Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 153: Personnel appointment

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Sherlot stood quietly, his thoughts drifting with the wind, rushing to the vast world in the dark night.

Bertard moved forward silently, adding some fine charcoal to the fire. This is the finished product recently delivered by the charcoal farm, produced by the new charcoal kiln. Soon, the charcoal burned violently, with no obvious smoke and no chirping sparks.

The warm hot wind hit Shirotte, stroking his strong and growing lines, his handsome and handsome face, and his bright and clear eyes. The young man's eyes flickered, and he watched the charcoal ashes fall like the first snow, rustling and falling naturally, like a burning life, leaving indelible traces in the era.

Shirot smiled happily and spoke slowly.

"Bottard, this expedition, my father is indeed suitable as the marshal of the army. However, you need to help me command the new army and the guards. The new army includes the pike corps who are training, and the Longbow militia who will accept their allegiance tomorrow. There are also thousands of Longbow Guards, which can be called the Longbow Battalion, and most of them are followers. This is my direct power, from civilians and civilian warriors. Your prestige is enough to lead them, and I am only willing to give it to you! "

Bertard thought for a moment before kneeling respectfully. His Highness's followers have been dispersed into three divisions: some have joined the new army as the backbone officers who have mastered the legion. Some of them acted as personal guards, accompanying His Royal Highness. Most of them practiced longbow and became longbow warriors, and the Longbow Battalion was His Highness's personal guard.

"I am willing to die for you! Under the witness of the soul of the former emperor, may the new sun rise to the sky and rule the world of the Mexicans!"

Bertard swore in a low voice, the silence on his face was gone, and there was a deep frenzy on his face. Having followed Shilot for two years, His Royal Highness has become the sustenance of his spirit and ideals. Regardless of whether the boy is the reincarnation of Montezuma I, he will continue to guard and wait for a hopeful tomorrow.

Shulott laughed loudly. He strode forward, grabbed Bertard's hair, and lifted the loyal Knight Commander vigorously. Then, the two sat cross-legged opposite each other, discussing personnel appointments.

"Bottard, you need to temporarily command the army. Who in the Guards is suitable to assist you?"

Thinking of the last expedition, Shilot asked earnestly.

The warrior chief's thoughts turned, and many faces flashed through his mind, and finally settled on a simple and simple smiling face.

"His Royal Highness, Ters is simple-minded and has been tested by loyalty. He has known you for a long time, and has been training in the ranks of followers for several months. He can be an adjutant of the personal guard. When I am in command of the army, he can be in charge. Your Highness's safety."

Shirot's eyes flashed. He remembered that simple joyful face, that simple holy city knight, when he was first captured. The deep and unforgettable memories of the past came back again, and with the once pure and kind self, complex and inexplicable emotions surged in my chest.

The young man nodded slowly, and pressed the past into his heart again.

"Very good! Let Tells meet me in two days to see how he has changed."

Bertard bowed his head. Immediately, he thought for a moment and asked aloud.

"His Royal Highness, the Pike Legion is a complete Hikipili, with 8,000 people. You promised Ezpan the position of Deputy Legion Commander. After all, he is a subordinate... Legion Commander Who do you belong to?"

Hearing this, Shulot thought carefully.

"The Pike Legion is a civilian legion, and it has a lot of new tactics. There are only two people who have the experience to dominate the legion, the ability to do well in this position, and the prestige to suppress officers at all levels, the monkey Kuluka or the poet Bara. Mo."

Bertard nodded lightly. He listened to His Highness's words and judged the position of each general in His Highness's heart.

"Both of them are from civilian backgrounds, and both of them can gain the support of samurai and militiamen. As for who to choose..."

Shirot pondered for a moment. He recalled the degree of loyalty between the two. The poet wrote poems to sing his praises, but he did not show his feelings. However, the monkey often follows the busy schedule, takes risks to acquire copper mines, and even catches small golden eagles for him...

Thinking of this, Shiloh made a decision.

"Send a messenger to recall Kuluka. He has done a good job in returning to the copper mine, and will officially serve as the commander of the Pike Legion! Let Ezpan cooperate with the monkeys, train the legion until September, and then join the North Road Legion."

Bertard took out a pen and paper and wrote down His Highness's appointment. Then, he quickly drew a letter of appointment with words and pictures and presented it to His Royal Highness. Xiuluot took out the jade seal with his name engraved on it, marked it on the appointment letter, and attached the jade talisman representing His Highness. The samurai chief took out the cotton bag, packed the appointment letter and jade talisman, and handed it over to the messenger tomorrow.

