Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 94: Questions and Answers with Destiny

The bright sun shines on the palace of the chief minister, reflecting the brilliance and tenderness of the painted curtains. And along the long stone road, deep into the interior of the palace, the darkness gradually swallowed the light, like a cold and hard stone brick replacing the soft cloth curtain, and the tentacles were cold.

The elder descended steadily and slowly, every step was like a ruler. It wasn't intentional, it was his habit of controlling his body with precision over the years. The leaders of all generations of Mexica were born of outstanding warriors, with the best teachers since childhood, and decades of constant training. When the elder was young, he was also a stubborn eagle warrior who fought **** battles with the Tepanek people for the establishment of the empire.

However, time has taken away the vitality of youth. The elder who has crossed the century can only walk slowly now. In order to take care of the physical strength of the elderly, the passage was deliberately built slowly and long, until the depths of darkness. There are solemn warriors and expensive candles. Candles light up the murals along the way, and also outline a solid stone gate.

It was pitch black inside the stone gate, and Avit sat down quietly with his legs crossed, closing his eyes and resting. In this deep and uninhabited space, he did not know how long it had passed. The ethereal sandalwood permeated his body and mind, and his thoughts gradually became ethereal, as if sinking into the depths of his body, feeling the power hidden in his body.

"Konglong..." The stone door slowly opened, and a little candlelight penetrated into the stone room, outlining the murals of the gods on the four walls, who were the majestic and unpredictable patron saints.

Avet opened his eyes and saw the vicissitudes and majestic elder. And behind the elder, the samurai chief holding a clay pot.

"Respected elder, your best descendant, Avite, salutes you!" Avite leaned down and saluted solemnly, without any dissatisfaction.

The elder silently watched Avit, watched his expression, listened to his voice and heartbeat, and watched his meticulous salute.

After a long time, he asked slowly.

"Avit, my child, you killed Tisok, your brother. Are you wrong?"

Avit was silent for a moment, then shook his head firmly.

"I am not wrong!"

The elder just looked at Avit calmly, with a mountain of pressure in his eyes. After a while, he continued to ask.

"My child, you are a descendant of Montezuma I. As long as you admit your mistake, I will forgive you."

Avit pondered for a moment, then firmly refused again.

"I'm not wrong! Tisok doesn't have the ability to lead the expansion of the alliance, he is not as good as me! I will lead the Mexicas to conquer the world!"

Listening to Avit's ambition, the elder did not waver. He still looked at Avit calmly, with even indifference in his eyes. Indifference reveals killing intent, like the will of a god.

Avette felt cold all over in an instant, as if he had fallen naked into a deep pool in February. This is the power that comes from being at the top, doing what you say, and mastering millions of lives. Aroused by this killing intent, he no longer concealed his prowess, and looked back at the elder equally ruthlessly, although his hands were trembling slightly.

After a long time, the elder nodded gently.

"As the supreme ruler, the reasons are not important, the means are not important, the right and wrong are not important. The only important thing is firm belief, unyielding will, efficient action, and correct goals."

"My child, tell me, what is a priest?"

Only then did Avit take a sigh of relief. He leaned slightly against the wall, feeling his limbs go weak. After a while, he answered calmly.

"Priests are the tools for the royal family to rule the alliance. They use the gods and rituals they create to maintain the bond between the people of the Mexica! They must obey the supreme king and serve the royal family in the name of God!"

The elderly cannot be denied. He calmly asked again.

"My child, tell me, what is a king?"

"The king is the king of the country, the supreme one. All priests, nobles and warriors must be loyal to him. And he will lead the warriors of Mexica to conquer the Tarasco, Tlaxcala, Sapo The Turks, the Mistecs, the Otomis, the Vastecs, the Totonaks...until the known world!"

Now that he has revealed his true face, Avet will no longer hide it. In his eyes is a burning desire, and in his words is the ambition to annex the world!

The elder remained unmoved. He quietly waited for Avit to calm down before asking again.

"My child, tell me, what does the future of the league look like?"

This time, Avit thought for a long time before answering seriously.

