Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 280: Kingdom dinner, Shulot dances the sword!

  Chapter 280 Kingdom Dinner, Shulot dances the sword!

  The stone hall of the Palace of Winds is simple and solemn. The four walls are decorated with traditional ritual utensils, the ceiling is painted with ancient murals, and the cloth of the main **** is flying. The candles in the hall shone brightly, and together with the bonfire in the hall, they shone on the festive faces of everyone, and also drove away the deep night outside the hall.

  Shirot sat at the head of the banquet, and the bright flames surrounded him, just like the crowd around him. According to the tradition of the tribal alliance, according to different identities, everyone sits in the four directions and surrounds them in a rough circle.

  The middle of the top is the supreme young king, the left side is the trusted teacher Olosh, and the right side is the loyal guard captain Bertard. Next, below the left side of the king, is the noble priest of theocratic status. The two chief priests, Hugos and Marvello, were in the front, and Bravo and other middle-level priests were in the back. Below the right side of the king are the loyal and warlike commanders of each legion. According to the default alliance conventions, they are veteran Etalik, Admiral Anatri, Monkey Kuluka, Black Wolf Toltec, Quartermaster Bergere, Miner Ezpan Crocodile Ospie, and Sky Lord Oss. Erta, and the dusty Puapu in the last seat. On the opposite side of the king, there are local administrative officials, headed by Chief Minister Jatiri, and Chalapei of the bronze workshop is also on the list.

   "This is my team to run the feudal kingdom!"

  Shirot smiled and raised the divine staff in his hand. Soon, the band's bamboo flute was playing high, and the singing of prayers rang out, and the audience was silent.

   "Praise the Lord God! He is omnipotent and gives us food, victory and light!"

  The king spoke up first.

   "Praise the Lord God!"

  The crowd bowed their heads and prayed in unison. A deep echo echoed in the hall, symbolizing the will of the entire kingdom.

   Then, a team of maids stepped forward and delivered freshly prepared cocoa. Shilot raised his glass again.

   "Drink this cup full, congratulate the supreme Lord God, and congratulate the king of the alliance!"

   "Congratulations to the Lord God, congratulations to the King!"

   "One more drink to celebrate the new year!"

   "Congratulations to the New Year, congratulations to His Majesty!"

   After drinking the holy cocoa, the banquet officially begins. The staples are fragrant grilled tortillas, boiled black refried beans with honey, fluffy roasted squash and slightly sweet sweet potatoes. Vegetables include zesty zucchini salad, tender boiled cactus, spicy boiled beans, and crispy baked jicama.

   After a tiring day, Shulot was really hungry too. He took out a baked tortilla, smeared it with sweet black bean puree, sandwiched a few pieces of jicama and zucchini, smeared some chili sauce, and chewed it happily. It was not until the two soft cakes were eaten that the king had some thoughts and slowly tasted all kinds of fresh fruits.

  Because it is in the tropics, the variety of fruits at the banquet is extremely rich, and it is also a great treat. In front of you are sweet and sour pineapples, fragrant guava, sweet and waxy custard apple, ice cream-like mame fruit, slightly topped cactus fruit, soft and sticky honey-like purple fig, Jamaican flower that tastes like hawthorn, and more. There are delicious and juicy tomatoes.

   Of course, the king's favorite is that it is rare in later generations, only black-fleshed persimmons produced in Mexico, commonly known as chocolate persimmons. The skin of this black persimmon is very thin, making it difficult to transport long distances, and the pulp inside is soft like jelly. And as long as you take a bite, you will be instantly conquered by the amazing taste!

   "The pulp is soft and sweet, like a mixture of cream and chocolate, and the best soft pudding is carefully prepared!"

  Shirot enjoyed the delicious black persimmon with a sincere admiration on his face. Being able to enjoy this superb delicacy in the wild Middle Ages is also a rare benefit for those who travel through the Americas.

   And the most popular ones are all kinds of delicious grilled meats. Large pieces of grilled venison with herbs, grilled turkey with pineapple on skewers, and whole grilled fish with allspice. Various grilled meats have a tangy aroma, and there are paprika, annatto powder, garlic vine, American thorn that can be added at will. Celery, Mexican cumin. These spices, which Europeans regard as gold, can be seen everywhere in the wealthy Central America and are widely used in the diet of the nobles.