In this age of grammar, all regulations are so simple and straightforward. The army that represents strength is more identified with generals and personal authority than the appointment and letter of the central authority.

"Your Highness, what about General Barda?"

Bertard asked again.

Shilot has already made a decision. He smiled slightly.

"I will take Barda with me. On this expedition, Avit promised to give me thousands of warriors directly under the royal family. These troops come from the capital, and after the expedition is over, they will be handed back to the alliance and disbanded. Like last time, the warriors of the capital will be handed over to the capital. Barda commander, he also has enough ability and prestige to suppress the military nobles.

In fact, I once asked him, he despised the combat effectiveness of the civilian legion, and was more willing to command thousands of samurai. Since it is with such a mentality, it is difficult to lead the spear army well... So, let's do it! "

Hearing His Highness's comment, Bertard shook his head secretly. General Barda presided over the training and actually took the lead. This time, I have passed the position of the legion commander, and I am afraid that the future will be much bumpier.

"His Royal Highness, how many troops will the North Route Army go out this time? Where will the logistics be shipped from?"

Bertard looked at the boy, March was approaching, and in a blink of an eye it was April. The spring ploughing is not far away, and the expedition of the advance army is soon.

Shiroute thought for a moment. He discussed with his grandfather several times and made arrangements for the follow-up plan.

"This time, the troops of the Northern Route Army are divided into four parts. The first is the new army and the guards. There are about 10,000 people. I will give it to you and the monkey commander. The second is the support of the family, at least 4,000 Teotihuacan warriors. , the commander should be Teacher Orosh. There are still more than 2,000 temple guards, which are expected to be handed over to the experienced old warrior Etalic, who will be taken over by Elvi. At the same time, there will be a group of priests accompanying the army. group.

Next are the warriors of the capital, and Avit will give me a legion, which is estimated to be around 8,000 people. Last time, the great nobles were all imprisoned and unable to participate in military discussions. This time, there will definitely be the great nobles of the capital to fight, and Barda will command a division to restrict military power.

Finally, the northern city-states. According to a recent reply, General Ocellol was willing to lend the Otomi Legion while keeping his distance from the family. This time, the first task of leading the expedition was to meet with the generals of the North and recruit a group of Chichimeks. The rest of the northern city-states can also send thousands of warriors and militias, the exact number to be determined. "

Bertard silently calculated that the sum of the samurai and regular legions was more than 30,000, and the number of auxiliary militiamen and sailors would also be the same. Even if the division on the North Road is partial, there will be at least 60,000 troops. Thinking of this, the vicissitudes of the warrior chief smiled with emotion, what a powerful alliance!

Shilot also calculated the approximate military strength. His face was calm, with burning desire in his eyes. He hopes to have more troops in his hands, occupy more terrain and military positions. Fighting on the battlefield is to use the more to defeat the less, and to use the strong to defeat the weak. Those who are good at fighting have no illustrious achievements. Avet also taught him that those who really know how to fight use a pack of wolves to bite the lonely deer, and when the enemy can be defeated, they will win the victory they deserve.

"I need more samurai, which depends on the support of the city-states around the world, but also promises and costs."

Shirot thought to himself. He looked at the charcoal that was gradually burning out in the bonfire and shook his head gently. There are still many charcoal heads left in the brazier, just like the city-states in the alliance whose tails cannot be lost.

The night was dark, the moonlight fell from the zenith, and the two stopped talking. The young man was a little tired, so he gestured to the samurai chief and fell asleep in the moonlight.

The loyal samurai captain walked out of the tent, gave a few words to the surrounding guards, and returned to His Highness again. The vicissitudes of life of the samurai stared at the young man for a moment, then sat beside the bonfire, closed his eyes slightly, and waited for the dawn in the darkness of the night.

Silent all night. The next morning, Shulot woke up in the rising sun. Bertard had already prepared cold water, and the boy continued to train his will, and then completed the training of his martial arts as usual. He has been in the barracks for a month, and his daily routine is very regular. Except for the occasional return to the capital, the rest of the time is spent in the enrichment of training others and self-training, and even Alyssa has no time to visit.

After breakfast, Shilot called Barda and Ezpan. Barda was the first to enter the account, and the two briefly exchanged for a while, and the fierce eagle warrior smiled and nodded in agreement, and bowed respectfully and retired. Ezpan looked curiously at the beaming head of training, not knowing what new position he had. Later, Ezpan was also called in.

For the surrendered general who gave high hopes, Shilot first comforted him with kind words, and told him that the follow-up commander was Kuluka. Then, His Highness solemnly ordered and put forward strict assessment standards for the Long Spear Legion. After some carrots and sticks, Ezpan finally left with trembling, sweating on his forehead.