"The future of the Union is a vast nation, from the Great Lakes in the West to the Great Lakes in the East, from the White Calamity in the North to the Rainforests in the South, ruling all known lands. The King has supreme authority! The priests, under the King's orders, maintain The hearts and minds of the kingdom. The small nobles hand over the withholding taxes, the big nobles hand over the samurai they have kept privately, and the city owner of the city-state is decided by the king!"

Listening to Avit's description, the elder was silent for a long time. He made no evaluation, neither affirmation nor denial. Finally, he just said slowly.

"My child, remember what you said today, remember the goals you promised. You will encounter many choices in the future. When making choices, you must remember that in a country, no one is different. What can be sacrificed. The only difference is when, how much, and for what. As long as the value is enough, you and I can also sacrifice.”

After listening to the elder's words, Avit fell into deep thought. The elder watched him silently for a while, then turned and left, leaving his last words.

"This is the prayer room of the patron saint, Huizilopochtli. Before he ascended the throne, your eldest brother Asaya Katel fasted here for seven days, thinking about himself and the gods."

"My child, so do you. Seven days later, your enthronement ceremony will be."

The tall figure of the elder disappeared behind the stone gate. Shimen "empty long..." closed again. The stone room fell into complete darkness again.

Avette was still firm, he crossed his legs against the wall, relieved, and slowly fell into quiet breathing. Before the long silence, there was only one worry: what about Shulot now?

At this moment, in the depths of the earth not far away, in the same darkness and coldness, Shulot leaned against the wall, dazed. He suspects that he has taken the wrong script. This development is completely different from what he expected? He has fully demonstrated the potential of a great inventor, and as a result was thrown into the underground dark prison.

Shilot took a sniff, the air had a faint animal smell. He groped suspiciously, but the tentacles were cold. Just as he was startled, a cold smoothness snaked up his arms, and finally settled on his warm chest. A pointed tail poked his chin, then swirled around the teenager's neck, like a big "?" on his chest and neck.

The young man froze immediately, and he was in a cold sweat in an instant, not daring to move. He can already judge that this is a small snake. But without the light, he could not tell whether the snake was poisonous or not. Soon, the little snake fell asleep peacefully on the boy's comfortable chest, leaving behind a boy who couldn't fall asleep.

Time passed by in such a long time, it seemed that a whole century had passed. The teenager leaned against the wall, finally exhausted, and fell asleep with his head tilted. His saliva left along the corner of his mouth, along the snake's body, and wet his chest. In the dream, it is a sumptuous dinner.

After an unknown amount of time, he was awakened by the twisting of the snake's body. He subconsciously opened his sleepy eyes, and with a little candlelight, he looked down and saw a small emerald green snake. The little snake made a straight "!" sign on his chest, and then twisted quickly, driven by the unknown herbal breath, and got behind the boy.

Shulot raised his head following the scent of the herbal medicine, and vaguely saw a white-haired old man with a slight smile. He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look. There was only the tall and straight figure of the elder and his indifferent gaze. He sniffed again, and in the enclosed space, in addition to the mixed herbal smell, there was also a faint old man smell.

The elder looked at the boy silently, not knowing how long he had been standing here. But it shouldn't be too long, after all, water-bellied snakes have a very keen sense of smell. Yes, that's a little green water-bellied snake with a white "cotton mouth", a triangular head, knife-shaped pupils and fangs.

Shiroute carefully recalled the appearance of the snake, and cold sweat oozes from his back. The water-bellied snake is extremely venomous, and once it bites, it will attack within ten minutes. The wound was black and bleeding, and gradually spread inward. Once the internal organs bleed, no one could save them without the serum.

Of course, he didn't know that the water-belly snake's aggression was actually extremely low. As long as he doesn't threaten or hurt the little green snake, the little green snake will not use the extremely precious venom to attack him. Like most snakes, its diet is frogs, lizards, birds, or small, shallow-water fish.

The elder looked at Shiloh. This child is in a peaceful mood and is not rash, and it seems that he gets along well with the water-bellied snake. He stared at the boy with heavy eyes and said nothing.

Shulot thought for a while, then bowed his head and saluted seriously. He did not regard the elders as gods, but simply revered them. Respect for the great work that built the Aztec Empire and shaped the Mexica.

"Respected elder, the chief architect of the Mexicans, and the descendant of Vizily Vittel, Hulot, greets you!"

