Abyss Domination

v8 Chapter 176: Cat girl! [End of Volume 9]

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"Do not!!!……"

With the sharp and desperate screams of the cat and the goddess of dance, Sauron's divine power did not hesitate to tear it all.

The gap between weak power and weak power is about three times, and the gap between weak and other **** power is also about three times. Soren’s strength is close to powerful power, even if the goddess of love can face a battle, but the front How can the cat and the goddess of dance, Xia Weisi, resist the power of Sauron.

A cold reminder emerges:

"Kill the cat and dance goddess - Xia Weisi!..."

"Extract the target soul energy!... You have gained 1500000 killing experience!..."

"The goal has a divine value."

"Extract the target residual deity!... You get 8 points of divine value!..."

"The target has a godhead value!"

"Extract the target residual godhead!... You get 6 godhead values!..."

"The target has chaos, charm, kindness, travel, and sorcerer's field!...The art field fits 85%!...Extracts the target field!..."

"Your [诡 field has improved!..."


As the soul of the cat and the goddess of dance, Xia Weisi, completely dissipated, a divine power also poured into the soul of Sauron.

But the goddess is too weak.

And she seems to have been killed by the lady of the night, and Sauron has little divine power from her.


Sauron turned around and looked at Lulu, who was gradually waking up. Her expression was a bit confused, but the mind had recovered and all the memories had been recalled. Xia Weisi grasps the field of charm. With the help of [the priesthood, she charmed Lulu’s soul from the beginning, and let her completely obey her own behavior. If Lulu’s personal consciousness is strong, I am afraid it has already been swallowed up. It is.

"Master. Hey!" The little catwoman climbed up cleverly and snorted at Sauron's clothes.

Sauron reached out and touched Lulu's little head, followed by: "Relax! Open your spiritual field! I will help you receive Xia's priesthood!"

Lulu seems to understand and understand a meditation movement.

She has absolute trust in Sauron, especially after recalling all the passing.

- "God extraction!"

Sauron reached out and grabbed the void, and the divine power that could not be absorbed and escaped when the cat and the goddess of dance, Xia Xisi was killed by him, suddenly gathered together, followed by Soren Shen Sheng: "Patience! Combine these forces!"

"You can do it!"

The divinity and the priesthood of the cat and the goddess of dance, Xia Xisi, were collected by Sauron, and then he controlled this divine power to inject it into Lulu's body little by little.

The field of scorpion surgery has been absorbed by Sauron.

However, as a **** of weak divine power, Xia Weisi still holds a lot of other powers. Her priesthood includes cats, dance, happiness, sensory enjoyment, and large-scale celebrations. In addition to the singularity, the field controlled by Xia Weisi also has chaos, charm, kindness, and travel.

These deity powers are not fully acceptable, but there are many that can be integrated.

A golden glow emerged.

The first force to be merged by Lulu is the priesthood. She is a catwoman herself, and the fit to this priest is far better than everyone else.


Lulu’s starting point is still too low.

It seems that except for the priesthood, all other priesthoods have no way to receive them, but have moved to other gods with similar priesthoods.

Then there is the power of the field.

Lulu successfully merged the field of charm and dance, while the enjoyment of the senses was also merged, and then absorbed the power of a large festive celebration, and finally a little chaos and travel.


at the same time.

Just as Sauron completed all of this, the sky suddenly flew a little golden glory, falling directly into the room and incorporating Lulu's body.

Heaven is divine!

This is the divine power that dissipated when the cat and dance goddess, Xia Weisi, died completely. Under the guidance of Sauron, the most important [history is integrated into Lulu's body.

In the room.

Sauron quickly opened his eyes, and Lulu also woke up.



Two little girls appeared in the room, and then Gloria came in. She couldn't have noticed such a big thing.

"Lulu?" Vivian went over, reached out and touched Lulu's head and turned to him: "Brother! Is she okay?"

Sauron smiled and then nodded: "Yes."

"But I should be able to call her as "the cat is less."

The cat and dance goddess - Xia Weisi is known as the mother of the dance and the mother of the cat. Lulu has inherited some of her priesthood and strength, and should now be called "the cat is less."

Gloria handed a look to Sauron.

