet and The Naysayers, they hand out thousands of newspapers and magazines to tourists for free—"

Felix guessed from the lingering expression on Mr. Weasley's face that he may have been in contact with more people during this period than in the previous half of his life.

"You mean free to tourists? No money?" Ms. Burns asked curiously: "I don't know much about the naysayer Lovegood, but the Daily Prophet..."

"It's all old newspapers or magazines that haven't been sold, and it doesn't matter much to them," explained Mr. Weasley.

"As for the new Diagon Alley, are there any merchants now settling in?" Felix asked.

"Not yet, but some preparations have been made in advance." Mr. Weasley said. "We contacted the parents of the Muggle-born wizards and asked them if they were interested in opening a store in New Diagon Alley. In fact, whether any of them Most of them are Squibs—or something like that, Mr. Ollivander told me—at least they can use their own wands, and they’re ready to go with a little training.”

"Has anyone from the Squib Rights Association contacted you?" Ms. Burns asked. "They might be interested."

Mr. Weasley nodded first, then shook his head. "Contacted, but their will is not strong." Seeing the slightly surprised eyes of Felix and Ms. Burns, he smiled for the first time, "Most of the people who know their Squib identity have relatives alive, and many families are willing to Find the child outside."

"Is there any news?"

"I think about it... After the signing of the contract, there were more than a dozen anti-wizard marches one after another, but the momentum was not great. Our protection magic can ensure that malicious people can't get in, and Muggle firearms will also be ineffective. "

"The situation is very good." Ms. Burns said excitedly.

"Some accidents also happened." Mr. Weasley took out his handkerchief and wiped his sweat in embarrassment. "Two exclusive wands were accidentally lost during the event."

"What's the matter?" Ms. Burns asked with a serious expression, sitting up from the sofa.

"Isn't the previous plan to roughly estimate the number of squibs? Three days ago, we held an exclusive wand experience activity among tourists. Mr. Ollivander further improved the exclusive wand. I don't understand the principle he said, but it was probably because of cooperation. Some magical animal materials can improve the sensitivity of the exclusive wand... In short, there is a rougher result, the data is about two hundred to one."

Felix nodded slightly, rubbed his chin and said, "So there are about 300,000 Squibs in the UK? No, this term is not very accurate, most of them should have a worse perception of magic, even the average Magical phenomena such as ghosts and dementors are invisible."

"Yes," agreed Mr. Weasley, "Mr. Ollivander thinks that even with the help of a special wand, there are very few people who can successfully cast spells. The silent man of the Department of Mysteries proposes a possibility: magic is like a rising tide. Tide, starting from the first generation of Squibs, the magical ability gradually slipped, and then an inflection point occurred in a certain generation, which became more and more obvious..."

"This conjecture is quite interesting." Felix said with interest.

If the idea holds true, then the parents and immediate family members of the Muggle-born wizard are likely to use their own wands. But they are old after all, and the thin magic power that exists in their bodies (or souls) is almost impossible to mobilize, and they can only use their exclusive magic wands to release the set magic tricks.

"However, during the event, a Muggle suddenly rushed out and snatched two exclusive wands from the staff - the Muggle government law enforcement officers did not catch up, and our people were reluctant to use powerful spells, in short , was fled to a residential area." Mr Weasley said: "Scrimgeour and the Muggle government are responsible for joining forces to track this matter down."

"Is there no trace magic attached to the exclusive wand I used for testing?" Ms. Burns asked.

"It's not too late."

Unlike Ms. Bones' serious expression, Felix didn't take it to heart, "Let them check it slowly, there will be more and more such things in the future, we just need to plug the loopholes, no matter what. Tracewire or location magic can avoid such problems."

Hearing that, Ms. Burns's expression softened, when there was a knock on the door. Scrimgeour pushed the door open, his bushy tawny hair mixed with wisps of grey, and the wrinkles on his face darkened, looking much older. Ms. Burns also sat him down, and sure enough, he was here to report on the exclusive wand.

"People have been found, and the preliminary confirmation is just an accident. The trial will be held in two weeks, and I will attend the trial in person." Scrimgeour said that this is already the 132nd case he has participated in involving wizards and Muggles at the same time. Illegal behavior—as small as a complaint about prank magic tricks, as large as flooding an entire house, or setting off fireworks in a specified location to set a tree on fire—the final result is basically a fine, but because of the joint law enforcement, The first sentence may become a case in future court trials, so he appeared dutifully every time.

