Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 154: black Wolf

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Thousands of troops bowed their heads, and the voices of thousands of people were silent, and the wooden village was silent. His Highness's voice resounded in the ears of the warriors like a divine summons.

Hearing the call, a young warrior strode out of the team managing the tribesmen. He was in his twenties, with a medium stature, with a tiger's back and a wolf-waisted waist, his eyebrows raised like swords, and his eyes were like stars. In two or three steps, he came to Xiuluot, knelt down on one knee, saluted loudly, and was in high spirits.

"His Royal Highness, Toltec of Tepanicapan salutes you! May you fly like a golden eagle and hunt the world!"

Hearing the words, Shulot laughed loudly. Although he has gradually deepened over the years, the youthful spirit in his heart still remains. At this time, among his followers, he really liked this kind of vigorous appearance.

When the young warriors finished their salute, Shilot took a step forward, lifted Toltec himself, and laughed loudly.

"Toltek, my brave black wolf, how is the camp here?"

The young warrior raised his head high and answered loudly.

"Your Highness, the camp is under my management like an arm. There are 1,000 village hunters and 2,000 tribal hunters! Another 800 Longbow Battalions are stationed here to assist in management."

Shulot nodded lightly, and the longbow battalion of the guards only allegiance to him, and the samurai captain served as the battalion commander. Afterwards, the young man thought for a while and asked in a deep voice.

"Toltek, you are responsible for recruiting soldiers. Why are there only a thousand village hunters and so many tribal hunters?"

Toltec bowed his head slightly, still replying loudly.

"His Royal Highness, village hunters are useless, but tribal hunters are excellent! According to your standards, if you shoot a grass man in 30 steps, I searched and inspected all over the villages in the lake area, but there were only 1,000 people. The mountain tribes of the people came in groups, and there were many outstanding people. According to the standard, I selected more than 2,000 people, you can choose again!"

Shirot laughed loudly.

"You know my heart. The alliance is about to conquer, as long as the bow skills are qualified, the more the better! Where do these tribal hunters come from, and how are they willing to submit?"

"His Royal Highness, there are more than 20 small fishing and hunting tribes here, each with as few as 50 or 60 to more than 100 qualified hunters. Most of them come from the western mountains, from the Tepanek and Otomi mountains. , a small number of them are from the southern mountains, and they are the people of the mountains of Jontar.”

"The alliance has been in war for two years, and there is no peace in the mountains. The Dangfa Imperial Guard Battalion once crusades the rebels in the mountains. The large tribes of Tepanek with inheritance were slaughtered, the Yamada was burned, and the small tribes were scattered. The Otomi people After successive wars, many tribes moved into the mountains. The Jontars were driven out of the valleys by the emerging southern city-states and also into the mountains."

Toltec was in high spirits, and when he talked about fighting in the fire, it was like drinking fine wine.

Xiulott was a little stunned. These wildling tribes in the mountains were all expelled by the alliance and struggled to survive in the barren mountains and forests.

"The mountains are barren and the prey is limited. How can there be so many hunting tribes?"

"His Royal Highness said that. The mountains were originally barren, and the yield of the fields was extremely low. It was supplemented by hunting and trade. Now that a large number of tribes have flooded in, the mountains have begun to run out of food, and they have been fighting each other. The feathers hunted by the mountain people cannot be sold, and the price is extremely low. Military materials are controlled, and the leather of birds and animals cannot be released. In addition, the alliance is about to raise troops, and a large amount of food is collected, and there is no surplus in the surrounding villages... In a few months, almost With no corn to flow into the mountains, the tribes began to run out of food and even prey on each other."

Toltec laughed loudly, his eyebrows trembled, showing a bit of ferocity like a wolf.

"In order to prevent the tribesmen from affecting the holy mountain and looting the village, the great nobles here originally planned to send hundreds of warriors to completely sweep the mountain area. But I heard that His Highness intends to recruit them, so they stopped for the time being. I am stationed here for more than a month, Ka Live in the mountain pass, arrest the vendors along the way, shoot the mountain people who go out to mine salt, and the salt and food are not allowed to enter the mountain!

After the Great Salt Mine was requisitioned by His Royal Highness, the supply of salt was already in short supply, and it could be sold anywhere, and the merchants were reluctant to take the risk here. Although many tribes have food reserves, they cannot eat salt for a month, and they are all powerless. At this time, I used salt and food to condone them, and they all came out and surrendered! "

Toltec explained the tragic situation in the mountains in a few words. He analyzed the reasons for the current situation and made effective responses. This clear thinking came from the teachings of His Highness.

