Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 281: Long-lasting hope, Shenwei University an

Time flows like a long river, sometimes turbulent, sometimes calm and without waves, only memories are precipitated in time, shining in retrospect.

The feast on the festival day ended with a great drunkenness. The king danced swords and recited poems, which relieved his chest and made everyone unforgettable.

Soon, ten days passed by in a hurry. With the efforts of Prepecha painters day and night, the grand scenes of the New Year's festival and the night feast were painted and engraved on the stone walls of the Palace of Winds, and the king's poems were also recorded and sung among the poets of the capital. In the murals, there are also scenes of people dancing, sages bowing to the ground and salutes, offering the "Shen Xia" sword to the king.

These frescoes will be re-engraved in two copies, which will be placed in the Shenwei Priest University and the Shenqi Institute, and will be admired by later generations. It is both a testimony to the king's rule over the Lake District, and a historical symbol of Prepecha's elites loyally bowing their heads and formally integrating into the Union.

After the new year, Shenwei Priest University officially began to operate. Sherlot personally presided over the opening ceremony of Shenwei University, and left behind his original copy of the religious classics, the Book of Ali. No matter how broad the future of Shenwei University is in the long-term plan, the initial start is only a small sprout.

There were only a hundred students in the first phase, most of whom were priests of Prepecha who had surrendered to the Alliance, and a few local youths who had been recommended. Their training direction is the grassroots managers who have the biggest gap, the missionary priests.

The course of study for missionary priests includes Mexica as the Mandarin, the basic new script; followed by the revised history of the Union, the mythical promises of the Lord God; then the fundamental text of the Ari, the common sacrificial rites; and finally the religion of the Union Laws, as well as the New Deal reforms in the Lake District, such as the establishment of households in Qimin, Juntunmintun, promotion of military merit, and granting of fields and titles.

After a one-year short-term study, they will officially become the grass-roots officials of the alliance. Most people will participate in the governance of the villages in the feudal country as first-level priests; a very small number of old priests in the lake area will be granted the status of second-level priests and participate in the management of large towns. In general, being able to choose to study at the Priest University is equivalent to entering the real fast lane and gaining an important opportunity for class jump.

The first batch of students in the school has just started teaching, and the selection of the second batch of students has already started in the army. There are about 200 students in the second phase, and the training direction will be mainly war priests.

70% of the students in this period will come from war priests and outstanding civilian young warriors who were temporarily promoted during the Western Expedition, and 30% will come from the outstanding Prepecha surrendered army. Students study for one to two years. In addition to studying writing, theology and teachings, they also learn martial arts from senior samurai and master squad tactics. In Shilott's plan, they will provide a grass-roots officer base for future military reforms.

In general, the current curriculum at the University of the Priests focuses on literature, theology, jurisprudence, politics, and the military, with herbal medicine, which the priests specialize in, added later. In his spare time, Shirot started writing books. He recalled the textbooks he had studied, trying to compile an introductory textbook of natural sciences, sowing the seeds of rational thinking. Of course, everything is in the name of God, in the language of God, to explain the principles of science.

The Shenqi Institute of Qin Cong Can City was officially established after the year. The new Shenqi Institute is directly under the king, and its headquarters is set up in a prince's mansion near the palace area of ​​the royal capital. Leaving the shackles of the old alliance system in the capital city in the lake, the new divine enlightenment is like a fast-growing American bison, galloping in the kingdom to its fullest, expanding its larger and larger body.

As the most important research and production center, the Kingdom Shenqi Institute trains Shenqi priests, integrates the newly arrived Mexica artisans and the old Kingdom craftsmen group, and actually has several important offices and stations.

The first is the Department of Industry and Mining, which is assisted by General Nekali and the consultant of the Metal Family, responsible for the Chingambat mining area in the southwest of the capital, including the coking and copper smelting workshops in the mining area. The mining area will regularly deliver coke and copper materials to the capital, and report the latest production matters.

Then came the Gunpowder Division. Esco stayed in the capital of the lake, and was reused by Avit, so only Talaia came to the Lake District and became the director of the Gunpowder Division. The Gunpowder Division includes the nitrate-producing ponds in the east of the feudal country, as well as the gunpowder workshops and experimental sites on the small islands in Lake Patzcuaro.

At this time, it is the season of sweeping nitrile, and large-scale sweeping and boiling of nitrification are going on. Shirott brought in Moreno, the leader of the salt workers, and summoned him once. Moreno looked submissive, spoke clearly, and knew the process of making nitrous well. He worked hard for three years on Tianhuo Island, and even the fierceness in his bones has lost a lot, and now he can use it. The king appointed him as the secretary responsible for the production of nitrous, and managed thousands of related people.

