Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 453: holy wedding

The grand dinner accompanied by singing and dancing was held in the magnificent King's Palace. The guests of the royal wedding are seated in order according to their rank and age. There was a warm smile on everyone's face.

Soon, cheerful flute music sounded in the palace, and the dishes like flowing water were served one by one by the servants, filling the bamboo mats in front of the nobles' seats.

The main course is roasted venison smeared with honey, roasted turkey meat smoked with spices, slightly spicy grilled fish...the well-seasoned roast meat is full of aroma, tender and soft, and it is full of juice when you bite into it; the side dish is Ripe soft kidney beans, crisp zucchini, thin-skinned rice pudding... Fresh vegetables are bright in color, tender and refreshing, and taste sweet and pleasant; the staple food is soft and crispy corn tortillas, slightly salty black bean puree, rich The pumpkin soup... The staple food is fragrant and tangy, with a soft taste. You can add hot sauce and dried fruit.

In the corner of the palace, there are pineapple, guava, custard apple, mame fruit, prickly pear fruit, purple fig... all kinds of tropical fruits are piled up like mountains, exuding attractive fruit fragrance, waiting for guests to taste .

Until this time, Shulot, who was dressed in a splendid attire, was guided by the guards and sat down beside Avitt. Seeing the arrival of the main character of the wedding, the royal nobles stood up to pay their respects, smiling and wishing congratulations.

Xiulot nodded with a smile, and returned the salutes to the nobles one by one. When he returned the salute, his smile was a little stiff, the words in his ears came in and out, and his eyes looked at the rich food on the bamboo mat from time to time. He had been hungry for too long today, his stomach was already rumbling, and his physical hunger hit him in bursts, which overwhelmed the tension of the wedding, but it was not time to eat yet.

The sun was setting and night was approaching. Hundreds of alliance nobles gathered together. The elder Kakamazin first delivered a speech, praising the supreme Lord God, telling the glory of the royal family, and finally praised the newlyweds. Then, King Avit delivered another speech, praising the Lord God and ancestors, emphasizing the protection of the royal family, and wishing a happy and long-lasting marriage.

"...My ruby ​​scepter comes from my grandfather, the great Montezuma I! It has the divinity of the sun god, and it is inlaid with the largest ruby ​​in the world!"

Avit stood up from the throne, his voice gradually became passionate. He took the ruby ​​scepter respectfully sent by his attendant, raised his left hand high, and declared majestically while scanning the crowd. Seeing this scene, Gilliam, the female snake at the bottom, thumped in his heart, and suddenly pursed his lips tightly.

"This scepter is inherited from my mother, Athotostelli II! My glorious grandfather, passed it to my blessed mother. My blessed mother, give it to Now, I want to declare in front of you in the name of the ancestors: I will pass this scepter to my eldest daughter, the eldest princess of the royal family, Alyssa after the royal wedding!"

Hearing this, all the nobles present were shocked. Everyone couldn't help raising their heads, and looked at the radiant fetish in the king's hand, the extraordinary ruby ​​scepter!

There are two scepters in the Mexica Alliance. One is a topaz scepter passed down from generation to generation and passed down from the ancestral tribe; the other is a ruby ​​scepter made by Montezuma I, which symbolizes the rise of royal power. In the eyes of traditional aristocrats, both scepters symbolize the supreme royal power, are closely connected with the history of the Mexica, and contain some kind of indescribable divinity.

In an instant, there was silence in the king's palace, only the breathing of the people could be heard. Many people were silent in thought, many people were dazzled, many people were shocked...

Avit looked calmly, and looked around the crowd indifferently. Regarding the inheritance of the divine scepter, no one dared to oppose it face to face or question it. Afterwards, he took a deep look at Shulot, and then announced with a smile.

"Praise the Lord God! The dinner begins, enjoy the delicious food!"

"Praise the Lord God! Praise the King!"

Hearing the familiar prayer, the nobles responded in unison, and the atmosphere in the field relaxed. The nobles greeted each other and talked and laughed loudly while taking food. Most of the envoys who witnessed the state lowered their heads slightly, slowly chewing the food in their mouths, thinking about the succession of the throne of the Mexica Alliance behind the scepter.

Shulot was stunned for a while, staring at the ruby ​​scepter that was close at hand. The star ruby ​​on the scepter has perfect lines and bright star marks, and must weigh more than one hundred carats. He has always yearned for this kind of national treasure at the town hall level, and has been thinking about it for a long time.

"...Alyssa's... my wife's... um... mine too... right?"

After a while, Shulot swallowed lightly, lowered his head, and tried his best to deal with the sumptuous dinner. There are still a lot of activities in the evening, so he has to save his strength quickly.