Hearing this, Shulot first showed his approval, and the lessons for the followers were not in vain. Afterwards, he looked around the two thousand tribal hunters who were kneeling down, observing their generally thin cheeks, slightly swollen body, dull eyes, and fear from the bone marrow... After a while, the boy's heart was heavy, and his face was heavy. Nodding calmly.

"Very good. Toltec, you have the wit of a wolf! How are these hunters' marksmanship? I want to test a thing or two!"

"Please watch the shooting, Your Highness!"

Toltec saluted respectfully. Afterwards, he turned around with cold light in his eyes, and yelled at the hunters.

"Don't hurry up and show your archery skills to His Royal Highness? Ten people will compete in each division, and each will shoot five arrows. The tribe with the best archery will be rewarded with a bag of salt and ten bags of grain! The tribe that does not pass will be expelled. Here, go back to the mountains and wait to die!"

Hearing Sen Ran's cold words, the tribe hunters were in a commotion. Behind them are several times of tribal relatives, standing here is the hope of life. After a brief and hasty quarrel, the hunter representatives of each tribe came out one after another. They crawled on the ground in fear, and awkwardly saluted to His Highness, then took out their hunting bows and aimed at the human-shaped grass target thirty meters away.

Shirot first waved his hand, indicating that Bertard did not need to use a shield to protect him. At this distance, tribal hunting bows and wood arrows would not be able to break through the samurai's cotton armor, unless it hits the neck and eyes. Looking on for a moment, the boy's pupils shrank. With no expression on his face, he moved two steps silently, putting himself under the cover of the samurai chief.

I saw the skilled old hunters raise their small hunting bows and aim slightly with their heads tilted. They pinch the nock with the most primitive release method, pull the string over most of the arm, and then release it cleanly and naturally. The slight arrow sound was continuous, and the crude arrow only traversed different trajectories, accurately hitting the head of the grass target, and weakly inserted around the eyes and neck.

Xiulott observed carefully, and the first batch of old hunters had all five arrows in the head, and at least two arrows in the eyes and neck. He was shocked beyond words, the bow skills of these old hunters were so strong! The reason why they only shoot 30 meters of grass targets is not because of their limited shooting skills, but because the stable and effective range of their simple hunting bows is only 30 meters!

"If you equip them with high-quality longbow copper arrows, it will take a few months to familiarize yourself with the new weapon usage... Even a samurai may not be able to escape a precise arrow at close range..."

Shulot's expression was solemn, he looked at Bertard, and the samurai chief nodded solemnly.

But after dozens of breaths, the first batch of old hunters finished shooting, followed by the second and third batches. The tribal hunters who finished shooting retreated to the side of the field one by one, kneeling down uneasy, waiting for the outcome of their fate.

Shirot looked at the grass target with a solemn expression. The level of the following batches of hunters gradually declined, but all of them hit the target stably, and many hit the key points. Looking at the head and heart of the grass target, the arrows are densely inserted, the young man's heart is both excited and joyful, but also hidden in a faint worry.

These tribal hunters can shoot birds and hares in the mountains and forests, and the bow skills they have cultivated for years or even decades are truly terrifying. They did not have enough technology and metal tools to make longbows, so they could only wait helplessly in front of the armored warriors to be slaughtered. And once they really know the secret of the longbow, will it become a new threat to the alliance?

Shulot pondered for a while, then relaxed. These mountain tribes did not have enough productivity to make weapons, nor enough people to form a scale. Even if they acquired some longbows, they could not defend against the large and well-organized Legion of the Alliance. Their existence will only inject new high-quality fuel into the war machine of the Alliance!

Thinking about this, Shirott laughed again. He looked at the radiant Toltec and patted the young warrior on the shoulder.

"Toltek, these tribal hunters are good, you did a good job! Bring up the supplies you promised, and I will double the reward for them!"

Toltec was stunned for a moment, and the honorable His Royal Highness personally rewarded the humble mountain people... Obedience and reverence made him speechless, and immediately went down to give instructions. In a short time, grain and salt were transported to the sidelines. Under the ardent gaze of thousands of tribal hunters and the sincere cheers of the victorious tribe, these supplies were personally bestowed by His Highness to the most outstanding hunter tribe. The outstanding hunters of other tribes will also be given a bag of grain and salt.

Then, His Highness made a generous announcement.

"All tribal hunters will be recruited by the great alliance, and you will fight for the alliance! And all the tribesmen will become the children of the great alliance. Your tribe will move into the fertile land of the alliance from now on, and bless the supreme god. Now, you don't have to worry about food and salt anymore!"

The expected cheers did not sound. The tribe hunters looked at each other. They vaguely reject the rule of the Alliance and doubt their future life. Under the intimidation and scolding of the longbow warriors, they were forced to bow their heads, cheered in a ragged manner, and then showed an unconcealed look of sadness.

