Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 452: under the holy wedding

"Praise the Lord God! God bless the wedding!..."

Shocking shouts reverberated in the capital, surging up like a tide, blazing like a raging fire, and circling around like a hurricane!

The high priest raised his scepter and stood on the great temple, enjoying the fanatical shouts. He looked down, and hundreds of thousands of people fell to the ground, praying devoutly to the sky above their heads, like an endless colony of ants. He looked up and saw that the No. 2 hot air balloon "Heart of God" was floating at a height of more than 200 meters, shaking with the wind from time to time, beating like the heart of a god.

"A miracle comes...spread the glory of the Lord God!..."

The high priest looked like a god, and his heart was full of emotion. With such a fetish, future missions will be much easier.

Then, he looked around. All the priests and elders looked up at the huge balloon floating in the sky. Their expressions were either shocked, dignified, dull, or surprised.

The "Heart of the Gods" in the sky, the main body is a paper balloon coated with rubber, the bottom is a pottery brazier for heating the air, and there is a long and thin hemp rope hanging down at the end.

Chimer, the second-level god-inspired priest of the Lake Kingdom, calculated the height, fixed the hemp rope to the top of the great temple, and carefully pulled and fixed the paper balloon. And the craftsman priests of the large group of kingdoms are busy in an orderly manner, some are measuring the wind speed, some are observing the flames, some are holding the ropes, and are always ready.

"Apocalyptic Priest...Apocalypse that has never been seen before!..."

Seeing this scene, the high priest fell silent. After a while, he looked in Shulot's direction with a smile on his lips.

"Bless you, my child!"

The sound of prayers from the capital resounded through the sky and reached everyone's ears. In the chief palace not far from the Great Temple, the sleeping elder suddenly woke up. He opened his turbid eyes, looked at the red heart in the sky through the open zenith... the expressionless face also appeared in a trance for an instant.

"Well, this is?..."

"Dear elder, today is the wedding of His Royal Highness Shulot and Princess Alyssa."

Chevali, the head of the shadow guard, took two steps forward. While looking at the elder with concern, he replied in a low voice.

"The 'Heart of the Gods' in the sky is a creation of the Divine Inspiration of the Kingdom of the Lake. It can be lifted into the sky by fire and fly into the sky by heat."

"Lifting into the sky with fire, flying into the sky under heat..."

The elder murmured and remained silent in thought. He listened attentively, and there were fanatical shouts and devout blessings and prayers from thousands of people. He tilted his head slightly, staring at the high priest on the Great Temple. Xiutel is holding up the ancient scepter, standing on the highest point of the capital in the lake, receiving hundreds of thousands of people bowing their heads and saluting.

Seeing this, the elder lowered his eyes slightly, stood up slightly, and looked towards the king's palace. Under the auspices of Kakamazin, the sacred wedding is taking place. Two thick root systems extend from the Mexica sacred tree, dividing the eastern and western lands, and then they are closely combined by marriage, which not only stabilizes the power of the royal family, but also paves the way for future inheritance!

"Bless you, my child!"

After a long time, the elder smiled and whispered to himself. Afterwards, he glanced at the hot air balloon hanging in the sky, then at the high priest who overwhelmed the capital, and closed his eyes calmly.

"In the name of God, to witness the wedding...Little should have no regrets!..."

The charcoal in the brazier burned for a few moments, and the flame gradually became smaller. Chimel watched for a while, and then personally led the artisan priests to tighten the rope of the hot air balloon. Under the traction of the rope, the "Heart of God" slowly lowered, and finally landed on the top of the Great Temple, and was transported into the spacious main temple.

"Praise my god, Vitzilopochtli! He is infinitely powerful, controlling the sky, the earth, and the lakes!...The lord **** sends down auspicious omens, blesses the holy wedding, and promises a blessed couple!"

As the "Heart of God" fell, the high priest chanted again. Behind him, the chubby Ugel's expression changed slightly, he opened his mouth, but he didn't make a sound, he just muttered in his heart.

"A wedding blessed by the lord god, a couple promised by the lord god?... If this rumor spreads... Oh, high priest!..."

The priests chanted in unison, and the prayers in the capital suddenly became intense. Hundreds of thousands of believers recited the last hymn with fanaticism and tears in their eyes.

"Praise the Lord God! Believe in my God, Vizilopochtli! He is supreme and omnipotent!..."

In the king's palace, Avet had a dignified expression, holding the scepter tightly in his palm, and sat upright. Without blinking, he watched the huge "God Heart" rise and fall. Even though he was prepared, his heart was still filled with surprise.

Avette looked complicated and didn't say a word. After a while, until the cheers and prayers gradually subsided, he glanced at the high priest from afar with deep eyes.

"A miracle comes, bless the wedding..."

"Not bad, really good!"

Kakamazin looked solemn, with a smile on his lips. This is the most sacred wedding he has ever presided over, and it will also be the grandest wedding in the entire world!

Inquiring about intentions, divination of good and bad luck, nobles performing dances, and miracles ascending into the sky. After these large-scale ceremonies, the rest of the process is the same as a normal wedding, held in the residences of both men and women.

Thinking of this, Kakamazin raised his head, looked at the slightly west-slanting sun, and sang loudly.

"...The ancestors blessed the wedding! A sacred wedding, welcome guests from all over the world, and hold the first dinner in the ancestor's palace!"

With this chanting, the crowd in the king's palace gradually dispersed. The atmosphere in the venue relaxed, and the familiar guests talked in low voices, asking about the miracle just now. And hundreds of servants poured into the king's palace, arranged seats in the open air and in the house, and prepared the food for the dinner in the corner of the palace.