In the royal capital, there are the Industrial Manufacturing Division and the Military Industrial Division divided from the kingdom's artisan camp.

The Department of Industrial Manufacturing is responsible for the production of cotton cloth, clothing, pottery, wood, stone, jade, gold and silver, and common bronze. The manager of the Department of Industry and Manufacturing needs to have a very good understanding of the situation in the kingdom, and keep in touch with the leaders of various civil industries, preferably local senior bureaucrats.

After some consideration by Shulot, the director chosen was Surata, a local noble recommended by Chief Jatiri. The king summoned the other party once, asked some practical production and management questions, and nodded with satisfaction.

In the Prepecha language, "Surata" means cotton. As the name suggests, the heritage name Surata represents an ancient family that has been engaged in cotton weaving for generations. Surata was in his forties and had always been cautious. When the city was broken, facing the search and inspection of the Mexica Legion, he hid in the group of craftsmen he managed on weekdays. Because of his lenient treatment of others and his famous family, he was not denounced by the craftsman, and was fortunate to escape from the battle stick.

The Military Industry Department is responsible for the manufacture of military equipment, including traditional battle clubs and shields, copper axes and spears, cotton armor and leather armor, as well as new-style longbows and large crossbows, bronze cloth armors, and bronze artillery in the making.

The director of the Military Industry Department is Cushingi, a Mexican bow master from the Union headquarters, and the deputy director is Chalape, a local technocrat. The old carpenter Kuod was greatly used in the alliance, and he was in charge of the craftsman center. On the contrary, Cushingki was reluctant to succumb to his old rivals and came to the independent portal of the Lake District. The king then readily accepted it and granted him a great responsibility.

Under the Military Industry Division, there are also two manufacturing bureaus that focus on investment. One is the bow and crossbow bureau, and the director is the Prepecha bowmaker Kundiri, and the other is the bronze bureau, and the director is the casting master Tilipi.

Tilippi is now busy day and night, and he stays in the bronze workshop for food and lodging. As the deadline for the bronze cannon drew nearer, he was under increasing pressure, and he often lashed out at the craftsmen. Shilot summoned the secret agents in the workshop. After learning about the difficult progress of artillery casting, he prepared to secretly give the other party some grace. In the following February, the king will go to the north and join the Otomi alliance to jointly deal with the southward raiding of the Chichimeks. At least two or three months later, he will return to the capital to preside over the spring ploughing.

On the outskirts of the capital, there are construction divisions, printing bureaus and special trade goods bureaus.

The Construction Division has workshops for burning charcoal and making bricks, under the jurisdiction of thousands of people. The director of the Construction Division is the coalition leader Koscachi. The hoarse foreman actually had a clear mind and followed the priesthood without hesitation, and went to the Highness of the independent party. Shulot admired it quite a bit, and because he lacked the knowledgeable manpower, he handed over the responsibility of construction to him.

The Printing Bureau has two workshops: papermaking and printing. The director of the printing bureau was Sipac, a young priest in charge of papermaking, and the deputy director was Aquila, a Mexican jade craftsman who was in charge of printing. Well, they are all old acquaintances of Shulot. As long as you always follow His Highness, no matter what your background is, you will take a shortcut to life development!

At this moment, hundreds of religious books and legal documents are constantly being produced from the printing bureau, spreading the faith and will of the alliance at a speed unimaginable by all the ministries in the world. This sector thus has a de facto propaganda capability.

Taking into account the long-term planning, the king listed the printing bureau separately and included it under his direct control. In the future, the printing bureau will continue to upgrade and expand its tentacles to truly undertake the responsibilities of publicity and education.

The Bureau of Special Trade Products is also referred to as the Bureau of Special Trade. Literally understood, is responsible for the manufacture of special trade goods. The current Special Trade Bureau has only a rough framework, and the head is Lozano, the chief mason, who owns a highly confidential glass workshop.

Lozano burned glass for three years, and after obtaining newly made coke, he finally made a preliminary breakthrough: according to His Highness's prompt, he added lead ore and barite to the quartz sand, and successfully burned out a little bit of it. Clear lead glass!

After receiving the good news, Shulot happily put down his government affairs and rushed to the workshop at sunset. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, light green glass beads of different sizes flicker, colorful and gorgeous, crystal clear and bright.

