Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 93: Questions and Answers with Destiny

After a short turbulence, Avit and Shilot disappeared into the hall. The samurai continued to revert to their sculptural appearance. Kechar bowed his hands, smiled as usual, and thought quickly. Uger was nervous and respectful, with a surprised look on his face, puzzled in his heart.

The old man still lowered his eyes, as if he was asleep or awake, not knowing where his thoughts were drifting. The hall was silent again.

The breeze blows the curtain of the gods in the palace. The sound of the wind turned into the self-talk of the saints between heaven and earth. It's just that no one can hear it clearly, the sacred whisper in the breeze. Thus, the incomprehensible murmur became the fate of mortals.

After a long time, the old man opened his eyes, and there was no wave in the ancient well.

"Ketchar, what do you think a priest is?"

Kechar's eyes narrowed. He can grasp the thoughts of most people and easily influence their feelings, but it is always difficult for him to grasp the elders. Like beasts on the ground, limited by the field of vision, they will never be able to see the sky above. And Yuntian itself has no emotions that can be used.

"Respected elder." Kechar pondered slightly, "Priests are God's listeners. They listen to God's will, and use rituals and thoughts to maintain God's kingdom and control God's people."

"But the will of God is hard to hear. To accurately grasp it, the priests can only rely on the truly great saint and obey the immortal sun, that is you!"

As for when the sun sets, or the saints cease to exist, what will happen to the priests? Kechar did not mention it, and the elders did not need to ask.

After listening to Kechar's words, the elder could not deny it. He made no comment, just looked at Uger.

"Ugel, what do you think a priest is?"

Hearing this, sweat seeped out from Uger's forehead. He replied cautiously.

"Dear elder, my opinion is similar to that of the chief priest."

"Well. Uger, what do you think a king is?"

Uger's body trembled. He lowered his head nervously, and the sweat ran across his cheeks from his forehead, straight down to his neck, and wet his wide clothes.

"Respected elder, from my shallow understanding, the king is the most noble bloodline, the leader of all nobles, and under the assistance of priests, is responsible for important matters of the alliance."

"Ugel, now I am in charge of the priests. If my opinion is different from that of the king, who will you listen to?"

The elder asked calmly.

"Of course I will listen to you." Ugel did not hesitate, this kind of test had been simulated countless times in his mind, and it was only the first time he used it today.

"Well. What if I'm gone? Who will you listen to?" The elder's voice remained calm.

Ugel was inexplicably horrified. He knelt on the ground with a plop, sweating like rain in an instant.

"This, this, this..., I only obey the elders, and I would never dare to think like this!"

The elder shook his head and did not let Uger get up. He just looked at Kechar.

"Ketchar, what do you think?"

"The king is the executor of the will of the gods. With law and force, he manages the kingdom of the world for the gods and provides the sacrifices needed by the gods. Between the king and you, you are naturally the greatest."

Kechar restrained his smile and answered seriously without hesitation.

"What if I'm gone?" The old man looked at Kechar.

Hearing this, Kechar saluted respectfully, and calmly exposed himself to the gaze of the elder. He carefully considered, the elders have always been selfless in state affairs. So, he raised his head, looked at the elder, and replied calmly.

"Then it depends on whether the king is a sage. The king who can implement the law of the elders is the successor sage, and he can also become the leader of the priests. If the king is not wise, he needs the persuasion and teaching of the priests. And the priests themselves, We must learn and master the will of the sages of the previous generation, learn to use the gods rationally, and lead the alliance on the journey."

Kechar is confident and determined. In his decades of study, he understood the elders' religious reforms, clearly understood the elders' governing philosophy, and was well versed in the elders' political skills. He considered himself the best heir.

The elder finally nodded, approving the chief priest.

"Ketchar, what do you think the future of the alliance is like?" The elder brought the examination school to the question.

"The future of the alliance is the ever-strengthening theocracy, the ever-expanding territory, and the ever-increasing city-states. The patron saint will become the main **** of the whole world, and all city-states will obey him! Your will will be enforced against the world."

Kechar replied respectfully and enthusiastically. He observed the elder's expression from the corner of his eye, and found a satisfied smile, which made him feel at ease.

"Well. Okay." The elder expressed his affirmation for the first time. "Uger, what do you think?"

"Elder... I, I have the same thoughts as the chief priest." Uger continued to kneel on the ground, shaking his head. The question and answer only took a moment, and his clothes were already soaked.

"Ugel, get up. You still have time to study."

After saying this, the elder ignored Uger who stood up tremblingly. He looked at Kechar again and asked calmly.

"Ketchar, what do you think of the words the child said?"

Kechar's heart was suddenly filled with alarm bells. He thought carefully, speculating on the thoughts of the elder. Then he smiled calmly, and answered cautiously and briefly.

"If it's what he said, of course it's a good thing for the alliance! However, this kind of writing is best left in the hands of priests and the royal family, and taught carefully."

The elder nodded slightly. He stopped asking questions, but pondered again. In the hall, there is only the sound of the wind rolling the curtain, stretching the gods of changing shapes. Until a noise came from under the palace.

