Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 555: Thunder mutual entertainment: Diablo fac

Shortly after the release of the "Dark Soul" and "Knight Glory" games, major domestic and international game media have released game reviews.

What surprised everyone is that even in Europe and the United States, "The Soul of the Dark" has achieved a one-sided success!

The game evaluation media in Europe and the United States even blows the "Dark Soul", even blowing more than the domestic media, which makes many players wonder, Chen Mo is how much money for them?

Some European and American game media even gave the "Dark Soul" a close evaluation, especially in the battle system, level design, world view design, etc., and even some media called "The Soul of Darkness" It is "a unique masterpiece of cold weapon battle design", and even regards Thunder and mutual entertainment as "Dark God Factory"!

As a large number of game evaluations continue to come out, players are surprised to find that even in Europe and the United States, "Knight Glory" has been completely crushed by "Dark Soul", whether it is professional evaluation, player score or sales, "Darkness" "Soul" has completely surpassed "Knight's Glory" and is still showing an increasing trend!

And as more and more professional reviews come out, many players also understand where the unique charm of Dark Soul originates.

It must be said that ordinary players pay more attention to the experience and feelings gained in the game, and some professional media will more accurately analyze the design of a game. This kind of evaluation tends to pay more attention to the artistic and design techniques of the game.

After analyzing the "Dark Soul", the game media summarized the advantages of the game into three aspects.

The first point is an extremely rich combat system. There are a wide variety of cold weapons in The Soul of Darkness, and there are even many weapons that cannot exist in reality, and these cold weapons have their own usage.

Players can use daggers, straight swords and other weapons for speed and flexibility, as well as use big swords and sledgehammers for lethality. However, different weapons have different characteristics, and no matter what weapon is used, there will be corresponding weaknesses, and these weaknesses must rely on the player to make up for it with good operation.

This is in stark contrast to "Knight's Glory". Although "Knight Glory" is born out of the battle in reality, but the combat means is very simple, and often the test is the player's reaction and character attributes.

However, in "The Soul of Darkness", there are a lot of combat skills. Players can even interrupt the opponent's attack by pre-judging the knife in advance. At the same time, with the special mechanism of shield reverse, rollback, backstab, execution, etc., the entire combat system is very rich. .

The second point is the level design of the summit. The mainstream level design in this world is still driven by numerical values, which means that monsters are getting stronger and stronger, mainly because their attributes are getting higher and higher.

Many game companies are even considering opportunistic tricks through various algorithms, allowing many monsters to randomly refresh, while giving the player the corresponding attributes through the player's level progress, creating a random feeling for the player.

But in this mode, the player's experience will become very boring, as long as the player's attributes can crush the monster attribute of this level, it is all the way to cut vegetables.

If the player's attributes are not up to standard, then it will be very painful in the battle, even if the technology is good, it is difficult to pass.

But "The Soul of Darkness" chose another way, which is to carefully plan every monster in the level. Although the monster will randomly refresh the position within a small range, the overall configuration is unchanged.

Coupled with the different characteristics of the monster and the designed conspiracy, when the player challenges a certain level, it is equivalent to solving the puzzle.

Is it pulling out one by one? Or is it a terrain killing of monsters in a specific way? Or put on specific equipment and go straight to the past?

Different players have different methods, but not every method is applicable. Players must try repeatedly to develop the optimal solution for this level.

At the same time, the design of all monsters after the bonfire will be revived, although the difficulty of the game is greatly improved, but also the integrity of this level design is guaranteed to the utmost.

If the monster does not resurrect, then the player only needs to slowly one by one, and one day will pass, but this is obviously not the original intention of the game "Dark Soul".

"Dark Soul" hopes that the player can solve the puzzle perfectly, from a bonfire to another bonfire with limited blood and blood bottles.

Although this level design is very difficult and even desperate for many people, it guarantees that the level experience of "Dark Soul" is always at an ultra-high level without any discount.

Moreover, the reason why "The Soul of the Dark" is welcomed is not because it is difficult, but because it is difficult to make sense.

The meaning of this game is not the suffering itself, but the sense of accomplishment brought about after suffering.

Other games are the player's character to grow, and "Dark Soul" is the player's own growth.

At the beginning, the player had to drink the elemental bottle against a cockroach, but then he could go all the way to the boss room and kill at the limit.

From the new to the big, the player's characters may not become strong, but the players themselves are actually stronger.

The charm of the Dark Soul's level design is that it does not deliberately kill the player, but guides the player through repeated failures, allowing the player to try different methods and finally find the most suitable customs clearance method.

At the same time, "The Soul of the Dark" has achieved the ultimate in the charm of exploration.

Although this is not an open world game, Dark Soul allows players to explore multiple routes.

Different areas have different difficulty. "Dark Soul" does not mandate that players must follow a certain line. If some big cockroaches completely kill the old woman and defeat the dancer after winning the second boss, enter This high-level area of ​​Lostrick City.

At the same time, there are a large number of hidden props in the corners of the map. These props also hide the unknown history of Dark Soul.

Through these prophecies, the player can brain fill out the story behind the prop and the world background of the Dark Soul.

The third point is the unique game trait. Although as early as in the period of Diablo, many people have already had a certain understanding of the dark game, but it is clear that the launch of "Dark Soul" has pushed the concept of the dark game a big step forward. !