After all, he is the descendant of the third-generation ancestor Vizzili Vettel, Avit is the great-grandson of Vizzili Vettel, and the elder is the son of Vizzili Vettel, so he should also be the elder's son. Great-grandson?

The elder closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened it again, it was already bone-chilling indifference and Senhan's murderous intent. His gaze pierced into the boy's eyes, and an unquestionable power rushed toward his face, bringing a strong sense of danger that was approaching death. The boy took a step back subconsciously. He leaned against the wall tremblingly, barely supporting his body, avoiding the eyes of the elder.

"Son, you killed Tissok, your king. Do you plead guilty?"

Shiloh thought for a while, then simply shook his head, although he was still trembling.

"I'm not guilty! Tisok wanted to kill me several times, and I killed him first to protect myself. For the Alliance, Tisok is not a qualified king, and Avit is more suitable."

"Child, you killed the king, and your crime cannot be forgiven."

The words of the elder were as cold as snow and as hard as iron.

"Then take my life for it! It has nothing to do with my father, grandfather and Avit."

Shiroutte's legs were still weak. But this time, he finally raised his head stubbornly, looked at the elder firmly, mustered the courage of a warrior, and tried to minimize the tremor.

The elder was silent for a moment before asking in a low voice.

"Child, are you willing to dedicate your life to the gods?"

Shirou was stunned for a moment. He thought of the sacrifice ceremony, shivered again, and shook his head firmly.

The elder pondered for a moment, then changed another sentence.

"Child, are you willing to dedicate your life to the cause of the Mexica?"

This time, Shirot nodded without hesitation. The cause of the Mexica is now the cause of himself, his family, his family, and even his ethnic group.

The elder looked at Shirault's firm expression, serious expression, and nodding gesture. He paused for a moment, withdrew his awe-inspiring killing intent, and then asked again.

"Son, tell me, what is a priest?"

"Priests are people who worship the gods, preside over sacrificial ceremonies, and soothe the hearts of believers. Whether they believe in gods or not, they serve those who believe in gods and guide the hearts of believers. In our alliance, they use a common culture. And faith, the bond that connects the various city-states.”

Shilote thought for a moment, then replied frankly based on his own understanding.

The elder pondered the boy's answer. He felt a novelty that he hadn't seen in a long time, so he asked solemnly and ruthlessly.

"Child, do you believe in the existence of gods?"

Shulot shook his head. He opened his mouth to speak, but when he remembered his own experience, his words changed.

"Maybe there is. But they have nothing to do with the human world. We govern the country in the name of God. And the rise and fall of the country is only a matter of the human world."

The elder looked at the boy carefully for a moment. He also made no comment, just continued the test.

"Son, tell me, what is a king?"

"The king is the ruler of the country. They control the wealth and manpower of the country, and use these wealth and manpower to accomplish things that are meaningful to the country, to develop the strength of the country and maintain the stability of the country. For example, open up fields, build canals, unify Ministries, establishment of institutions. In our alliance, the king needs to lead the Mexica forward to overcome the difficulties and challenges of the future."

Shulot was thinking about the future, with hope and a heavy tone in his tone.

The elder looked down again. He pondered for a long time before continuing to ask questions.

"Son, tell me, what does the future of the league look like?"

This time, Shulot thought about it for a long time, from the beginning of civilization in the Stone Age, to the long development of the Iron Age, to the infinite development of the sailing age, and then to the reshaping of everything in the age of steam and electricity.

In the end, he shook his head slightly, those futures beyond the economic foundation and technological limitations of this era are meaningless now.

"The future of the Union is a unified and powerful country. We want to eliminate the Tarasques in the west and the Tlaxcalans in the east. We want to build a central hub of power and take back the power of the city-states. Build top-down The ruling system also provides a bottom-up promotion channel.

The Alliance wants to use metal farming tools and tools extensively, build long canals, develop commerce and mining, increase the production of food and other wealth, and cultivate the low-level warrior class who owns the land. Maintain the balance of power among the royal family, priests, great nobles, minor nobles, samurai and commoners, and keep the country stable.