The elder looked out the window and vaguely saw the noisy warriors, but his expression remained unchanged. After a while, a high-ranking samurai came hurriedly.

"Respected elder, Avit's family warriors haven't seen him for a long time, and now they are making noise under the instigation of several guard officers."

The elder nodded slightly. He stood up, walking slowly and steadily until he reached the fully open balcony. His figure was bathed in the midday sun, shining brightly like the sun.

The sculptural samurai captain followed. He took out a horn from the far north, from some kind of galloping beast. Then he blew hard, and the thick horn sounded through the heavens and the earth.

The two thousand family warriors under the palace heard the horn, raised their heads, and saw the white-haired old man who looked like a god.

"It's the great Sivakwatl! Chief Minister for fifty years! Our elders!"

The elder nobles looked at each other, and then knelt down without hesitation. This great figure accompanies them through childhood, adolescence, youth, manhood, and even old age, guiding every major event of the league. He has long since become a deified symbol, a symbol of omnipotence and authority, deeply engraved in the hearts of the Mexicans.

The big nobles first knelt down and salutes, and then the small nobles who have inheritance. The inheritance told them the greatness and majesty of the elders, and also told them the price of blood after disobeying the elders.

"It's the immortal sun! The sun still illuminates us!"

Then the older warriors reacted and immediately knelt down as well. This is the great elder they have obeyed since childhood, the sacredness of the world, leading the great cause of every expansion of the alliance.

The last ones kneeling were the young warriors. They had only seen the elder once, twelve years ago, at the death of Montezuma, the divine figure above the king, the mythical hero revered by everyone since childhood.

Two thousand warriors knelt down and surrendered one after another, and the palace was filled with praises. Only the young Stanley and the vicissitudes of Bertard were left on the field. Stanley showed anger, and knelt down unwillingly under the pull of the surrounding warriors. Bertard sighed and knelt down silently.

The elder nodded slightly. "Tell them that the king is going to fast for a week and be ready to take the throne."

Kechar bowed his head and obeyed, and then announced loudly.

"Loyal warriors, your Highness Avit will officially inherit the throne in a week. In order to dedicate his loyalty to the Supreme Patronus Huitzilopochtli, he will fast in the Chief Palace for a week in exchange for the Lord God's treatment of Mexico. Add the blessing of the people!

Warriors, I commend you for your loyalty, you are also loved by the God of War, and you will surely be blessed by the God of War! Now, go away, go back to your family, and pray for the great new king! "

The two thousand family warriors cheered. They bowed their heads and knelt down and paid homage to the elders. Acap was also very excited, he finally saw the elder!

Bertard sighed again, grabbed the young priest and hurried out of the city. Now, he couldn't trust anyone except the high priest of Teotihuacan.

Looking at the dispersed crowd, the elder looked calm. He turned back to the stone seat and commanded without emotion.

"Ketchar, you go down and prepare for Avit's enthronement ceremony in a week's time."

Kechar bowed his head respectfully. Afterwards, he hesitated again and again, but his scruples about Shilot still prevailed. So he knelt down on his knees and paid homage.

"Follow your will, venerable elder! Please allow me to take the liberty of asking, that child..."

The elder's gaze swept across, and Kechar immediately fell silent. He just put his head on the ground and saluted silently.

The elder was silent for a moment before speaking in a calm tone.

"Little Shuttle has sent a messenger. I'm here to see the child. I'm going to ask him about the text this week. You just have to do the ceremony well, and you'll be rewarded. Come on down."

Finally, the elder said with a deep meaning.

"It's time for the two priests of the alliance to unite again."

Kechar was overjoyed, and when Shilot died, he would have no worries. And when the two priesthood groups are united again, the chief priest group located in the center of power in the capital will control the supreme divine authority. And there is no doubt that he will also be at the top of the authority!

So Kechar put on a respectful smile and bowed his head in thanks. Ugel also trembled and said goodbye.

The two backed out of the hall, and then walked silently for a long time. Kechar sighed softly.

Ugel wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Kechar enviously: "Old man, you can say it. You can still have reason and evidence in front of the elders. Don't take any chance to remind me!"

Kechar glanced at Uger lightly, and said with a light smile: "Uger, the elder said, you still have time to learn. You just don't know what you can learn as an uncut rotten tree!"

The pressure of this question and answer was too great, and Kechar couldn't help but sneered a few words to vent his emotions.

Ugel blushed and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything after all. A gust of fresh wind blew through, taking away the sweat and heat, and he shivered all over. Yes, what can I learn by myself?

Kechar sighed in his heart: "Respected elder, at your age, you should go to the kingdom of God safely, instead of clinging to authority and worrying about trivial matters in the world. If it wasn't for you Pharmacy is much stronger than mine, your mind has no way of guessing, and your feelings are flawless... Your loyal servant has already given you a ride!"

He shook his head, put aside his unnecessary thoughts, and then strode away. He wants to do a good job of the enthronement ceremony of the new king.

The wind was still blowing, and the curtains on the palace were still chanting in a low voice, but the figure of the elder was nowhere to be seen.