The first dinner was extremely grand and long, from sunset to sunset, and night enveloped the land. A large bonfire was lit in the king's palace, and everyone ate very happily, but they didn't drink.

According to the traditional wedding customs of the Mexica people, a dinner party is held at the home of the woman and the man. The first party is not allowed to drink alcohol, and the second party is only allowed to drink alcohol when you are over 30 years old.

Kakamazin looked at the sky, the moon was rising from the east, covered by the clouds in the night sky, it was a good night without light. With a smile on his face, he came to the center of the palace, raised his hands high, and announced loudly.

"...The light of the fire brings blessings! Light up the flaming torch, dispel the thick darkness, and **** the bride and groom to the high priest's mansion!"

"Okay! Light the torches!"

"Clouds protect the newlyweds and cover the evil moon!  …"

"The black wolf escorts the sun, waiting for the new day to rise!..."

Everyone stood up one after another, saying words of blessing in their mouths, and lighting a prepared torch in their hands. But for a moment, a little bit of fire surrounded Xiulot in the middle. Then, the torches on both sides branched out into a passage, and the dignified old woman came bending over, and carried a beautiful and delicate girl to Xiulot.


Shulot stared wide-eyed, staring intently, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Alyssa was wearing a pure white cotton gown, her black hair was bundled up, her crystal-clear feet were bare, and she was lying on the back of the wedding envoy. Her white robe was first slightly tightened, outlining a slender and well-fitting waist, and then slightly loosened, revealing her long white and pink legs.


Hearing her lover's call, Alyssa raised her head slightly, glanced boldly at Shulot, and responded in a low voice.

Her eyes were watery, and her expression was shy, yet charming. There was a touch of blush on her clear face, like a newly ripe apple, with some attractive greenness. Her soft lips were dyed with rouge, and they were as pink and tender as cherries, which made people eager to taste. Under the reflection of the fire, the girl's whole body was shrouded in warm orange light, giving people a strong urge to embrace.

Shulot pursed his lips and swallowed secretly. Seeing the old woman's back struggling, he took a step forward and stretched out his big hand to the tender girl...


Avit came later, and with a scepter in his hand, he blocked Shulot's hand. He gave Shulot a hard look, then turned his head and said to the old woman.

"Thank you, Auntie!"

"Haha, it's okay! Being able to marry behind Alyssa's back is my wish fulfilled!"

The old lady smiled heartily, with a calm and kind expression. According to the customs of the alliance, the bride must be carried from the woman's home to the man's home by a respectable old woman. During the whole process, there can be no substitutions, nor can the bride land on the ground. When the ceremony is completed, the bride has officially changed from a daughter in the father's family to a wife in the man's family.


Thinking of this, Avit lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes a little astringent. He gritted his teeth, glared at Shulot again, and shouted in a deep voice.


Hearing the king's call, everyone held torches and poured out of the palace together, forming a wedding procession of hundreds of people. At the center of the procession are the families of both parties, in the middle are the nobles of the alliance who follow, on the periphery are musicians playing and blessing singers, and at the periphery are royal warriors in robes and armor.

Everyone walked slowly while singing and playing music. A large group of people from the capital city were attracted to watch the wedding from a distance, and praised it loudly. From the King's Palace to the High Priest's Mansion, it took a short distance of two quarters of an hour before arriving at the brightly lit High Priest's Mansion.

The High Priest Shuttle was wearing a complicated dress and a bright feather crown, and he had already greeted the main entrance of the High Priest's Mansion. As the man's parent, he has been waiting in the mansion, preparing for the second dinner.

"Greetings to you, High Priest Shuttle! The main **** has brought glory, and the cardinal has brought good news!"

Kakamazin held a torch and stood at the forefront of the team. He bowed his head slightly, with a smile on his face.

"Blessed by the ancestors! The holy wedding is about to come, and a happy marriage is like the heaven and earth at night, where the union will never be separated!"

"Greetings, Elder Kakamazin!"

The high priest Shuttle stood at the door and looked at Xiulot from a distance. Afterwards, he lowered his head and gave a deep salute.

"Witnessed by the Lord God, blessed by the ancestors! The gate in the middle has been opened to welcome the holy wedding. The two parties of the wedding are like heaven and earth, they meet at night and give birth to divine descendants! From now on, only the call of the Lord God will separate them!"

After finishing speaking, the two old men smiled tacitly, touched their arms, and led the team behind them into the main entrance of the High Priest's Mansion. The two have known each other for many years, and their ages are not much different. In terms of seniority, they are clan brothers of the common grandfather.

