American Manga God

Chapter 245: Maybe this is true love!

On the huge green humanoid monster, a terrifying aura was bursting out uncontrollably.

Mei Jiecao, who had been observing secretly, whistled, "Wow! Bumpman fights mobs!"

If it weren't for the fact that there was no one around him, he would probably have complained to him "Who is Bumpman?".

"Come on!"

Bruce Banner's consciousness was gone, and through those green eyes, he glanced at the other soldiers with some pain, trying to suppress the force in his body that became more and more violent due to painful stimulation, and finally, with Hulk's Big Mouth reminded with difficulty.

In fact, he didn't need to remind him, the soldiers around him were already chaotic. They have already received clear instructions - if they encounter the opponent's "transformation", they should withdraw immediately, and do not attempt to confront the enemy with a single soldier.

Although they didn't know what the so-called transformation was before, they all knew now.

"Have you seen the true face of your Bruce?" General Ross scolded his daughter like this.

After being stunned for three seconds, Betty gritted her teeth and cursed angrily: "You turned him into a monster!"

Nothing matters anymore.

The Hulk, who weighed more than 600 kilograms, crashed down from the overhead bridge like a god, and his big feet hit the grass, which still caused a strong sense of shock.

Over there, Emil Bronsky stood in the middle of the grass field, watching the raging enemy reveal his true colors in the broad daylight for the first time.

Emil suddenly became excited!

The grin at the corner of his mouth easily reminds others of the demon, a creature that only exists in mythology.

"Team A fire!" General Ross gave an order through the walkie-talkie with a blank expression.

Hundreds of American soldiers who had already been ambushed on the other side of the grass to open the skirmish line opened fire.

The sound of the M4A1 automatic rifle and the light machine gun of the M249 squad was completely mixed up.

Of course it turned out to be useless!

The popcorn that popped out of the pot when the bullet hit Hulk suddenly bounced off!

"Where's the 50-caliber auntie!?" General Ross shouted with a toothache.

From the grass on the other side of the grass, a Hummer leaped out.

A soldier used a Browning M2HB12.7mm heavy machine gun to shoot the Hulk frantically. Because this gun has a service life of more than 80 years, it is also called "big mom" by soldiers. However, its reliability and the ability to install armor-piercing projectiles still make it the mainstream heavy machine gun of the U.S. military.

Unfortunately, it still doesn't work.

The large-caliber bullets that can easily shoot through thin steel plates are still unable to penetrate Hulk's skin. Although it caused Hulk a certain amount of pain, there is no injury!

"Roar!" This kind of stimulation, on the contrary, stimulated Hulk's instinctive ferocity.

He took a few strides, and it felt like he was flying. He easily narrowed the distance between himself and the Humvee carrying the Langning machine gun. With a simple shoulder collision, the Humvee weighing several tons flew out.

The Hulk is frantically venting his anger!

With a low roar, he pulled up a toy car like a toy car, lifted the whole Hummer, and smashed it to pieces.

The corners of General Ross's eyes twitched.

This is New York!

Without a special standard, he couldn't drive in a heavy tank at all. Ordinary Humvees and armored vehicles are already the limit.

"Bronski!" The general played the next card.

Emil Bronski rushed up like a hero, well, just like. He was able to use his body, which became extremely agile after being hit with the fortified serum, to do all sorts of unimaginable movements and dodge Hulk's bull-like onslaught, but he still couldn't break the Hulk's defense.

The U.S. military does not have any readily available small arms that can do this.

Don't look at him flamboyantly using the fake version of gunfighting biu, biu, biu to jump left and right to dodge dozens of shots, I'm sorry, he didn't even take 1 point of forced blood!

Knowing that General Ross was using him to delay the time, Emile Bronski still felt hurt in his heart. That kind of anger, that kind of depression, had unknowingly activated the serum that had been injected into his body...

Two more Humvees came.

The versatile Humvee is loaded with a sonic cannon that someone specially sponsored to the U.S. military.

"Woooooooo!" The powerful sound waves turned into substance, and a normal human would feel that his eardrums and eardrums should not burst out when he got closer.

Hulk, who was the first to bear the brunt, was even more uncomfortable.

You don't even need to go to the field to test the decibel. Just seeing the muscles and skin on Hulk's face and arms are almost separated, and the skin rises and falls one by one on the surface of the body, you know that General Ross has already ordered the sonic cannon. The power is turned on to the maximum.

If there is one more sonic cannon, maybe Hulk will suffer too.

It's a pity that there are only two, and it's not practical to break the Hulk's defense with this evil weapon alone.

Hulk has a super regenerative ability, and vital organs can be regenerated if they are damaged or destroyed. He is also immune to all diseases, poisons and can survive extreme temperatures.

This rogue method of rapidly producing a large number of antibodies in his body made him adapt to the sonic cannon in just a few seconds.

"Huh!" He picked up a large piece of iron plate that was removed from the Hummer and threw it out like this.

If the soldier operating the sonic cannon were to slow down, it is estimated that he would be split on both sides with the car and the man.

Despair spread among the U.S. all ground weapons were used up, General Ross could only order a retreat no matter how reluctant he was.

But at this time, Emil Bronski went out and died.

"Monster! Asshole! Do you have any more tricks? Use them if you have them!" he yelled, like a fearless hero, firing his gun until he ran out of bullets, then stood in front of Hulk.

He noticed that Hulk didn't kill any human on purpose.

"Monster! Is that so? Is this how you are?" Ignoring the general's retreat order, his heart was extremely twisted, and Emil, who hated his inability to stop Hulk, stood less than a meter in front of Hulk and looked up. with this green giant.

Hulk...don't mess with it!

The enraged Hulk gave Emil a kick. Everyone saw that Elmi was like a broken puppet, flying out dozens of meters and crashing into a big tree. Twisted, I don't know how many pieces were broken inside.

Just as the American soldiers were retreating, Betty walked over slowly.

"Bruce?" Betty panted heavily, her chest heaving up and down due to the intense exercise. If it was a normal woman, she would have run away screaming out of fear.

Betty chose to slowly approach the Hulk.

Maybe...this is true love!

At this moment, an Apache attack helicopter came and fired unscrupulously at Hulk. Hulk had no choice but to hit Apache with an iron dart.

At the moment of the explosion, Hulk squatted down and protected Betty with his generous body.