The king was slightly startled, and picked up the glass beads to examine it carefully. This kind of glass is completely different from what he expected. The transparency is very low, the texture is light and brittle, and the firmness is not enough... but the color is very beautiful, more like the glazed glass in the early ancient times of the Celestial Dynasty.

"Lozano, this glass... there is still a gap between what I want."

His Highness frowned and looked at the head mason with a happy face.

Facing His Highness's gaze, Lozano's knees suddenly became weak and his body trembled.

For the past three years, he has been studying colorless glass day and night. All kinds of stones, sand, and ores have been burned countless times, and it has been difficult to gain an inch, and even the hair is almost burned. On the other hand, His Highness has made countless military exploits outside, and the murders are worthless, and his powerful voice is like a monster in myth. When he saw it at this time, His Highness was not angry and mighty. He was no longer the aristocratic boy he had seen for the first time, but an authoritarian king whose eyes could make people tremble.

After a hundred thoughts, the mason leader gritted his teeth. He cautiously approached the king and said in a low voice.

"Your Highness, I think Lozano, these light green glass beads... are very like the precious emeralds in the world..."


Hearing this, Shirot's expression changed and his eyes flashed. He pondered for a while, thinking of the huge army that the kingdom was trying to maintain, the huge armament expenditure, and the rapidly depleting treasury savings... After a while, the king lowered his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"Lozano, can you burn other colors of... gemstones?"

"His Royal Highness, if I add different spar and metal, I should be able to do it in Lozano!"

Shirot didn't speak, just nodded slightly. He patted Lozano on the shoulder and turned away.

The next day, hundreds of loyal and direct samurai came to the glass workshop, controlled every apprentice, and guarded the place tightly. Accompanying the warriors came a king's document promoting Lozano to hereditary nobility.

Soon, the special trade bureau of Shenqi Institute was quietly established, directly under the king himself. Then, the news of "God bless the Middle Kingdom of the Lake, a huge gem mine was discovered in the Patzcuaro Lake area" began to circulate. A few days later, the first batch of emeralds in the lake area were exclusively sold by royal merchants, and flowed into the market in limited quantities. They were continuously sold to foreign merchants in exchange for a large amount of food supplies.

This kind of emerald is small in size, bright in color, and faintly flowing with crystals, with ripples like water, also known as "emerald in the lake".

Based on this name, many foreign merchants concluded that the origin of the gem should be in Lake Patzcuaro. At the risk of being discovered by the kingdom's fleet, some merchants searched for the place of origin in the vast lake, and wanted to conduct private trade directly with the jade miners. As a result, they all returned without success, but left a few lives in vain.

To sum up, the Shenqi Institute subordinates the Industry and Mining Division, the Gunpowder Division, the Industry and Manufacturing Division, the Military Industry Division, the Construction Division, the Printing Bureau and the Special Trade Bureau. These five divisions and two bureaus led the vast majority of production departments in Fengguo, and controlled tens of thousands of craftsmen and civilians, which also made Shenqi Institute more and more powerful.

As the highest clerical leader of the Diocese of the Lake, Shulot naturally served as the general director of the Divine Revelation Institute. In his plan, Shenqi Institute, a production and R&D institution similar to the Ministry of Industry, will gradually grow into a real behemoth, become the source of power for the development of the entire kingdom, and will also become an important source of power in the hands of the king.

Therefore, the deputy director of the Shenqi Institute who summarizes various matters must take loyalty as the primary selection criterion. After hesitating for a long time, Shilot finally chose Taliyah, who had been loyally following and deeply adored him. The king knows that once the other party holds such an important position...for the rest of her life, she can only become a vassal of the king's power alone.

"Talaia, are you willing to dedicate your life to the Lord?"

In the dim stone hall Shirot's expression was calm, but he only looked at Talaia with deep eyes. Long time no see, time passed like a clear spring, washed away the flame in the girl's eyes, but left some kind of persistence for a longer time.

Talaia smiled. She looked at His Majesty, who was as majestic as a **** in front of her, and nodded heavily without hesitation.

"I will, my sun god! I will give everything to you!"

With a complicated expression, Shiloh nodded slightly. Then, he turned around and strode towards the exit of the stone hall. The sound of running footsteps came from behind. After a while, he felt a tight embrace behind him. The king shook his head and was about to break free when he heard a gentle whisper.

"Your Highness, it's been three years... just a moment... a moment... just..."

Hearing this, Shilot froze and stood still. After a long while, he calmly left the stone hall, leaving only a staring figure.

"The real king's ambition is in the world, his heart is like a stone, and he never has too many personal relationships... And I'm just on the road!"

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