Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 1167: Three endings

The next story is logical. These people are suffering. To get the concrete out of their body, they must use concrete super power.

The protagonist thinks that he can copy their super powers by touching other superpowers. If you want to save these people, you must rush to Seattle to get her super power from Augustine.

Although my brother did not agree with this plan, but after all, he still couldn’t beat his brother. Two people drove to Seattle.

When arriving around the city of Seattle, the protagonist found that the road had been destroyed, the road was full of roadblocks, the bridge was blown up, and then only walked.

In the journey, the protagonist accidentally found himself able to strengthen himself by absorbing smoke, drone energy debris and relay cores, which are to gain energy, upgrade skill trees and unlock new skills.

In addition, the protagonist also deeply understands the relationship between ordinary people and super-powered people. Superpowers are regarded as terrorists and freaks, and they are discriminated everywhere. Even military personnel who open superpowers will open directly. gun.

The protagonist also saw traces of various battles. Those were left by some superpowers. The superpowers who seemed to escape were still active in the city, and they continued to create damage.

After the battle, Lin Xue encountered the same problem before, that is, how to choose between good and evil.

When the soldiers of these UNPROFOR units lose their fighting ability, they will raise their hands and surrender. At this time, the protagonist can choose to kill them or subdue them without killing them.

There will also be drug dealers and police fighting in the city, the protagonist can also choose to help drug dealers, or help the police.

The former will increase the value of notoriety, the latter will increase the value of goodness and direct to two different branches.

"What, trouble! How do I become a superpower? There are so many restrictions on killing individuals!"

Lin Xue feels that this is a bit embarrassing. I think that playing alex in the same year is also a big killing. I have never encountered these problems...

However, it is clear that from the plot, the choice of different routes will inevitably have an impact on the outcome. Lin Xue has tangled a bit, but decided to take the path of good people first. After all, the start has been chosen, and the wicked route will be re-experienced again. .

As the story progresses, the protagonist constantly absorbs energy, unlocks new skills, and can only sprint at first, but quickly unlocks special movements such as jumping, floating, climbing walls, and so on. Attack skills, including handsome full-screen big moves.

"It feels like... It’s a lot like killing the original, but it’s not the same."

Lin Xue is also very difficult to describe this feeling, it is really very refreshing, but there is still a clear difference with the original form of killing.

"The Killing of the Original Form" is pure violence, pure cool, and this game is more biased towards skill.

The various cool super powers of the protagonist are more skill-oriented, including when fighting, the main attack method of the protagonist is to launch a smoke bomb with a long-range attack. It is necessary to adopt different combat strategies for different situations, not always. No brains.

The plot of the game is also very simple. The protagonist needs to fight with the soldiers of the UNPROFOR in the city, destroy the mobile command center, and constantly touch the surviving superpowers in the process, and constantly unlock new super powers.

In addition to the original flame (smoke) ability, the protagonist can also get the suffocating ability (looks like a neon), video game ability (to virtual electronic imaging into reality), in the final match against the final boss Can get the ability of concrete.

These abilities have this different look and effects, but the commonality is that they are all very cool and very easy to use.

Especially the video game ability, because the original super power is a otaku who likes to play electric, can call the angel and the demon through this ability, so the protagonist will also distinguish according to his good and evil value after gaining ability.

If it is a good person, then this ability is to use the blue lightsaber, while the wicked is to use the red claws to attack, the big move will be completely different.

After catching these superpowers, the protagonist can decide their fate, and it is also divided into two routes of good and evil.

These superpowers will be the protagonist's help to fight against Augustine.

However, while the protagonist makes a choice, his value of good and evil will continue to change, and the pattern behind it will be used.

The initial pattern is a blue and red bird, representing good and evil, respectively. As the plot continues to develop, one will devour the other, and eventually achieve [true hero] or [notorious].

Lin Xue opened up both the good and the bad lines and found that the game had three endings, and the most heart-wrenching story was the death of his brother.

In the process of propelling the plot, the protagonist found Hank, Hank said that he would lead the way to find Augustine, but Hank was actually a twenty-five, deliberately introduced everyone to the ambush of Augustine, resulting in The death of my brother.

The angry protagonist and Augustine hit a double defeat, Augustine escaped, the protagonist decided to avenge Hank.

After catching Hank, Hank said that he was betrayed because his daughter was arrested by Augustine. At this time, the protagonist had two choices, killing him in the face of Hank’s daughter, or letting him go. Let him and his daughter reunite.

Lin Xue found that whether it is killing Hank or letting it go, it does not affect the protagonist's good and evil values.

In general, the line of good people is very wrong. Although there is the ability to slaughter civilians at random, the protagonist must be patient everywhere, but the final outcome is that the protagonist has cured all the tribes, being regarded as heroes by other people and others, and let ordinary people Peaceful coexistence with superpowers.

The wicked route is very cool, the protagonist can kill at will, but it will cause the common condemnation of the civilians, and finally when the concrete ability is returned to save the people, the tribe no longer accepts him, even drives him out. The protagonist ended up with a big move.

That is to say, the process of good man ending is slightly wronged, but the ending is universal support; the wicked ending is arrogant, but the road to the throne is lonely.

In addition to this there is a third ending.

When the protagonist just got the video game ability, he found that he could not use any ability. At this time, his brother persuaded him that since you are no longer a superpower, then we can go home.

At this time, the protagonist has two choices, or continue to move forward, absorbing the relay core to unlock the video game ability to continue the battle, but then his brother will sacrifice.

Or listen to my brother's words, go back to the village, the people will welcome their return, the protagonist seems to return to the normal life, but this ending left an open end, that is, the superpowers he received call Let him go back and continue to help them beat Augustine.

As for the protagonist who chooses to be an ordinary person, or go back and continue to fight against Augustine, this ending is not clearly stated. But in any case, my brother survived.

What Lin Xue doesn't know is that these three endings, including Hank's decision, do not affect the value of good and evil, are the products of Chen Momo's reform. Under the premise of retaining the original spirit core, let this game Good and evil views and values ​​are more in line with domestic players.

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