Seeing the performance of the tribe hunters, Shulot lowered his eyes slightly. He was determined to reuse these hunters as direct subordinates. It is easy to implement both kindness and power, but it is the most difficult to win the trust of the people. Fortunately, the future is long, and the tribe in the mountains is controlled first, and then slowly subdued and naturalized.

Next, the village hunters also stepped forward one by one to demonstrate the art of archery to His Royal Highness. Their bow skills were just average. The 30-meter grass target could barely hit the target, and only a few people could hit the key point stably.

Shilot did not say much. He turned his head, looked at the young warrior, and smiled lightly.

"Toltek, it's your turn, let me see your archery!"

Toltec was stunned for a moment, then answered his promise in a loud voice, and walked to the shooting range confidently. He took out his longbow and asked his warrior companion to move the grass target away, not stopping until a distance of 100 meters. Then, he pulls the string with three fingers, the arrow is on the inside, the hand holding the string is slightly loose, the wrist is kept straight, and the string is pulled to the corner of the mouth. At this distance, the head of the grass target is only a faint dot. The young warrior took a few breaths and let it go in an instant.

In the moment after the arrow was released, Toltec shouted loudly, like thunder.

"Middle head!"

The moment he let go, with the feel of countless shots, he was already able to determine where the arrow was about to hit.

Hearing a trembling sound of "咻", the war arrow was like lightning, and the streamer flew by in an instant. Then, the war arrow slammed into the head of the grass target, and penetrated back and forth, blasting a piece of withered grass and shooting straight into the distant soil.

Then, a loud cry exploded between heaven and earth.

"Mid chest! Mid arms! Mid legs! Center!"

After several shouts, the human-shaped grass target in the distance has blasted five arrow holes, and then gradually collapsed. The flying withered grass fell to the ground, accompanied by the eyes of everyone in amazement.

Toltec raised his head and looked around. His eyebrows were like a sword, his eyes were like lightning, and all the hunters he stabbed were bent and squatted, silent. It wasn't until he saw the smiling Highness that he fell to his knees with a plop and reported loudly.

"His Royal Highness, Toltec is fortunately not disgraced!"

Shiroute laughed. He took a step forward, lifted Toltec up, and praised loudly.

"Toltek, you are my bravest black wolf! You are the black feathers on the eagle's wings!"

"His Royal Highness, I would like to catch stags for you, hunt down bears, and I would like to ride the wind and fly for you to spread your wings all over the world!"

Toltec shouted again and looked at His Highness expectantly.

Shilot admired it in his heart, so he cultivated it intentionally. he asked with a smile.

"Toltek, the foundation of a samurai is martial arts. Your bow skills are really extraordinary, how do you use your war stick?"

Toltec thought for a moment, then replied confidently.

"Your Highness, I can rival five elite warriors!"

Shirot was slightly surprised. He looked at the confident face of Toltec, but decided to let it go a little and find some weak opponents for him.

"Very good! Come on, choose five tribal leaders to fight against Toltec at the same time. The loser will not be punished, and the winner will be rewarded!"

His Highness gave an order, but within a moment, five middle-aged tribal leaders were pushed forward. Holding their usual stone spears, they gathered together in coordination. On the other side is a young warrior with a shield in one hand and a sword in the other.

The tribe leaders gathered cautiously and approached, only to see Toltec rushing straight forward, like a galloping cheetah. The two sides got closer and closer, and the tribe leaders stabbed stone spears at the same time. In an instant, the young warrior slammed his feet and slanted, and slid a step to the right. Then, he blocked the strength with the old spear tip with the shield on the left side, and then swung sideways vigorously, hitting a headman on the side waist with a thud. Hearing a scream, the head man fell to the ground.

Then, taking advantage of the momentary chaos created by the opponent's fall to the ground, Toltec slashed diagonally and hit the second leader on the shoulder. The opponent let go in pain, and the stone spear fell to the ground. It was another powerful flanking blow, and the second leader also fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Shulot knew that the situation was set. He turned his head sideways, recalled the way Toltec shot just now, and asked with some doubts.

"Bottard, did Toltec learn the three-finger technique from you?"

The samurai chief responded calmly.

"Yes, Your Highness. You once asked me to teach them the art of bowing. The new shooting method is more stable and can be released very quickly, which can effectively improve the accuracy."

Shirott remembered his archery skills, and his face was slightly red. Then he changed the subject.

"The new longbow used by Toltec has a different shape."