  Shirot simply ate two pieces of roasted venison. The venison was tender, one piece was brushed with some fresh honey, and one was brushed with chili salt. Sweet, spicy and salty, the two different tastes are mixed one after another, which is unforgettable.

   By this time, the king was a little thirsty. He picked up the tequila on the table and drank it into his throat.

  The drinks at the banquet are roughly divided into three types. Tequila is light and more formal. Mead is sweet and mellow, and is the most expensive. Fruit wine is rich and varied in taste according to different fruits, but it is not solemn enough to be presented to others.

  Shirot raised his glass, and soon several trusted followers came forward to toast the king. The young king laughed and refused to come. Then, while drinking a little, he smiled at everyone.

   After a few glasses of water and wine, the atmosphere of the banquet became lively. The crowd began to stagger, make loud noises, and drink to each other. First there was a gathering of priests, generals, and civil servants, and then there was a toast that was staggered alone. Fellow villagers, relatives, friends, and comrades-in-arms, according to various connections, everyone drank randomly and made a group, and a lot of estrangement was vaguely reduced.

  Shirot smiled. In order to rule for a long time, he encouraged large-scale intermarriage between the Mexica and Prepecha. Over the past few months, I have personally arranged some weddings. Between the Mexican generals and the Prepecha civil servants, a bond of marriage was gradually established. The fusion of nations is advancing, the upper echelons of the kingdom are being integrated, it just takes time to complete.

  The night is mellow and the music is joyful. The bonfire radiates warmth, and the wine is refreshing! Before they knew it, the generals were already full of food and drink. The maids stepped forward again, took down the meals from the banquet, and served sacred cocoa.

   "Your Highness, you are our marshal, you are our sun! Please let your loyal warriors dance for you!"

   The black wolf Toltek stood up proudly, and as the representative of the generals, he shouted loudly. He was the first to come to the open space in the center of the banquet, raised a cup of cocoa, and greeted His Highness with a drink.

   "Very well, my love will!"

  Shirot nodded with a smile and raised his divine staff.

   Soon, the fierce drums sounded. The black wolf took off his shirt, bare his sturdy upper body, staggered his powerful arms, and danced a wild battle dance! He stepped on the rhythm of the drums and recited heroic poems in his mouth.

   "Samurai should fight to their heart's content! Samurai should sing indulgently!

  We pursue victory in battle, we embrace each other's shoulders.

  We live with a smile and watch the flowers bloom on the battlefield!

   Then we die smiling, no more flowers and songs


  Shirot looked moved and nodded with a smile. This is a widely circulated samurai poem and is often sung. Only the truly heroic warriors can sing the flavor!

   The battle dance ended, and the black wolf was covered in sweat. Then he strode forward, his muscles trembling like a cheetah, and suddenly fell to the ground in front of the king, raising the warrior's wreath with both hands.

   "Your Highness, please accept the flowers presented to you by the generals! Our lives are like fresh flowers, blooming faithfully at this moment. We dedicate our lives to you, the supreme sun!"

  Shirot laughed, stood up, and took the garland with both hands. He patted the black wolf kindly on the shoulder, then looked around at the generals eagerly watching, and nodded with a smile.

   "My warriors, my generals, I will be with you!"

   Seeing this, the always serious Chief Priest of Marvello pondered for a while and pulled Raugos' sleeve.

   Hugos got up knowingly and also came to the center of the banquet. The fierce drum sound turned into a vicissitudes of life. The young master of the capital had a solemn expression, stepping on a mysterious pace, his mouth was a gorgeous chant.

   "Ah, the sun **** descended on Huaguang, the Lord God bestowed divine enlightenment, and sang his prestige throughout the world.

   That is you, the king created by the gods!

   You put your song in the valley, in Tenochtitlan, where the eagles fly.

  You fly in the sky, in the lake area of ​​Mikancho, the eagle turns into the sun!

   O, I look up to the dwelling place of God the Father, I pray for the kingdom of God on earth, and you are on the mountain of snakes.