But after a while, the alluring aroma of food wafted away. Sitting in the side hall, Xiulot couldn't help swallowing when he smelled the smell of tortillas and barbecue. He has been sitting here since the morning, with a dignified demeanor, motionless, and he is already very hungry.

"The dinner party is about to start... well, it's okay if I'm hungry."

Xiulot licked his lips, growling hungry. He looked to the right across the wall, worried.

"My little Alyssa, you must not starve to death!..."

In the side hall next door, an old lady with a dignified appearance walked in surrounded by several noble ladies. Then, she reached out and took Alyssa's arm affectionately.

"Come, little Alyssa, come with me!"

"Yes, Aunt."

Alisa Tingting stood up like a light bird, led by Kakamazin's wife, and left the king's hall to the backyard of the palace. Before leaving, she looked at the side hall on the left with concern, and Shulot was there.

"Aunt, Shulot, he hasn't eaten all day..."

"It's all right. As a samurai, it's not a big problem to go hungry all day."

The old woman smiled. She stretched out her hand, took a small pot of honey water from the maid, and handed it to Alyssa.

"Come on, little Alyssa, drink some honey water first. In the backyard, there will be honey snacks and dried fruits."

"But, Shulot, he hasn't eaten all day..."

"Haha! Stupid boy, you are the most beautiful lotus in the royal family! Little Xiulot wants to marry you, so how can I not suffer a little bit?"

The old woman smiled kindly and looked at Alyssa gently. This is the grandniece she grew up with. She is kind-hearted, lively and well-behaved, and is the most lovable.

"...Little Alyssa, you have to remember that you are the eldest princess of the royal family. From now on, even in front of little Xiulot, you must have your own ideas, and you must not be eaten to death by him! .. .”

"Huh? This..."

"Stupid boy..."

The old woman looked at Alyssa with a worried face, shook her head and smiled.

"Little Alyssa, do you want little Xiulot to love you more?"

"Here, Aunt..."

Alyssa blushed slightly, and nodded slightly.


"Okay, let my aunt tell you some experience!...In the future, you have to be nice to little Xiulot, and also ask him to spend more time for you...Sometimes, you can hold it a little bit, Sometimes I have to let go... I have to give him unforgettable tenderness, and I have to have my own little temper..."

The old woman was smiling and persuasive.

"...Remember, men are all greedy monkeys, you have to be the top peach, tempt him with aroma and color, let him jump for it, take a bite, it will be sweet and unforgettable. .. The harder it is to get it, the more he pays the price, the more he will cherish it...Your Uncle Kakamazin has been giving me a lot of face outside for so many years...but when I get home ...hehe..."

"Huh? Peach and monkey... aunt and uncle?..."

Alyssa blinked her eyes, tilted her head slightly, with surprise on her face. Listening to her aunt's teaching, she raised the corners of her mouth and smiled with crooked eyebrows. That smile is so clear and beautiful, like a hibiscus coming out of water, and that face is so beautiful, like a snow lotus in full bloom.


Seeing Alyssa's beautiful smile, the old lady was stunned. She reached out, touched the smooth face of her grandniece, and sighed.

"Oh! Such a beautiful girl... it's really cheap, little Xiulot... it's really cheap for the Holy City..."

Just like that, while laughing and whispering, the two left the front hall where the banquet was being prepared.

The first dinner was held at the woman's home, the King's Palace. This is the last link of the day at the royal wedding. At the first dinner party, the bride Alyssa could not appear. With the help of the wedding envoy, she needs to freshen up, put on a gorgeous wedding dress, and wait quietly in the backyard.

A few quarters of an hour later, the banquet in the front hall was set up, and the front of the palace was completely noisy. Although it is said to welcome guests from all over the world, all envoys, nobles and warriors who do not have enough status can retire. There is a special banquet outside the king's palace to entertain thousands of ordinary warriors. And those who stayed in the king's palace were all the elders of the royal family, the great nobles of the alliance, and a few envoys from foreign countries.

Avit held a scepter in his hand and sat in the center of the front hall. Although he had a smile on his face, he was not very interested. He is the patriarch of the woman, the host of the banquet, and the king of the alliance. The great nobles of the alliance came forward one after another to express their blessings to the king, and some people presented poems.

"Lord God bless! The princess is as pure and beautiful as a cloud, and His Highness is as heroic as a mountain. When a cloud meets a mountain, it is the lingering spring rain, beautiful and touching!..."

"Praise the Lord God! The beauty of the princess is something I have only seen since I was born; the talent of Your Highness is known to everyone in the world. The Princess and Your Highness are truly a perfect match blessed by the Lord God!..."

Hearing the praise in his ear, Avet's smile became stiffer. Thinking of the precious daughter I raised with my own hands and held in my palm, she will be Xiulot's wife from now on, taking care of the housework and raising children for him...

"Sholot, brat!..."

Avit pursed his lips, clenched the scepter in his hand, and felt pain in his heart.

"If you treat Alyssa badly in the future..."

In the king's palace the smell of food is getting stronger and stronger. A variety of spices mixed with the aroma of chili peppers will whet your appetite and make your mouth water. A guard came in a hurry to report to the king.

"Your Majesty, the dinner party is ready!...Do you want to invite His Highness Xiulot to come out now to participate in the dinner party..."

"Oh? Is the dinner ready?"

Avit stood up and looked at the bright sunset in the west. Sunshine falls on the gorgeous gardens and courtyards, reflecting everyone's eyebrows and smiles. It is a good time to hold a wedding dinner.

"Okay! Go invite Uncle Kakamazin and announce the start of the dinner party!"

Avit ordered in a deep voice. Then, he glanced at Piandian and smiled slightly.

"As for Shulot...let him sit in the side hall and be hungry for a while longer!..."