The wedding procession filed in and gathered again in the garden of the High Priest's Mansion. The garden has a vast area, and in the middle is the altar of the main god. Under the sign of the main god, there is a huge fire pit that has just been dug. The firepit is filled with thatch, pine branches and spices, and in front of the firepit is a hemp mat of seven or eight square meters.

"...Light a new bonfire! Under the watchful eyes of the ancestors, the bride and groom sit on the mat, connecting each other as one with the ancient rituals passed down!"

After speaking, Kakamazin stretched out the torch and lit the bonfire with his own hands. The warm flames ignited immediately, and wisps of green smoke rose from the haystack. Soon, with the aid of pine resin, the flame grew rapidly, and the fragrance of pine resin mixed with pleasant spices spread throughout the garden.

Seeing this scene, Xiulot was a little nervous. Next, is the most important link in the wedding, the connection ceremony between the groom and the bride!

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, he was led by Uncle Kakamazin and sat on the left side of the marijuana mat. Uncle Kakamazin took off his robe, and removed his jacket, revealing the young man's sharp chest.

Then, panting and sweating, the old woman put Alyssa down on her back. After all, she is in her fifties, and even though she is physically strong, she is indeed a little tired after reciting for a long time. Fortunately, although Alyssa is very tall, her body is light and delicate like a cloud.

"Auntie, thank you!"

The girl in white thanked her and showed a happy smile. She shyly glanced at Shulot next to her, then bent her knees and sat barefoot on the right side of the mat.

Xiulot was sitting on the mat, with a slight weight on his right shoulder, leaning against a gentle man. A flame rose in his heart, he stretched out his arms vigorously, and embraced the soft girl in his arms.


Alyssa let out a low cry, her eyelids drooping, her face flushed. She turned her face slightly and pressed against Shulot's chest.

"Haha! The heroic jaguar and the beautiful white deer... are truly blessed by the Lord God, a wedding bestowed by the gods!"

Seeing this scene, the surrounding nobles laughed and sincerely praised. The Mexica Alliance has only been established for more than 50 years. Its style is simple and vigorous, and it still retains the traditions of many tribes and clans.

Xiulot put his arms around the beauty, feeling the tenderness in his arms. He sniffed lightly, and the girl's breath came to his nostrils, which made him fascinated.

"...The wedding ceremony, hurry up!"

As if hearing his call, Kakamazin laughed heartily. Holding a large black cloak in his hands, he smiled and walked to the hemp mat where the newcomer sat.

"Sholot, Alyssa! The ancestors of the Mexica royal family are watching you in the light of the fire, witnessing the sacred wedding!"

The elder Kakamazin called the two of them by their names and spoke loudly. There was a sudden silence in the garden, and everyone held their breath and stared intently. In the eyes of countless expectant eyes, Kakamazin unfolded the loose cloak with his own hands, covering the two newcomers who were sitting together!

The cloak fell, and Shulot put away his joy, and his expression became solemn. He tightened his arms, exerted a little force, and held the girl he loved tightly in his arms. Then, the young man silently bowed his head and solemnly swore in his heart! He wants to promise to love and stay together for the rest of his life with his ancestors, blood, gods and everything in awe!

Alyssa's face first showed joy, and then showed a little sadness. She raised her head slightly, and glanced at her father not far away, showing obvious reluctance. However, after a few breaths, she still turned her head and leaned **** her lover's strong chest, with a sweet smile from the bottom of her mouth.

Seeing his daughter's actions, Avitt clenched the magic staff tightly in his hand, feeling infinitely sad. He felt it in a daze, with joy in the bitterness, and a sense of melancholy in the joy. At this the voice, appearance and appearance of his late wife suddenly came to his mind, finally making his eyes moist and the corners of his mouth smiling.

Farther away, High Priest Shuttle stood upright, watching the two people in the cloak. His eyes were gratified, and a contented smile appeared on his old face. But before he knew it, the old man's spine became bent. And in that gratifying smile, there was deep reluctance and regret.

Beside the high priest, Xiu Suoke was laughing heartily, even opening his arms unconsciously. He looked at Yingwu's son with pride and joy on his face. After a while, he looked at his fat belly again, smiled and burst into tears inexplicably.

"The clan is passed on in the light of fire! The immortal ancestors of the royal family passed on the blood of divinity to you!"

Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of nobles, Kakamazin spoke again. He stretched out his hands, grabbed the corners of the cloak on both sides, and then caged them together, making a tight knot!

"Sholot, Alyssa! From now on, you are officially husband and wife! You will form a noble family, you will give birth to the descendants of the gods, and you will continue the blood of the royal family! You will blend together like blood and water. Let's go to the end of life together, until the day of death!"