American Manga God

Chapter 246: Hulk fell

At this moment, time was frozen.

Rao is that General Ross is cold-blooded again, seeing his daughter caught in a sea of ​​fire, he stopped in astonishment and stared blankly at the very center of the battlefield.

"No—" That was the general's gaffe scream.

In the background, the Apache spun out, the propellers like death's razors, and the cone of flames from the fuselage that crashed into the grass.

That big fireball that was more than ten meters high!

The unbridled high temperature that turned the grass into scorched earth.

No matter what, Betty Ross is dead.

Only Betty could really feel that she was firmly protected by a generous body. To prevent flames from getting in and burning them. Hulk's incomparably tough chest even instantly turned into a sponge-like softness, almost sucking her whole body in and wrapping it tightly.

This scene was witnessed by countless people.

Including Ross, including Betty's current boyfriend, the psychiatrist who secretly reported it.

However, in the fragments of the helicopter, surrounded by raging flames, the burly green figure who could not be beaten to death stood up again, holding Betty with both hands in the posture of a princess, green eyes revealing the love and love that the monster can't have. Affection.

Ross stood there dumbfounded, gasping for breath. For the first time, the thought "Am I doing something wrong?" appeared in his mind.

This picture of the princess and the beast is also fixed in the hearts of every soldier.

"He... may be a monster, but he definitely has human feelings." The soldiers were so certain.

The war was over. In the military hospital, the military doctor issued a death notice to Emil Bronski.

"No one can survive a ton of attack power," said the doctor.

General Ross was silent for a while, then turned around and left.

No one noticed. After a while, a nurse came and gave the corpse, which was pronounced dead, an injection...

That night, when General Ross fell asleep, a phantom-like figure appeared beside his bed, picked up another syringe, and gave the general a needle.

It was a needle that went straight to the cervical spine. Any normal person would wake up in pain from a dream, but the general didn't. He still slept like a dead pig.

If there is a third party present, they will find a very light purple-black haze in the surrounding air. As the woman's figure disappeared into the air, after a minute, the general seemed to have been bitten by a mosquito, patted the back of his neck, then turned around and went back to sleep.

This night, it rained heavily.

When Betty woke up, she found herself in a cave, with only the green giant beside her, who surprised and delighted her.

She never knew how to get along with a monster who didn't know if there was still reason.

She just instinctively called Bruce's name.

Every time she repeated her name, the curve on Hulk's face became gentler.

Betty firmly believes that in this monster shell, there is still the benevolent heart of her ex-boyfriend.

Perhaps she wanted to die, and slowly climbed up Hulk's generous chest step by step, held up the formidable square green ugly face, and kissed it without hesitation.

A miracle happened!

Just when she kissed the city, the green color began to disappear from Hulk's face, and the entire huge body was like a deflated balloon, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then Betty saw her ex-boyfriend again.

Old Mei's love sometimes comes so violently.

Maybe it's an escape from death.

Or maybe it was the love that had been accumulated for a long time, because this time the monster saved the beauty and broke out.

At this moment, Betty forgot her new love and regained her old love, and she began to break out of her clothes.

Bruce is a good man!

He thought about a lot, such as his blood being poisonous, for example, he accidentally had a new love, Miss Martina, and for example, he couldn't harm the goddess in his heart.

But the more he explained, the more Betty would not listen to the scriptures.

What makes Bruce even more desperate is that he has not been transformed. Years of escape and malnutrition have turned him into a thin man.

With a height of 1.75 meters and only 58 kilograms, it is a body that almost collapses when the wind blows.

He didn't even know that there was a saying in the East that "Thirty is like a wolf" or something.

How much Bruce hopes that his heart can really go berserk and transform again to scare Betty.

Who knows, the [Forcing Misconduct] was indeed activated, and a burst of green light flashed across the body. Bruce's spirit is calm, his body is agitated.

A certain bad guy surnamed Mei was listening to the foot of the bed through the monitor and burst into laughter on the spot. He slapped the table hard: "Hahaha! The biggest joke of the year was born! The Hulk was pushed back!"

On the other hand, Betty woke up the next day and found that the situation was quite embarrassing.

I was so excited last night, and then each other's clothes were shredded, like primitive people. The only thing that didn't **** was Hulk's **.

That gelatinous **** is amazing, it will naturally expand or shrink with the size of its owner, but when it suddenly receives a punch above a certain standard, it will become very strong.

Betty tried it, and it felt like her pink fist had hit a thick dirt bike tire.

"What material is this made of?"

"Uh, you may not believe me when I say that is an alien technology product given to me by a magician."

"..." Betty actually wanted to complain, but she felt a little credible.

There are even monsters, and there is another magician alien, what's so strange.

Looking at each other naked, the two were so embarrassed, after giggling, they fought hot again.

Finally, the tossing was over, and the two fools had to face the reality.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I going to do?

"Here, it should still be America, right?" Betty asked in a low voice.

"I'm not sure. Last time I woke up, I went from Brazil to the Mexican border."


"Okay, if we still have money..." Bruce made an assumption, and then found a picture of Franklin outside the hole, with half of his head torn off.

There are credit cards. Bruce, who is known for his anti-reconnaissance experience, would never use a credit card if he was killed.

Bruce forced his face and sighed: "I really don't want to owe that guy a favor."


"A magician."

Bruce lifted the super-elastic ** and twisted a white round cap. Betty immediately found that the soft cap was marked with the word sos.

When Bruce really pressed three long, three short and three long on the font, a voice came out.

From inside came the voice of May Day: "Oh! Dear Mr. Banner, I thought you would never use this communicator."

"Enough, Mei! I know you have a locator on my side, come and pick us up."