So Sauron left Vivian and Lulu to get close, and went out with Gloria.

"Is she okay?" Gloria whispered.

Sauron nodded, and then said: "The will of Xia Weisi has been erased by me. Now Lulu has inherited the priesthood, and at the same time mastered the field of charm and dance."

Gloria heard a sigh of relief and said, "So she said that she is already a god? It’s a lucky little girl!"

Sauron shook his head.

Subsequently, he slowly said: "Lulu is currently only a half god, one has [God's demigod."

"But it will be easy for her to seal the gods in the future."

"The relationship between her and Vivian is very close, so let her be the **** of Vivian."

In any case, Vivian is also a medium-powered god. This level of gods should have one or two gods. Lulu is undoubtedly the most suitable.


After confirming that Lulu was all right, Vivian quickly came out.

At this time, Sauron turned around and seriously said: "Vivienne. Lulu now has the priesthood. You, as her master, have the responsibility and obligation to teach her how to become a god. Start today. It is your god, you need to teach her how to be a true God."

Destiny really gave Lulu a big gift.

Sauron’s efforts to seal the gods were hard work, but Lulu did not expect that he would be half-step true if he was blessed in disguise.

Although this is the blessing of Sauron, it is also her own luck.

If she is not a catwoman herself, Xia Weisi will never put her mind on her. If it is not a servant of Vivian, Sauron will not see her as heavy. Even Soren also gave up the loyalty of Xia Weisi, and chose to support Lulu to become a new goddess.


The entire Modo City already has two half-step true **** candidates, one is Saruman and the other is Lulu.

Coupled with Gloria's gradual mastery, Vivian and Lilian are medium-powered, and Sauron controls a flogging girl, and everything he has is now close to the size of the gods.


After Lulu received the priesthood, Sauron also had some new ideas.

Because in the beliefs of the past earth, the black cat played a special position in the Egyptian gods, and has a very close relationship with the underworld and the evil spirits. Sauron holds the death and killing, and Vivienne controls the fear and dispute. These are the extensions of the death gods. The existence of Lulu can be completed in the future.


Inside a beautiful temple.

A woman with a beautiful face with red and long hair is sitting on the throne of the temple. She seems to be inductively open her eyes and look at the sky. A dim star is falling.


Ms. Huofa made a slight sigh and then muttered: "Is this your final ending?"

For her own god, Xia Weisi, the goddess of love is also very helpless, because this **** is too difficult to control, she is not as obedient as the goddess of joy, and often her order does not work.

At the beginning, she had already fallen into the hands of Ms. Black Night, but after she brought her back from Modo City, Xia Weisi couldn’t hold back her own nature~lightnovelpub.net~ If a **** is controlled by nature, then it has been lost. The essence.

"Ms. Fire Law."

With a golden glow, the figure of the goddess of joy emerged, and she sighed: "It seems that Xia Weisi is completely degraded. Do we want to avenge the lady of the night?"

The goddess of love slowly shook her head.

Then she whispered: "I can feel the conspiracy that the lady in the night is weaving. She and the spider **** have joined together. We can't act rashly, waiting for Ms. Yin Yue to prepare everything."

"Mosetra should have recovered soon."

"When the power of the goddess of magic is fully restored, it is when we avenge her!"

In any case, Xia Weisi is her god, and the night lady must pay for it again and again! Otherwise, other gods will completely despise her, thinking that the goddess of love is just a useless vase!

Killing God is a very serious provocation to the Lord God.


The plague is still spreading, and the power of death is getting thicker and thicker.

Everything brewed in the material plane seems to be accumulating, waiting for the moment of complete explosion!


(ps: The ninth volume ends here. Tomorrow begins with the tenth volume. The last wave of the Undead will also begin, and the gods will re-entitle the death gods, and any winner will be promoted directly to [ Powerful God! The long-awaited death of God, the unknown, the unknown, the goddess of death and magic from the outside world, the **** of murder that broke through the seal, the **** of the sorcerer, the undead giant of the bottomless abyss, the lower level The undead monarch, all who are qualified to compete for death, are preparing, and Sauron, who has the power of death and killing, is waiting for an opportunity.) (To be continued.)