   Hearing this, Shilot looked solemn. This is a traditional sacrificial poem, the object of deification and praise, usually only dedicated to the kings of the past dynasties with divinity. The hall suddenly became solemn, and only the high-pitched chant continued to echo, falling into the hearts of everyone. After a while, Hugos stopped singing. He smiled and stepped forward, offering a piece of green jade, a symbol of wisdom and eternal life.

   "Praise the Lord God! Honorable suzerain priest, you are the incarnation of the gods in the world. And we bow to our orders and serve you like serving the gods!"

   "Praise the Lord God! Chief Priest of Ugos, thank you for your poems! The future of the feudal kingdom cannot be separated from the priests of the Alliance. The glory of the Lord God will surely be spread all over the world!"

   The two looked at each other for a moment and smiled at each other. Shirott looked at Marvelo again, nodded lightly, and the other party politely returned the salute.

   Jatiri has been silently watching. He pondered for a while, then took an item from Chalape and walked slowly to the temple.

   "Your Majesty, the old minister is not good at singing and dancing."

  The knowledgeable elder smiled and saluted. Shilot stood up and returned the ceremony solemnly.

   "Respected sage, you are the elder of the Prepecha people, no need to be more polite."

"Your Majesty, you have the vision of an eagle, the will of a liger, the patience of a coyote, and the kindness of a tortoise. You are kind to the people of the Lake District, and you are the king bestowed upon us by the sun god. The old minister is willing to represent the millions of Prepecha people. , bow down at your feet, and offer my loyalty to you!"

   Jatiri's expression turned solemn. In front of the crowd, he prostrated himself on the ground, and paid homage to the king above.

   "Ah! Sage."

  Shirot hurriedly took two steps forward, bent down, and lifted the knowledgeable elder from the ground. He said sincerely.

   "Sage, I treat you with the courtesy of a teacher, please don't do this!"

   Hearing this, Jatiri smiled slightly. He held a long wooden box in both hands and presented it to the young king in front of him.

   "Your Majesty, the people of Prepecha are willing to be your wings and fly into the sky! This is the bronze weapon you ordered Charapé to create!"

"Inspired by the sharp obsidian and wooden handle of the battle stick, he mixed the sturdy sword ridge of low tin and the sharp blade of high tin, taking the advantages of both, and then adding the fragments of the kingdom of God that fell from the sky, casting A sharp and sturdy magic weapon"

   "Dedicated to you, my majesty! Tolerance and strictness coexist, kindness and decisiveness, this is the real king's soldier!"

  Shirot was startled when he heard the words. He took the wooden box and opened it himself. A three-foot-long eight-sided Qin sword suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. The sharp blade glowed with cold light, the sturdy ridge was polished and translucent, the gilded hilt shone brightly, and there were two pictograms engraved on it.

  The king looked carefully, the pictograph on the front was like a lightning bolt, symbolizing the unpredictable power of the gods; the word on the back was the pictogram of a person with his hands in a powerful posture. Obviously, this is the gods and kings. And the meaning of these two words, traced to similar oracle bone inscriptions, is

   "Shen Xia."

  Shirot muttered to himself, chanting these two words in a low voice. A strange sense of fate flooded into his heart in an instant, as if with some kind of power that shook his heart. After a while, he faced the crowd, raised a three-foot Qin sword, and announced in a loud voice.

   "The Lord God's Witness! This is the Shenxia Sword! My King's Sword!"

   "Generals, play music for me!"

  The king gave an order, and everyone followed. Orosh played the bamboo flute, Ugos played the bone xun, and Toltec played the war drum. The fluttering flute, the desolate Xun sound, and the passionate drum sound all played together in the stone hall, accompanied by the singing of the generals.

  Shirot stood in the center of the hall and slowly drew out his sharp sword. He stroked the ridge of the sword lightly with the pulp of his finger, intense emotions agitated in his chest, countless memories flooded into his heart, and finally all turned into poems in his mouth.

   "A sword is born with a pure mind, and a sword and a mind are born in ten years of spring."

  The king raised his head slightly. He remembered the pure feelings in his heart when he first came to this world, and also the child with clear eyes in the Butterfly Palace.

   "I fell from the pyramid, I came from the Butterfly Palace. I came with pure heart, like spring water."