"Rufus, you can give some of your work to someone else," Ms. Burns reassured him.

"Just get through this time," said Scrimgeour curtly, "Amelia, I'll give you a copy of every sentence, along with comments from the other Wizengamore members, you It is best to read it again. According to the agreement of both parties, if there is no objection, the new law will be approved and come into effect in the second year. It will be increased every year as appropriate.”

"So the information on the desk—"

"Ah, two stacks are mine."

"Rufus, you need rest, or help, or your body will be exhausted." Ms. Burns said softly.

"There's always someone to do, and I don't worry about leaving it to someone else," Scrimgeour said indifferently.

Ms. Burns wanted to persuade again, Felix said a name: "Barty Crouch."

The three looked at him at the same time.

"As far as I know, Barty Crouch is so good at the law that he's been out of the public eye for nearly three years, and if he wants to—" Felix said slowly, "well—I think He may be a little disheartened by the past, but he's a tough guy, and if someone told him that the Ministry needed him, I think he'd say yes without hesitation...the lobbyist would be best to have a relationship with him Yes, it can be his former subordinate, or a good friend, but it must be strict, stubborn, and a little crazy..."

The corners of Ms. Burns' mouth twitched, and she turned to look at Scrimgeour with Mr. Weasley. There seems to be a candidate here.

"Barty Crouch is still serving his sentence." Scrimgeour stared sharply at Felix and said in a deep voice.

The eyes of the two collided in mid-air. For them, the previous conflict had long since passed, and no one would turn to the old account - Felix also killed little Crouch himself, but he still recommended Barty K. Rauch - But the philosophical differences remain, and Scrimgeour is a tried-and-true veteran who, in a way, inherits old Crouch's philosophies.

"It's only two months away," Felix said, "to serve his sentence in a different place, or to arrange a solitary cell...the effect is about the same, oh, I can also recommend someone who will serve him...a house elf named Winky, I don't know if you have any impressions..."

Several people present stared, thinking about the feasibility of this approach.

"...In what name?" Mr. Weasley whispered after a while.

"Consultant," Felix said without hesitation. Ms. Burns rolled her eyes.

Finally, Scrimgeour said dryly: "I can try to convince Barty--"

"Actually, the ideal person in my mind is Moody." Felix said in a strange tone.

Scrimgeour's hair and beard quivered, his knuckles creaked, and he seemed to be using great willpower not to rush over to grab Felix's neck and shake it. After a long while, he said coldly, "Then it's settled." After speaking, he left angrily.

"Rufus is still happy, I can feel it," Ms. Burns said. When Mr. Weasley left, she asked curiously, "Felix, you really don't mind Barty getting out of jail early—I mean, okay," she sighed, "office in the cell?"

"It's nothing more than a month or two in advance~lightnovelpub.net~ Besides, does his release from prison affect me? Obviously, no."


The introduction of the "Federation and Union Charter" is not the focus, but the starting point of a new round of negotiations, but this time it is no longer a small fight. With the Charter and the successful case of the British Ministry of Magic, the negotiations will take place in dozens of country expands.

As for the United States, more than half a month later, the Magical Congress of the United States found nothing. They even ventured through top-secret information within the government, but found nothing. The president of the Magical Congress of the United States, Horace Greensteen, vaguely mentioned a method during the session, but would not implement it until he returned. Felix hopes there will be no trouble.

For the rest of the wizarding world, the most popular topic right now is the Charter of the Federation and Alliance, which is broadcast all day long in newspapers, on the radio, and on Muggle TV shows, and various experts take turns to analyze the contents.

This Basic Law, which is similar to the Wizarding Constitution, is very rich in content, and at the same time clearly shows its bottom line. From a series of grand long-term plans mentioned in the penultimate chapter - such as magic technology, joint hospital, rapid planting, interstellar travel, alien colonization, regeneration of severed limbs... The final conclusion was It can be summed up in one word: sincerity.

Although for Felix, he can accomplish the above plan now, but he would rather extend the time to realize it to thirty years, fifty years, or even longer.


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