After Rebirth, the Buddha-like Star Is a Medical Expert

Chapter 288: Two more

   Chapter 288 Two more

"I asked you to repeat this sentence just now. In addition to telling it to yourself, you should also tell the people around you and your husband. You have to tell them firmly and firmly that you really think so." Ning Youguang said, "In this way, you will gradually establish a correct self-awareness, you will know that you are a very good and worthy person, you do not need the approval of an idealized partner, you will instinctively know what you want, and Go for it hard. That way, you won't be controlled by others or easily brainwashed."

"At the same time, while we are free from the manipulation of others, we also need to reconnect with ourselves, and the way to connect with ourselves can choose some kind of mind-body combination, such as yoga, or other forms of dynamic meditation. These activities are based on a Quiet your mind and bravely accept the system of your deepest self—not through discussion, analysis, and imagination, but through active activities that integrate mind and body. When you go back, you can choose to sign up for a class at the gym or yoga center, or If you only want to try meditation, I can send you a few audios. You can follow my audios to find a quiet environment, meditate for 15-30 minutes every day, pay attention to your breathing, and let the distracting thoughts slowly dissipate. After a period of time, you will find that I have become calmer than before, more connected to my body and mind, and more resistant to stress.”

   "I feel very difficult." Liang Yiyi couldn't help but feel scared when she thought about how she rebelled against her husband, and the violent quarrels and beatings that happened at home when the two had a conflict.

"It's not easy." Ning Youguang said, "Many times, when we make a good choice, it will actually bring many negative effects, such as anxiety, fear and sadness. It is very difficult, but face it bravely. Feelings will disappear and we will have a whole self."

  Liang Yiyi was silent for a long time, then said to Ning Youguang, "Please tell me what to do."

   "The steps are very simple, you only need to do these points, you can take back the initiative in life and get rid of your husband's control."

   "Mr. Ning, please wait." Liang Yiyi turned to look at her daughter, "Lele, lend me your notebook and pen."

   Liang Yule quickly pulled out the notebook and notebook from the bag and handed it to her.

   "Doctor Ning, speak slowly, and I will take it down seriously."

   "Okay." Ning Youguang smiled--

   "1. After you go back, record the conversation between you and your husband. After listening to it a few times, you will find that the logic of many of his words is unreasonable."

   "2. If you have any doubts in the relationship, you can talk to me or your trusted friends and relatives. Don't close your external information channels."

   "3. Pay close attention to your own feelings. You may not see through his expressions and emotional abuse, but you must know your feelings, whether they are comfortable or uncomfortable."

   "4. Once there is a conflict, separate from him immediately, don't continue to entangle with him, don't be disturbed by his negative emotions, and let yourself be wrapped in the trash can of negative emotions."

   "5. Stick to your own cognition, you have to believe that what you are doing is right, especially when you get along with him, you have to remember to say these three words to him often—"

   "I know that's your point of view, but I have my point of view, I don't agree with your point of view, please respect me."

   "I have a different opinion from you!"

   "That is your perception. Our perceptions are different. You are right and I am right." 1314

   (end of this chapter)