   Hearing this, Orosh's expression moved. He watched the boy grow up, and many memories were naturally indelible.

   "Once I drank the blood of the red dust by mistake, the killing intent will accompany me from now on,"

  Shirot lowered his eyes, raised his left hand to flank, and stabbed a long sword with his right hand. This was the action of his first murder, which he could not forget for a long time.

   "I waved the weapon in my hand, and I became a blood-stained warrior. I silently prayed to the God of War, knowing that from now on death will be brought!"

   "Longyin's shallow thoughts are rising, and the sword is about to be vertical and horizontal in the box."

  Shirot wrapped his sword around his chest and made a gesture of hiding his sword. He remembered the time when he was trapped in the Tissok army, and also remembered the first meeting with Avit, the two people's common discussion and ambition. At that time, the dragon and the sword, when the king saw the king.

   "I experienced the first battles, and I held the funeral of the gods. I am a young eagle that has just emerged from the nest, in pursuit of divine glory!"

  Bottard's eyes darkened. After a while, he silently clenched his fist in his chest and bowed his head in salute.

   "Flying to the top of Qingmingling, leaning on the sky and pulling the ground to overwhelm the heroes!"

  Shirot took a few steps and danced with his sword. Three years of blood and rain flashed in my mind one by one.

The first attack, the first time to lead the army to hunt down the king; the answer to the elders in the stone room, and the life and death lottery of the chief priest Kechar; the first time to lead the army to the west, from the wooden castle on the north shore to Lake Yuriria , from the fortress of the river mouth, to the plain of Takuluo, from the battle of the king, until the fall of Qin Congcan

   "I have met many opponents, and I have been tested by the gods. I have overcome all obstacles and walked out of life and death!"

  The generals were silent for a moment and cheered in unison. They followed the invincible Highness, and after several brutal battles, they naturally had the same feeling.

   "Yujian flew into Quanzhen, and the independent Dongfeng opened the gate of heaven."

  Shirot stood upright like a pine tree, raised his long sword above his head, and dropped it in his hand again. He remembered the grand ceremony of enfeoffment, the excitement when he was in charge of the party, and the full of ambition and pride.

   "I captured the old king, I ascended the throne of the Lake District. I built a new kingdom from the ruins of the kingdom!"

   Hearing the words, Jattiri took the lead in bowing his head, and everyone also bowed deeply, paying tribute to the king's surrender.

   Seeing the surrendered crowd, Shiroute laughed. Years of samurai training have made his body flexible and strong. The sword dance in his hand became more and more intense, passing the whistling wind in the air, and then suddenly closed!

  The young king turned around and looked towards the west where the sun was setting. The past era is five hundred years later, and the distant homeland is 20,000 miles away. Everything is far away, once illusory. For him, all reality, all existence, is only the kingdom here, only the home here.

  Shirot let out a long breath. In a language that no one can understand, he recites aloud, like a mysterious prayer.

   "Suddenly sunny, then rainy, then windy, every time it's bright, it's gone for a few degrees of autumn.

  Dapeng travels 20,000 miles The sword is not in the furnace.

   Fuliang doesn’t remember human affairs, forgetting the river and wandering in the vast sea.

  The sky is windy and the twilight is endless, and the dawn is a little empty in the distance.


  The king gently wiped his long sword, and in a deep tone, whispered four deep poems. Soon, Alyssa's beautiful smile appeared in his mind, followed by the vast and ups and downs of the world's sand table, and the world map memorized in his heart!

   ". But seeing the flowers bloom but not the leaves, one strike will lighten the fifty states!"

  Shirot murmured for a moment before suddenly facing the sky. The history of later generations appeared before his eyes, and they were all burned to ashes by the anger in his eyes. In the spirit of drinking, he suddenly stabbed the long sword in his hand and pierced the eastern sky! This sword, with awe-inspiring will, no matter how long it takes; this sword, with complete determination, no matter how much life!

   "I came to the country here, with the promise of the gods. I am destined to rule the world and rule the continent under my feet!"

   Huhu, a hearty chapter! Haha, the author Jun drank some fruit wine and sang the poems he wrote by himself.



   (end of this chapter)