Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 554: "Soul Learning" (two more)

The **** gamer of "Dark Soul" is terrible, and soon more and more speed killing videos appear.

In the first step, most of the quick-killing video authors try to reproduce the effect of Chen Mo's killing the Unknown King. Although few people can succeed, this short video has obviously become a textbook for quick-kill players.

Another intuitive feeling for the player is the world view and plot of the game.

These players quickly explored every corner of the Dark Soul and explored the story behind each np as much as possible. What shocked everyone was that the game turned out to be a multi-final game, and Every np has a corresponding life experience and ending!

The most popular thing for players is the true and negative ending in this game.

In the four endings, in addition to the end of the fire, the other three endings are very popular.

The first is the ordinary fire ending, the player completed his fate and continued the initial fire. This is also the end of most players in a week.

The second ending was dubbed by some players as "double-doubled and double-flying endings." The player and the firefighter discovered the secret hidden behind the fire, so the player and the firefighter chose to extinguish the flame and the world fell into the dark.

The final result is the end of the Dark King, and the ending of the previous forum's hot posts. After saving the patrol of Rondo, he will pull out the hidden dark power of the player. In the end, the player will gather eight dark rings and eventually devour the flames and become the king of the darkness of the new world.

For which one is the real ending, the players are competing in the forum.

Players who support the end of the fire show that the fire has been the wish of the whole world from the beginning, and after the flame is extinguished, the world is in a never-night night, and there are ghosts and ghosts everywhere. There is no light in this world. How is it possible? Is it the real ending? Obviously the flame should be passed on.

Players who support the end of the Dark King said that from all kinds of signs, the fire is very likely to be a lie, and the tragic experience of the champions has already explained this. And this game is called "The Soul of the Dark", which has long implied that darkness is the only destination.

As for the players who chose "Double-Fly and Double-Fly Ending", they said that he would not be able to pass the fire, I only need to fire the female lady!

In order to prove which ending is the best ending, the players began to explore all the clues left by Chen Mo in the game, including branch plot analysis, location research, item description and so on.

There are even players who call this play "The Soul", a doctrine about the study of The Soul of Darkness.

The world view of "Dark Soul" is hidden in a large number of props descriptions, and this world view is very fragmented, requiring players to have a very powerful brain-filling ability to make a relatively reliable story.

And there is no "Dark Soul 1" in the parallel world, so for the players, some questions are doomed to be unanswered.

If you combine the plots of Dark Soul 1 and Dark Soul 3, then most players will think that the end of the dark, the end of the fire is the real ending of the game.

However, because there is no story content of "Dark Soul 1", players in this world have doubts about this.

At the same time, under the constant excavation of the players, both the background of the supporting role and the whole world view of the game have become full, and the players have discovered that the "Dark Soul" has been revealed after a week of full story. The content is just the tip of the iceberg floating on the water!

Because in the absence of a strategy, most players are destined to miss a large number of feeders.

In "The Soul of the Dark", there are a lot of settings that are so scary that the players feel a little chilling.

For example, what is the identity of the protagonist? In the title of the film, the protagonist is the ash that is not fired. It is the undead who can't make a salary. So what kind of existence is the protagonist before the resurrection?

Also after defeating the demon king, the player will find a fireless sacrifice in the city of Loslik. The layout of this fireless sacrifice is the same as that of the fire festival, but it is a completely dark world, a world of fire.

From all kinds of signs, "Dark Soul" is a world of time and space, and even players who want to find other players must invade or summon spells.

So what is the relationship between the no-fire festival and the hero Gudah and the player's current fire-fighting festival?

It has been found that after defeating the hero Gudda in the no-fire festival, a broken spiral sword will be obtained; and when the player first transfers to the city of Losrik from the fire-fighting festival, the rear has the other half of the spiral sword.

At the same time, the name of the game is "The Soul of the Darkness", so what does the Dark Soul represent?

Some people say that the human nature of the representative is said to represent the power of the abyss. But why is a game with a background of fire as the main background, but the name "Dark Soul"?

Firefighting women, saints, proudly knights, Iguo, thieves, Heris, Anri, onion knights, gray hearts, and so on. A series of supporting roles in "The Soul of Darkness" actually have their own stories and endings, but these endings Most of them are very tragic.

Even if the players work hard, they can't arrange a better ending for them because there is no good ending in the game.

Like a saint, she shoulders the mission of becoming a fire-fighting woman. If she comes into contact with the Dark Code, she will lose her mind and will only be eroded by the darkness and die in the hands of the players.

But if she didn't learn the Dark Code, she would eventually become a fire-fighting woman, but she would become a machine that only knows how to upgrade the player. She died alone in the tower full of fire-fighting female bodies.

The priest Iguo, who guards her, will also commit suicide in the first dungeon of the saint.

The more plots players have discovered in this game, the more they realize that this is a desperate game, not just the difficulty of the game, but also the story background of the game!

The world is really a darker world than Diablo, and the player can't even change anything.

The unique combat system, level design and story background make "Dark Soul" a unique game.

At the beginning, the labels that players put on it were “high difficulty” and “battered”, but as players learned more about the game, more and more players appeared. The Soul of the Dark is touted!