Bertard nodded and explained seriously,

"It's true. The old longbow is as tall as one person, and the top and bottom are equal. When shooting with an arrow in the center, only the warrior with the height and the arm can fully draw it, and the others can only shoot diagonally, which is quite inconvenient. The height of the new longbow is quite inconvenient. Although it remains the same, the point of the arrow is lower, the top is long and the bottom is short, which is more suitable for ordinary warriors who are not tall."

Shirot nodded slowly. The new and modified longbow is more similar to the bow, with the upper arc accounting for almost two-thirds of the length of the full bow. This shape interferes with the balance of the shot, further increasing the difficulty of shooting, but also increasing the available shooting tracks. No way, this is the distress of the short people. Before there was no compound bow, it had to be like this.

While the two were discussing, they heard cheers from the warriors. Shirot looked at the field, Toltec had knocked down all the leaders, leaving them to lie under their feet and groan. The young warrior once again commanded the Quartet, and the tribe hunters feared and surrendered. Then he turned around and approached, kneeling and salute to His Highness.

"His Royal Highness, Toltec is fortunately not disgraced!"

Shiroute laughed heartily. He grabbed Toltec and said with a smile,

"Not bad! Very good! Toltec, I have one last test. Carve your name on the ground with your stick!"

Hearing the words, Toltec's high-spirited face suddenly became bitter. He opened his eyes wide to look at His Highness, his smile solidified silently, and finally said Ai Ai.

"Ah, this, Your Highness..."


Toltec shrank his neck and bowed his head obediently. He picked up the battle stick and first engraved the word "too" normally, then he was dumbfounded, and only engraved one "wood" for a long time. Then he skipped the second word and slowly engraved a "big". In the end, after a while, he lowered his head and engraved the word "brother" in a dejected manner.

When Xiulott got together and looked at it, he couldn't help laughing and laughing, "Brother Tomu." In front of the generals, it is not easy to say anything directly. He sighed in his heart, reached for the wooden stick, and carved the words "Toltek" word by word. Then, the boy looked at it for a while, remembered a great writer, and whispered earnestly.

"Toltek, do you know the origin of your name?"

Toltec's eyes lit up. He raised his head and answered loudly.

"His Royal Highness, I know! You said that this comes from Toltec, the heroic ancestor of the Mexicas, and is the meaning of painters and craftsmen!" Since rewriting history, the Toltecs have become Mexica's ancestor.

Hearing this, Xiuluo nodded and pretended to be angry.

"Yeah, the name Toltec comes from Toltec. An outstanding painter, a skilled craftsman, and the light of civilization! Toltec, why can't you learn to write!"

Hearing this, Toltec smiled confidently. In the face of His Highness' questioning, he was already prepared and shouted in a thunderous voice.

"His Royal Highness, I am a painter and a craftsman. I use a battle stick as a paintbrush, and I paint with the blood of the enemy! I use feather arrows as wooden beams, and I use the enemy's bones to build towers! You are the flame, and I am the torch that burns for you. All the weeds in the world are burnt! Your Highness, I am a samurai loyal to Your will is my reason. Why study? Battle sticks and bows and arrows are far better than books!"

With Toltec's majestic cry, the warrior's declaration echoed in the camp. Eight hundred longbow warriors felt the same way. They practiced many times and shouted in unison at the same time.

"His Royal Highness, we are loyal to you and follow your will! Why read books? Battle sticks and bows and arrows are far better than books!"

The mighty shout resounded between heaven and earth, with the rolling killing intent, with the determination to sweep everything.

The hunters looked at the samurai who were shouting indulgently, and listened to the roar changing into a neat wolf howl, like a black wolf descending on the world. Under the terrifying howls and fierce gazes of the warriors, they fell to the ground with their five bodies, fighting with each other. They soon became sore and completely lost their strength.

While the followers shouted in unison, Shilot laughed and shook his head. He raised his hands high, walked among the crowd, let go of his voice for the first time, and the wolf howled.

"Ow~~~ woo~~~!"

Seeing His Highness's movements, the followers raised their hands at the same time and shouted even more excitedly.

"Ow~~~ woo~~~!"

In this desolate and secluded mountain forest, a high-pitched howl rose into the sky. The **** of death, Shulotel, turned into a howling black wolf, and sang through the mountains and forests, startling the flying birds in the sky.

After a long time, Shilot stopped laughing. He slowly put down his hands, and the followers followed suit, looking at His Highness and waiting. I saw His Highness taking a breath, laughing, and ordering in a hoarse voice.

"My good fellow! Toltec, you have a talent for change and a fierce spirit, and you are my best black wolf! I will give you these three thousand longbow militiamen. Go, build a shrine and let me They swear allegiance!"

Toltec was overjoyed. He knelt down on his knees and bowed his head respectfully, contentedly.

"Your Highness, follow your will!"