After dealing with the follow-up in the camp, Shilot looked up again and saw that the sun was approaching noon. He briefly finished his lunch, then waved vigorously.

"Go to Longbow Camp and meet hunters from all over the world."

Under the protection of the two hundred guards, Shulot left the camp of the Pike Legion and went straight west.

Longbow camp is set up in the western mountains far away from the crowds, not far from the holy mountain of Estella, which is near the capital city in the lake. The Holy Mountain of Estella is one of the most sacred places in mythology and religion. It is dozens of miles west of the capital, and it is set as a forbidden place for the alliance at the same time as the underground holy lake.

The Holy Mountain of Estella also symbolizes the Serpent Mountain of the Lord God, and at its highest peak there is a temple of the sun, which is lit with a flaming holy fire. At the end of every 52 years of reincarnation, the most honorable priest-leader will hold a fire-burning ceremony here, re-promoting the world to turn to the next reincarnation. After the Reformation, it was also set up as the original shrine of the Lord God. It was an important religious sanctuary and received regular pilgrimages from priests and believers.

For the royal family and nobles of the alliance, the Holy Mountain is a pleasant resort and leisure center, and it is also a blessed place full of gods. It is located in a volcanic mountain range with abundant geothermal energy, and the climate is warm all year round. In the fertile volcanic ash near the holy mountain, there are all kinds of beautiful tropical flowers and cacao trees everywhere. At the foot of the holy mountain, there are several warm and comfortable geothermal hot springs.

It's a cold winter day, and you can often see large groups of gorgeously dressed pedestrians on the way. The nobles, with their families and servants, under the **** of private soldiers, went to pray around the holy mountain one after another. They seek spiritual solace there and enjoy the beautiful spring-like mountains and forests.

Shilot stood in the forest and looked in the direction of the holy mountain. He has been busy for several months, and he has never been to the Holy Mountain for vacation, and he does not know when the next time he will have free time will be. Maybe bring the lovely Alyssa and enjoy the natural hot springs together.

Sherlot longed for a moment, then put on the cloak again. He led the guards in a low-key manner, left the main road with many people, turned southwest, and headed for the Longbow camp deep in the mountains and forests.

When the sun slanted slightly westward, Shilot finally stepped into the Longbow Camp. This is a large wooden village with a long history. It was built in the early days of the rise of the Mexicans and was once stationed with heavy troops. And when the Tepanek in the west were finally completely conquered, it gradually fell into disrepair.

At this time, with the arrival of samurai and militiamen, the Muzhai became noisy again. Hundreds of longbow warriors were stationed on the wall of the fortress, heavily guarded and very vigilant. The guards carefully checked the identity jade talisman of Shulot, and then saw His Highness's familiar and kind face, and shouted with joy.

After a while, hundreds of samurai left the camp one after These samurai, most of whom came from followers, slumped on the ground, paid homage to His Royal Highness, and offered the most thorough loyalty.

Shirot smiled from the bottom of his heart. He took off the cape of the army, gave it to the samurai chief, and strode forward, picking up these loyal followers one by one. The young man called out the names of familiar people from time to time, and sometimes asked them about the progress of their writing assignments with a smile. The warriors suddenly looked sad and could not speak.

Seeing this, Shiloh laughed, patted the shoulders of the warriors in the front row, and told them to study hard. Then, he strode into the wooden village. There are tight camps and wide school grounds in the wooden village. Most of the school grounds have been converted into shooting ranges, with wooden targets of varying distances inserted, and many of the wooden targets have newly inserted wooden arrows that have just been shot.

The young man observed the distribution of arrows on the wooden target, smiled and nodded slightly. Then, he looked at the center of the school grounds, where thousands of hunters were already kneeling densely. These hunters are dressed simply, and many have only one robe. On the edge, there are many tribal people with upper body, just wrap a long cloth around their waists.

With the arrival of His Highness, the longbow warriors yelled at the commander, and the originally noisy camp quickly quieted down. At this moment, thousands of people knelt down and bowed their heads, and the already solemn needle drop could be heard. Xiulott was looking at the flagpole on the top of the wall, where more than a dozen heads were hanging, and he knew it in his heart.

Sherlot looked at Bertard with a smile.

"Who is the head of the camp here?"

Bertard thought for a moment, then replied with a smile.

"Not long after it was settled here, Toltec temporarily served as the camp manager. He was a warrior of civilian origin, and he was also the earliest follower. Later, he joined the Longbow Guard, and he was excellent at bowing."

Shirott recalled a frowning young man learning to write, and laughed again.

"Call him forward!"