And more importantly, we need to unify the words of the alliance, and use the form of books to spread the mythology, astronomy, geography, herbal medicine, sacrificial rituals, and ideas that the priests have in their hands. More importantly, establish the basis for ruling the country, that is, a perfect grammar system, and a code that clearly defines powers and responsibilities! "

This time, the elder pondered for a long, long time. He looked at the boy carefully again, and then asked calmly.

"Son, you own Su Hui. Some people say that you are the reincarnation of my eldest brother, Montezuma I, who will rule the country in the future. Do you think they are right?"

Shirault had just recovered from his imagination and outlook. Hearing this plain question, he felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. After a while, he answered with difficulty.

"I am not the reincarnation of Montezuma I, but I am eager to govern this country. Because only I can realize dreams that others cannot."

The elder nodded slightly for the first time. He returned to the previous topic, with some gentleness in his words.

"My child, you said that a code should be compiled in words. The code contains the principles of the country. Then, what is the content of the code?"

Hearing this, Shulot tried his best to recall. He first tried to recall the Great Law of the Ming Dynasty in this era. He only remembered the five major punishments: scorpion, stick, prisoner, flow, and death. He recalled the earlier content again, the criminal law of the Song Dynasty, do not kill scholar-officials? It doesn't seem right. Liu Bang contracted three chapters? It feels too short.

He changed his way of thinking, thinking of the Western Roman Code, the Law of the Twelve Tables, which seems to be closer, the Law of Nations, distinguishing between citizens and non-citizens, the Code of Justinian? What exactly is it.

I regret that I didn't study hard at the beginning. Sherlot sorted out the pieces of knowledge with difficulty, and slowly told it according to his own understanding.

"The code should strictly define the powers and duties of the various classes, and regulate the distribution and inheritance of property. The king has supreme power, limiting the power of priests and nobles, but guaranteeing the private property of citizens. We need to have citizenship laws for the Mexicans , the law of nations for other ministries, and the religious law to balance different religions. The maintenance of state affairs is based on the social contract of obedience to the law..."

The elder frowned slightly, and soon his face was expressionless. He patiently listened to all the memories of Sherlot, and then fell silent.

Shilot looked at the elder, but the elder looked at the stone wall opposite. Under the faint candlelight, the giant snake body of Feather Serpent God was engraved there, with three-color long feathers on the snake body, and a crawling crowd under the snake body.

The two watched for a long time before the elder spoke slowly.

"My child, this is the snake house of the old **** Feathered Serpent, which tests the priest's concentration, state of mind, wisdom, and divine protection. The priests will meditate here for seven days, accompany the snake, and pursue the **** in life and death. Revelation."

"Give him a potion and a candle." The elder instructed the warrior chief behind him. The samurai captain took out a tube of pale yellow potion from the pottery pot in his arms and placed it at the feet of Shilot. He lit another slender fish oil candle and stuck it on the wall.

"My child, I will give you candles and take a good look at the murals. I will give you potions, which you will use at critical moments."

"Starting tomorrow, I will come over and ask you about the text. You have seven days to think about it. After seven days, I will ask you the code again."

"Remember, you've lost a chance. For the sake of your gift, this is the last chance."

After speaking, the elder turned around without a pause, without explaining the effect of the potion.

If Shulot fed the potion to the water-belly snake, the snake would die. If he is accidentally bitten by a snake, applying the medicine on the wound can temporarily save his life. If he is stupid enough to drink the potion directly, then there is no need to think about who he should choose.

Fate lies in the choice of mortals.

Shilot watched the elder leave. He lost all his strength and fell on the straw-covered ground, ignoring the shimmering medicine beside him, and just lay and looked at the roof.

Under the faint candlelight, there is a human feathered snake god. He was smiling, white-skinned, and bearded, standing on a serpent boat, sailing toward the great lake in the east. Behind him, the crowd of weeping despair, and the taller God of War.

"It's a strange mural." Sherlot sighed, "It's a strange fate."

Smelling the terrible herbal smell and leaving, the little green snake got out of nowhere. It sits cross-legged on the chest and abdomen of the teenager, forming a ":" sign. Then he shook his head and "hiss" at the big snake on the roof, as if announcing something to drive the Feathered Serpent God out of his territory.

"What a strange little snake." The boy finally thought, and then he fell into an unknown dreamland.